
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · แฟนตาซี
234 Chs

Visitor Code

The pollution level of the big goose has deepened.

In Big Goose's eyes, this monster, which is a black goat, is a human being whose spirit has been severely polluted. His body organs have been displaced by an inexplicable force, and he feeds on the blood of rabbits.


The deformed monster slowly crawled over, opened his mouth and made a difficult sound, as if he wanted to say something.


Zhao Xiong was too lazy to pay attention to it, and a thunderbolt fell, blasting it into coke.

"Master Xiong doesn't like mutton?"

The big goose was a little stunned, wondering why Zhao Xiong killed the harmless black goat. Wouldn't it be fragrant to use it to rinse mutton?

A few soul stones floated from the corpse.

To my surprise, there was a note in the charred corpse.

Surprisingly, although there was no force, the monster's flesh and blood were smashed into carbon by the thunder, and the note could be preserved.

Slaughter found the blood substance, formed a human-sized palm, picked up a note and sent it to Zhao Xiong.

"3. If you see an employee in black overalls, please pretend that you can't hear what the other party says."

After reading it, Zhao Xiong found that this was one of the rules for tourists. It was the same as the handwritten code at the entrance of the zoo, and it was written by the same person who fell into madness.

"A black-clothed employee?"

mean it?

Zhao Xiong looked down at the charred corpse. The clothes this guy was wearing just now were indeed black.

However, it seemed to be bombed to death before it could say anything.

He glanced at the two shriveled human skins whose blood had been drained by monsters. There were actually two slips of paper under the skins. He picked them up to check, and there were two more tourist rules.

"1. If you see a rabbit running away on the side of the road, please stay away immediately, don't approach, don't touch, if you see someone wearing rabbit earrings, you must give up visiting the park."

"2. There is only one passage in the monkey area, and only apes are displayed. If you find two passages, please choose the one on the left, and end your visit to the park as quickly as possible."

Rabbit...the person who wears rabbit earrings?

Zhao Xiong thought about it for a while and didn't think he was interested, but there were indeed two passages when he passed through the monkey area. He chose the right passage by intuition, and then met this deformed monster that was regarded as a black goat by the big goose.

"Master Xiong, what is written on the note?"

Big Goose couldn't help asking.

"It says that if you see rabbits running and going crazy, kill them."

Zhao Xiong said lightly, and then added: "If you find a person wearing a rabbit headgear, they will be killed together with the rabbit."


The big goose was dumbfounded, not knowing why.

On the other hand, Zhao Xiong seemed to understand a little.

These notes should be someone deliberately guiding him.

If he had killed the humans who acted like rabbits just now, he would have obtained these notes directly, but he didn't do it until the deformed monsters blocked the way to destroy them, and then found the notes hidden inside.

Who the person who placed the note is not sure, but Zhao Xiong thinks it is very likely that the "it" behind the scenes did it deliberately.

It cannot be ruled out that it is the 'clue' that it sent to him on his own initiative, and that guy should have noticed his intrusion.

But Zhao Xiong didn't plan to do anything, just keep walking and see what other tricks that thing has.

Confidence comes from one's own strength.

The second tourist code on the note says that no one is allowed to choose the right channel, but now Zhao Xiong is on the right, contradicting the tourist code, so it is not clear what will happen next.

Even if he had obtained the note before, it is estimated that Zhao Xiong would choose the channel on the right.

Continuing along the passage, through a bamboo forest, nothing happened, and came to the beast area.

The words "Liger and Tiger Valley" are written on the road sign in front.

Entering it, Zhao Xiong saw dozens of beasts.

Their state at this time is very curious, and they are all in an unknown distortion, and they cannot bear to look directly at them.

Some lions have a frightened face of a woman, and some tigers' heads have disappeared, replaced by dozens of human hands and feet.

The head of a hybrid liger was opened with a large hole, and a man-eating plant rooted in the brain bloomed from inside; the temples of a male lion were transformed into white-flowered writhing maggots; there was even a The body of the lioness is full of human **** officials!

It seems to be a prank from the evil god, mixing different creatures together!

However, Big Goose couldn't see such a terrifying picture, and felt that everything was normal, except that there seemed to be four white lions who died violently in the corner.


Seeing Zhao Xiong, these deformed beasts immediately started to attack, trying to rush out from the guardrail.

The human face on the beast was also screaming in horror, making his San value go crazy.

Facing these weak chickens, Zhao Xiong shook his head and said nothing. The slaughter turned into countless tendrils and blades lashed out, killing them all and helping them end this painful deformity.

When the tendril returned, he also brought back a blood-stained note, which was another tourist guideline.

"4. Please make sure that the animals you see in the elephant area are elephants."

Continuing to walk forward, he came to the elephant area indicated by the note. There are several elephants here, and there are also distortions with different symptoms.

In particular, a giant elephant with a body length of nearly ten meters is the most miserable. It is full of blood holes, and the dense holes penetrate its body. You can see the bones inside and the empty abdominal cavity that has lost its internal organs. .

This is a different beast species whose bloodline has returned to its ancestors. The power of its bloodline is very powerful, but the process of returning to its ancestors was interrupted.

Zhao Xiong immediately helped it free, and slaughtered it with a knife between his eyebrows and killed it.

The slaughter also picked up a note from the rotting elephant carcass, which is the fifth article of the tourist code.

"5. There is no aquarium in this park. If a staff member sells you tickets for the aquarium, or you have seen the aquarium, please leave immediately."


Zhao Xiong took it down and turned to leave.

But when he left, the big goose was still standing in the elephant area in a daze.

Looking at the corpses of these elephants, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, because the big goose saw an elephant with rabbit ears.

"How could an elephant have rabbit ears! It's definitely an illusion!"

Big Goose hurriedly shook his head.

Opened his eyes again, and looked intently, the elephant with rabbit ears was gone.

"Huh, it really is an illusion, let's hurry up and find Master Xiong."

Big Goose realized that he had been away from Zhao Xiong for a long time. Although it looked safe here, his strength was too weak, and he could kill him by just passing by a little monster.

In the bear area in front, Zhao Xiong watched silently.

There was not a single living creature in the bear area at this time, whether it was a brown bear or a black bear, all the bears were killed.

They seemed to have died not long ago, and their death was miserable. They were pierced by sharp objects and hung high. The smelly blood flowed down the rusted iron rods.

"If there is only this level, it would be too disappointing for me."

Zhao Xiong's eyes flashed with the light of thunder.

This can be understood as "it" demonstrating to itself.

However, Zhao Xiong was obviously more angry.

The deformed creatures here are pitifully weak, at most at the critical level, and some of these animals have obviously shown signs of mutation or evolution, but they were stopped by the inexplicable power in the park.

It made Zhao Xiong very annoyed that their strength was stopped. The good zoo was so harassed by this dog, and it was impossible to find even a calamity-level mutant. It was a waste!

It is not known exactly what this "it" is, but it has a child's mind and likes to play. The creatures here are played by "it" into puppet playthings, turning this place into its playground, and now they dare to make fun of themselves.

It must be slaughtered!

Only in this way can I make up for my losses, otherwise, it would be a waste of time to come here all the way.

Although it looks calm on the surface, Zhao Xiong's heart is already surging with thunder and anger.

However, if you want to kill 'it', you must first find 'it'.

Zhao Xiong felt that this task might be handed over to Big Goose.

"Master Bear!"

The big goose, which arrived late, ran out of breath from the rear.

"Where have you been?"

"I took a little rest in the elephant area, and I can't keep up with you." The big goose squatted on the ground, panting heavily.

A trace of blood spread, and a note found from a bear corpse was sent to Zhao Xiong's eyes.

"6. Be wary of friends who have separated from you more than once, especially when they persuade you to go to the aquarium."

Zhao Xiong's eyes moved slightly.

"Look, Lord Bear!"

At this moment, the squatting goose suddenly got up, pointed to the front and said, "There is actually an aquarium in front of us. Let's go in and have a look. Maybe there will be something to gain from it."

Zhao Xiong raised his eyes and saw that there was only an open space and a few big trees in front of him, and it was completely empty.


So he gladly accepted.