

Sometime in November last year, I went to my local video shop to upload some videos to my memory card. One of those videos was JERSEY GIRL. It showed a widowed young man and the challenges of raising his little girl. It also made a lot of commotion about a show called CAT. All I got from the show stuff was different parents parading with their children in costumes of different species of cats and singing a song called MEMORY. That day, the system operator asked me a question, 'all these movies you have been watching, what have you done with them?' That question rekindled something that was long gone in me: the zeal to write.This is Saturday, the 13th of April, 2019. I am a Nigerian girl of Igbo origin, and the single mother of a one year old girl, who still depends on her widow mom for virtually everything. I know a bit of what it feels like to raise a girl all on your own. Jersey Girl's dad was a business man, I am a university student and I look forward to partnering with my baby in all of her school shows. I have always been fascinated with the supernatural, so my question to myself after Jersey Girl was this, why not create my own CAT?