
Chapter 6

Damira woke up early. She was still in her pajamas and a loose t-shirt as she slowly opened the door's lock. She looked around, hoping not to cross paths with Alexander.

She knew she had done wrong to the young man last night, but if he hadn't provoked her, she wouldn't have poured red wine on him.

She tiptoed until she reached the dining area. There was no one there yet, only the household staff cleaning. So she went to the balcony of the house. She took a deep breath while gazing at the beautiful view of this wealthy family's home.

"Enjoying the view?"

Her heart quickened when she heard the man's voice – Alexander. She didn't know what to do. Should she be aggressive this soon, or should she let him insult her again and push him away?

She heard his footsteps approaching. She was about to step back, but it was too late. They were both gazing at the scenery in front of them in silence. She didn't look at him. She kept her gaze fixed on what she could see. They were both quietly staring into the distance.

"Look." She involuntarily stepped back when he turned to face her. "I'm not a bad person, Damira. I came here to say sorry about what I said last night. But that doesn't mean I'm ready to marry you. I know I went below the belt with what I said last night, and I admit that. I just really don't want someone else making decisions for me.

"You probably understand me, right? I hope you'll change your mind as well. What will your mother say if she finds out that it's because of her that you decided on this arranged marriage?" he asked.

She took a deep breath.

"You don't know what you're feeling because your mother is fine. I don't know how long I'll be able to be with her, so I'll do whatever it takes to extend her life."

The man shook his head.

"Trinity is not our biological mother. Our mother died..." He stopped as he remembered the pain shared by Damira and his own mother. "...of cancer."

The woman fell silent. She didn't know what to think of what Alexander had said, but she couldn't help but be afraid because that's where her mother's journey had led.

"I don't care. That is my decision. I'm not the one choosing to marry you. If you can't live with me under the same roof, that's not my problem. You can treat me like air...just pass me by. But last night was the first and last time you'll speak to me like that."

She walked straight to her room, leaning against the door after locking it.

Honestly, there was something about Alexander's charisma. For now, she could still control herself in the presence of his captivating eyes, his lips that seemed tempting to kiss, and his arms that felt like they would protect her from any danger.

On the first morning their eyes met, she quickly admitted that she was attracted to him. And even though the man said that to her last night, she couldn't help but still admire him.

For now, it seems like she'll have to endure this situation. It looks like he has no plans to start a family and is fully focused on his business.

On the other hand, it seems they wouldn't be okay if their marriage were to happen. They would surely just clash because it seems like they have no similar personalities or interests to discuss.


Alexander nearly threw his phone, even though it was on silent. Luanne had been calling him for hours, even though he had just landed at the airport. During his three-day stay in Singapore, there wasn't a moment when she didn't message him.

He regretted becoming close to her in the first place and it had even reached the point where she wanted to marry him. Luanne was the type of woman who was incredibly difficult to be with, through thick and thin. She was demanding, high-maintenance, and had no sense of compromise.

He took a deep breath and then answered the call after stopping in the waiting area.


"Where are you? I'm already in the lobby," she said cheerfully.

"I told you not to pick me up because someone will be coming for me shortly."

"Who? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"O-of course not! There's no one..." He stammered.

"Then, I am going to pick you up. Wait for me. I'll just take my Dad's call."

Then she hung up.

Alexander needed to find a way to escape Luanne's grip, even if only for a while. While scrolling through his contacts, he paused at a name that shouldn't have been there.

"Who put you in here?" He muttered to the name displayed.

He was even more troubled. He couldn't call Trinity because Luanne knew her. He also couldn't call Steve to ask for a ride because Steve had a presentation today.

"Well, here goes."

He crossed his fingers and dialed Damira Pascual's number. He didn't know whether to hope she'd answer the call or not.

It rang several times. Damira was probably still asleep, as it was only 6 AM. Meanwhile, Luanne seemed wide awake, ready to see him at the drop of a hat.

"Hello..." As he heard her groggy morning voice, he couldn't make sense of the rhythm of his own heart.

He bit his lip.

"Hello. Who's this?"

He cleared his throat before answering, "Damira, it's me...Alexander."

He heard her chuckle. "Is this some kind of prank?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He replied irritably.

"How did you get my number?" She inquired further.

"I don't know why your number is in my contact, okay? Can we talk about it later? I can explain." He swallowed his pride before speaking again. "I need your help. Can you pick me up? I'm at the airport."

"Why? Can't you come home by yourself? Were you mugged?"

"I can answer your questions later, woman. Get up and hand your phone to Macario. Faster!"

He heard some shuffling on the other end and couldn't help but smile at her whispered complaints.

"I'm already with Macario." He heard a few more rustles before he heard the voice of his driver.

"Hello, Sir. Good morning."

"Pick me up at the café here in the airport. Talk to Carla and have her arrange Damira. Just a quick touch-up, please."

"Alright, Sir. Is she there?"

He knew who they were referring to.

"Yes. That's why I need her. Please get here as fast as you can. I might lose patience with this woman."

"Got it, Sir—"

"Wait! I haven't agreed—"

The call got cut off. He smiled again because he had trained Macario and Carla well for situations like this.

Now all he had to worry about was how to introduce Damira to Luanne when they came face to face. He sat down in the waiting area.

"Why does my headache seem to be getting worse with this decision?"