
Love in Amsterdam: Sabrina x Pia

Their journey took Sabrina and Jonas to the Netherlands, where a very rich and influential family wanted them to spend some time as bodyguards for their daughter.

Don't ask me why these two, of all people. Seriously, were there really no others?

The two sat at a table and waited for their employers. Jaguar took the leg of the grilled goose that was lying on the table. Sabrina poured herself some of the champagne.

"It's strange 3 months ago, we met in Edinburgh, then we travelled around the UK and now we're in Amsterdam." said Sabrina between gulps.

"Yeah, they'll be wondering forever how we got across the English Channel," Jonas said between bites.

Then their employers came in and sat down at the table with them, the Hakvoort couple. A short, bald man and a tall blonde woman.

"So in short, we want you to look after our daughter Pia. For some time now, a gang of criminals has been trying to blackmail us and threaten to harm our daughter. So the deal is as follows 10 million for you to protect our daughter and another 5 million if you find out who's behind it. "

"Honestly?" said Jaguar. "So, for another five million, we take out the competition. We'll separate their heads from their shoulders."

"Under these conditions, I suppose so," said Sabrina and poured herself a refill.

"Don't drink so much, eat some of the grilled vulture instead. It tastes good."

"....Also as I said. You will protect our daughter. "Said Mr Hakvoort.

"Is she hot?" asked Sabrina. Jaguar took the glass from her hand.

"Ok, you've had enough!"

"We think our daughter will do better with people her own age than with trained bodyguards," said Mrs Hakvoort.

Sabrina grinned. "The blonde has a point, I mean we both do ...." Jaguar interrupted her.

"Now hold your breath!"

"Ugh, is that an asshole."

"I have to excuse my sister. What she means is we have a deal."


The two began to settle into the family villa. Jaguar stopped in front of a strange dresser.

"Hell and brood, is that thing ugly."

Mrs Hakvoort stepped up to him indignantly. "That's a designer model. Do you have any idea how much this piece of furniture costs?"

"An insult and the salesman throws it at your head?"

Sabrina giggled, as she walked through the corridors of the villa, she suddenly bumped into something. As she looked at her counterpart, her eyes widened. They were holding a blonde girl, her age. They both blushed until a clearing of the throat from behind startled them. Jonas looked at both of them and directed the word and the girl.

"You must be Pia?"

"Yes." she said nodding.

"This is Sabrina and I'm Jonas. We're your new bodyguards."

"OK." she said, staring at Sabrina.

"I'll leave you two alone." said Jonas and went to his room. After 5 minutes Sabrina came to him where he was waiting for her with a grin.

"Aww, my little sister has a crush."

"I AM NOT!" she cried.

"I'm not blind after all. Although she is pretty and you two would make a cute couple."

"No, no..... thank you for your support, but no." she screamed and sat down at the table with him, blushing deeply. "What do I do, now?"

"Just talk to her."

"Will you help me?"

"I already had to help my brother with his wife. I'm not going through that again. You don't need my help, just talk to her."

"I can't."

"Are you a fox or a mouse?"


"Fox or mouse?"

"I AM A FOX!" she screamed and ran out of the room. Jonas lowered himself into the chair.

"Hah, I'm a good brother."

Sabrina knocked hesitantly on Pia's door.

"May I come in?"

"Yes." Sabrina entered and stood beside her.

"So... We're your bodyguards now. Huh. Funny, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Pia was visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Maybe we should get to know each other better! Hi, I'm Sabrina McLupin, but most people call me Vixen.

"Cool nickname. Say. Your companion, that's not really your brother, is it?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, first of all, you don't look anything alike. Also, you speak with a Scottish accent and he speaks with an English one."

"Yes you are right. We're not related by blood but we're like siblings." said Sabrina

"He's still creepy though."

"Yeah. But he's been through a lot, he grew up alone in the Amazon jungle. He once told me that he had to kill wild animals with a bite to the neck to keep from starving to death."

"That's disturbing."

"He's nice believe me, when you get to know him better he's a real softie. Plus he's really good at hugging you."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Hey, your city is really nice, would you show me around?"

".... Sure."

Pia showed Sabrina the city, a little shy at first, but the two quickly got closer and in the end they held hands.

In the evening she came back to the villa, a little embarrassed Sabrina said goodbye to her and went to her room. Pia wanted to go up the stairs, but when she looked up, she saw something that startled her and she stopped. Jaguar stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked at her with glowing eyes. Slowly he walked down the stairs, Pia backed away.

"You guys seem to be having a lot of fun?"


"I've never seen Sabrina so happy. Did she tell you that she had to grow up as an orphan, on the streets?"

"I don't understand what you're getting at," she said.

"I don't know if you're the right company for my little sister."

"Eh..ehm ... don't worry either, I like her." she said, trying hard not to shake.

"All right." he said and walked past her. But then he grabbed her shoulder and said softly in her ear.

"Break her heart and I'll rip out yours!"

Pia stopped, frozen. But when he had gone, she recovered herself and went to her room. With a thousand thoughts, she went to sleep.


The days passed, Sabrina and Pia became very close and Pia also slowly made friends with Jaguar.

Her parents were supposed to bring Pia to a business dinner at a fancy restaurant today. Jonas and Sabrina were also supposed to come along, but had a table further away.

In the evening, they sat in the restaurant. Sabrina filled out her trouser suit, visibly uncomfortable. Jaguar had no problem with his.

"If I catch that misogynist bastard who invented high heels, I'll slash him," she whispered.

A waiter a few tables away was trying to open a champagne bottle. When he finally succeeded, there was a loud plop. Jaguar and Vixen, standing up in a flash, pointed their guns at the waiter. All the people stared at the two.

"Don't do that again!" said Jaguar and the two sat back down, Pia trying to stifle a grin.

After a while a waiter came to their table.

"Do you want to order?"

"Yes, we do." said Jaguar.

"May I suggest that ..."

"You stop suggesting and bring some food for the gentleman and me!" said Vixen impatiently.

The waiter brought a tray with a roast and potatoes. He was about to serve them a spoonful of potatoes and a thin slice of roast. But Jaguar took the cutlery from his hand and placed the entire tray in their midst.

The waiter came back with a wine bottle and was about to pull out the cork. However, under the stern gaze of the two, he turned pale. Slowly he pulled the cork and then there was a very soft plop. Jaguar and Vixen nodded in agreement. The waiter poured them each a sip. Sabrina took the bottle from him and filled their glasses.

The rest of the evening went very quietly, until suddenly, several sinister-looking men entered the room. Their leader, a dark tanned man with a moustache, pulled out a pistol and shot into the ceiling.

"EVERYONE RISE UP AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP, IMMEDIATELY!" everyone in the room did as he said.

Only Jaguar and Vixen, remained seated and continued eating. This made the man very angry, he walked over to their table and slammed the gun barrel the table top. The two looked at him indifferently. Until Jaguar said.

"What does the scarecrow want from us ?"


"Why?" asked Vixen.

"Possibly it's fruit harvest and he wants to know how high you reach. Or he's just an armpit fetishist," Jaguar answered her.

"No, he looks like he's into something else entirely. I know, it's the chef who put in a dash too much pepper. And he's right, the food has too much pepper. What do you say, brother we give it back? " They took one side of the tray and Jaguar the other, then threw it right in the man's face, he fell over backwards.

"HAVE YOU BEEN HURT, MILAN?" his four men heard in chorus. " Get them!"

Vixen grabbed the tablet and blocked each of the men's punches, knocking them down as they rubbed their aching hands.

Jaguar blocked one of the blows and hit the man in the back of the head with the flat of his hand so that he crashed into a table and it broke. Another, he grabbed by the jacket, dragged him to the door and threw him out on edge. "Get that rubbish out of here!" he said.

Then they heard a woman's scream, one of the men had grabbed Pia and was trying to drag her out of the room. Vixen pulled one of her knives and was it the man in the shoulder, he let go of Pia. Vixen kicked him in the knee and knocked him unconscious with her elbow. Pia fell into Sabrina's arms.

As it turns out, the men belonged to a man called Milan. A few days later, all sorts of things calmed down, Pia's parents decided that from now on she would always be guarded. Much to Sabrina's delight.


One early evening, Pia and Sabrina came home from a visit to the cinema. They heard piano music from the living room. When they entered the room, Jonas was sitting at a grand piano and playing the keys, then he suddenly began to sing in a quiet, warm voice:

Whatever might expect me out there.

It moves even further away each and every new day.

I chase the dreams.

My heart, it weighs so heavy.

No matter where my home may be.

Something remains there which I miss,

It weighs on me like a curse.

Never to find what I'm searching for.

Desire is my navigator.

It pulls me away and pushes me onward.

And when I'm gone, I want to go home.

It never leaves me alone.

Chased by solitude.

No sea too deep.

No path too long.

And I won't arrive anyway

Desire is my navigator

The stars in the sky

Are like companions on the path.

The evening breeze carries me away.

With course set for the horizon.

The yonder sings it's old song.

Which attracts me magically.

So I strive forever.

Only for the infinity

When he had finished singing, Pia stepped behind him. "That was very nice." she said.

"Thank you." he replied and continued playing.

"Where did you learn to play the piano?" asked Sabrina, leaning her arm on the piano.

"I was three years, advisor to a king of a small island. A rather boring job. So I was always looking for new things to do."

The next morning, Jaguar was awakened by the alarm sound of his communicator. As he went to get up, Sabrina's voice rang out.

"Jonas, can you please come over to my room? I need your help."

He stepped into her room and saw...something strange.....Sabrina was hanging from the chandelier, convulsively trying to hold on to the metal.

"How in thirteen devils' names did you do that again?"

"Pia and I, we were watching this Jumanji movie at the cinema yesterday and there was this martial artist. And she could jump and dance fight and...."

"And you thought what she could do, you could do too?"

"Yes." she said, slightly embarrassed. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Hey, is everything okay?" said Pia on the other side.

Sabrina shook her head in panic while Jaguar grinned.

"Sure come in." he said.

"Oh, you're such a.....Hi Pia."

"Um....what are you doing?"

"Hanging out."

"Boo." said Jaguar then gently floated her to the floor.

Later that day, the two were taking a stroll through the city when they came across Jaguar watching a group of children in the courtyard of a school. When Sabrina put a hand on his shoulder, she said.

"Hey don't watch the kids too long, it'll get weird."

"I'm just thinking. The kids here study, play, meet friends and go to school. While I was all these years, all alone in the jungle, fighting to survive every day."

"I'm sorry." said Pia softly and Sabrina slowly took her hand off his shoulder too.

"I'm fine." he said quickly. ".... just sit here for a moment."

It was evening, Sabrina and Pia were walking through the streets, Jonas following them at some distance. He was in disguise, a grey-haired man with glasses.

Then he ran to them, took them both by the shoulder and spoke. "Follow me to the side street! We are being tracked." They walked quietly but quickly to the other street and sat down on a bench. Sabrina took her sunglasses from her jacket pocket and gave them to Pia, Jaguar put his wig on her head.

"Now stay calm!" he said, taking a few steps back and leaning against a lamppost. Shortly after, 3 men passed by and looked around, then the three, addressed Sabrina and Jonas.

"Hey, did you see a blonde girl walk by?"

"Not me." said Sabrina and turned to Jonas. "What about you? Have you had a blonde girl for breakfast?"

"I'm on a diet, remember?"

"Have you seen two strange figures then?"

"Is one, an obnoxious nuisance, with a stupid haircut?" said Jonas.

"And the other, pale as a vampire, with a face like a street cat after a traffic accident?"

"Well, we've never seen them."

The men walk on, then Pia suddenly started laughing.

"Oh man, they're stupid. That was really exciting." she hugged Sabrina. "Thank you. You are really very good friends. You too Jonas, even though I was really scared of you at first."

"I get that a lot," he said with a grin.


Two weeks later, Jaguar was sitting in a harbour pub talking to a tall, blond young man.

"I was the best engineer in Iceland, but one negative word against my professor and they throw me out of the university. Now I've been here for three months and have to screw around with rusty engines."

"Are you also good at taking care of ship engines?" said Jaguar with interest.

"Blindfolded." he said, taking a sip from a pint glass.

"Then you're just who I'm looking for. Welcome aboard." said Jaguar, holding out his hand. The man took his hand and shook it.

"Thank you. You can count on me Captain.... you know, a few weeks ago, I met a young woman, a Chinese woman. She, was a medical student, but was dismissed in the last semester because the teachers did not agree with her kind of methods. Could she possibly come on board."

"Do those methods work?"

"Excellent. You haven't seen anything like it."

"Then bring her on!"

Then Sabrina came up to him, she had a sad expression on her face.

"It's going very well. I've already hired an interesting crew, all misfits and outsiders just like us....is something wrong?"

"Well..." she said, trying to find the right words. "Pia's parents, asked me to be their full time bodyguard...and I agreed."

Jaguar's face took on a puzzled expression.

"Uh-huh...I see...well, all right. You go ahead. I'll be glad when you're gone. No one to follow me around all the time, no one to bug me 24/7, Finally, peace again." he said, trying hard to sound angry. Sabrina got tears in her eyes, then hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you too. You were the best big brother anyone could ask for." Jaguar tried to play down his sadness, but then he hugged her too.

The next day, Jaguar stood at the entrance to the villa.

"So...I guess this is goodbye?"

"Yes." said Sabrina sadly. Jaguar took her in his arms.

"Never forget, you'll always be my little sister!"

"Thank you, big brother."

He let go of her and left.

Sabrina watched him go until Pia took her by the hand. Now Sabrina was finally going to take heart.

"PIA...I wanted to tell you....I....so....I"

"I like you too." Pia interrupted her and grinned at her.

And for a moment, everything was perfect. Then Sabrina felt a pain at the back of her head and her eyes went black.

When she regained consciousness, it was already evening, Pia had disappeared and someone had pressed a note into her hand, saying:

"Bring us the 15 million, from your reward, to the old church tonight or you will never see the girl again."

Sabrina was shocked, but she had to keep calm now, just like Jonas always told her. Jonas...the only one who could help her now.

She jumped up and ran towards the harbour where Jonas was giving instructions to some workers who were loading a ship. She ran towards him.

"Don't pretend to be tired, I want to sail in a few days!"

"Jonas, Jonas." He turned to her.

"Don't tell me you've changed your mind!"

"This Milan has kidnapped Pia and he wants us to take him the 15 million to the old church."

"What? Come with me!" he took her by the shoulder and led her to a car. They got in and drove off.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to rescue your girlfriend!"

"She's not my..." Jaguar stared at her. "All right, all right."

Arriving at the old church, they got out and climbed the stairs.

"Are you nervous?" asked Sabrina.

"No, I'm just trying hard not to burst into flames."

"I thought you hate those vampire comparisons."

He just shrugged.

Then something tall and lanky jumped down from above. It was an Omnic, with huge knives instead of hands. Jaguar leapt at it and yanked it to the ground.

"RUN!" screamed to Sabrina.

The Omnic, cut him across the chest with its knives. The light blue fabric of his shirt turned red. Jaguar responded by tearing a piece of metal from his opponent's side with his claws.

Sabrina ran up the stairs. Then she spotted Pia, she was chained to a battlement and hanging dangerously over the precipice.

"PIA!" she screamed.


"Hold on, I'm coming for you!"

"As if I could get out of here!"

Jaguar was bleeding from half a dozen wounds and breathing heavily. As the Omnic lunged forward again, Jaguar grabbed him by the arm and urged him towards the banister.

"You are forgiven!" he shouted, and threw him over the banister into the depths. The omnic shattered. He tried to climb the stairs, but halfway up, he sank to his knees. Blood ran in streams down the stairs and stained the steps red.

Sabrina hurried to Pia, but Milan stood in her way.

"Where's the goddamn...." he never finished the sentence. Sabrina jumped forward and jammed her knife into his chest.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" she screamed at him.

She tried to pull Pia up by her chain, but unfortunately, the floor was very wet. She slipped and fell over the railing. Fortunately, someone grabbed her by the arm. She looked up and saw the glowing green eyes of Jaguar.

"I really caught the dumbest fox there, really thought she could fly."

"Do you have to have a dry line to everything?" asked Pia.

"You get used to it."

"I can still let you go," he said.


Three days later at the harbour:

"And what are you going to call her?" asked Sabrina.

"I was thinking of "The Scarlett Witch". Are you sure you want to come?"

"Pia's parents want to send her to a boarding school far away. And what can I say? Me, among countless snobby, spoiled idiots. I'd go crazy there."

"I see. Won't you miss her?"

"Maybe. But hey, I'll get over it. But the goodbye was intense."

"Your hair is dishevelled and you have strange marks on your neck. Very emotional goodbye huh?" he asked with a grin.

"Well great, my big brother is Sherlock Holmes." she said sheepishly. "And I mean who was she. A spoilt, know-it-all...sweet, pretty....Why are you grinning like that?"

"Turn around!" he said.

She did so and saw...Pia with a suitcase in her hand waving at her. Sabrina waved back.

"So, um. What are you doing here?"

"I thought it was about time I made my own decisions and went out to see the world. Besides, there's someone I'd really miss." she then stepped up to Jaguar, who looked at her appraisingly.

"So if I can come?"

"Well, I don't know...do you have any special talents?"

"I'm pretty smart, but other than that...no."

"So you're just a spoilt girl who wants to see the world?"

She nodded.

"Well then." he held out his hand to her. "Welcome aboard."

She took his hand away and hugged him. He hugged her back.

"Hey, you're really good at hugging."

"Yeah, I know."

"Can I call you big brother now too?"

He took a deep breath.


A tall, blond man approached, a young Chinese woman walking behind him.

"Erik Stefansson. I'm the chief mechanic."

"Lin Yongli. I'm the medic." she said, raking in Erik.

Sabrina and Pia, took each other by the hand and walked out onto the deck of the ship. They leaned against the railing and looked out to sea. Jaguar stepped up to the wheel, a holographic keyboard appeared, he pressed some buttons.

"Where are we going first?" asked Pia.

"I know a nice little island that I think you might like."

The blood-red sails were unfurled, the engine started and the "Scarlett Witch" sailed off into the distance, towards the horizon.
