2 Collision

He was zoning out again.

The teacher was covering a topic that Izuku had mastered weeks ago, and that meant that Izuku's hyper-active mind was searching for something to latch onto.

'That fight this morning was a great intro for Mt. Lady, though I really wish I could have seen

Kamui's super move. I wonder what the upper limit is…' "Deku, shut up." Katsuki hissed back at him.

"Midoriya, I know you already know this, but if you have something to add to the lesson, at least speak up." The whole classroom was staring at him now.

"I'm sorry!" Izuku whipped his head back down to his notebook.

"Told you." Katsuki shot back.

He grinned back at Izuku, who nodded with a smirk.

His obsession with heroes and free time had created something of a savant in the boy, especially when it came to quirks, his numerous notebooks being proof.

After the class was over, Katsuki looked down at Izuku's notebook.

"Number 15, already? You were on 14 just last week." Katsuki said with a scoff.

"Well, there have been a lot of new heroes, and you know I can't miss anything."

Izuku scratched the back of his head nervously, before looking back up at Katsuki.

"Besides if we want to be the best heroes, we need to be prepared. You know that."

"Of course, I know that, Deku. What kind of loser do you think I am?" Katsuki was many things, but a poor study, he wasn't. Only behind Izuku in the class, he knew more than he let on.

"Anyway, I'm going to go hang out with those two losers, what's-his-face and Long Fingers, at the arcade. Make them shut up for a week. I'll see you later, Deku."

He turned and walked out of the classroom, followed by his almost-friends. Izuku turned to his bag as he packed, "Sure! Just don't forget to meet up tonight!" "I WON'T!" Katsuki yelled from the hall, making Izuku chuckle.

'I bet that Mt. Lady's quirk really tires her out, it would take a lot of energy to move a large body like that.'

On his walks home, Izuku liked to go over his notes, mostly because it was a good time to think and he was usually alone.

'She would have to eat a lot to maintain the energy level.' He was so focused that he didn't notice the green and brown slime that was oozing out of the sewer grate as he walked over it.

"What's this? A perfect specimen to hide in! Delivered right to me! Perfect!" The slime latched onto Izuku's foot and leg and began to climb.

"Don't worry kid, I'm just taking over your body for a bit. I didn't know HE was in town."

Izuku's heart rate spiked, and as he turned to face the villain with his fist pulled back, he yelled, "Get Back!"

He launched his fist, and the strong blast hurled some of the villain back, but the liquid was too strong.

"You've got some power, kid! You really are the perfect package. I'll be able to fight back with your quirk at my disposal."

But as the villain reached Izuku's throat and started to climb into his mouth and nose, the sludge started to slow down.

"W-what is this? You're getting cold, kid! What are you doing to me?!"

Ice crystals started to form across the goo that was touching Izuku as he started to fade from consciousness.

The sewer grate was forced up with a blast of air.

The villain turned back as he started to freeze over. "A-All Mmi-ight?!"

"Have no fear. I am here." Everything faded to black.

"Hey, kid! Wake up!"

Izuku felt a warm, rapid tap on his cheek.

"All Might?!" He sat up rapidly.

"Ah, good to see you are still with us! Sorry for getting you caught up in my work!"

All Might, in all of his glory, stood above him. He had his trademark smile and Izuku could only stare, not quite believing his eyes.

"Turns out this city's sewer system is a maze! But thank you for your help! I captured the villain!"

All Might held up two bottles with frosty green liquid in them.

Izuku started sputtering, "P-Please sign my notebook!" He pulled out number 15 and found the next two pages covered in the giant man's huge script. 'He already signed it!' Izuku squealed to himself.

"Thank you, All Might!" he said while taking enormous bows.

"My pleasure, young man. Now I must be off! Gotta get this evildoer to the police." "Wait! I need to know!" Izuku reached out, then stared at his hand.

"Can I be a hero with a dangerous quirk?"


All Might stopped tensing up and stood up. He turned and looked at Izuku.

"Dangerous quirk? What do you mean? You helped me stop the villain by freezing him, didn't you?"

Izuku looked down for a bit, then back up at his idol.

"My quirk isn't freezing. I absorb energy. I was freezing him by taking his heat. If you hadn't stopped him, he would have died." Izuku said quietly, his head hanging.

"My quirk is dangerous. If I'm not careful with what and who I touch, I could hurt or kill someone."

"But I still want to be a hero!" He said as he lifted his head to meet All Might's stare.

All Might pondered for just a second.

"Yes, my boy, I believe you can be a hero, but you must know that even heroes struggle with controlling their power."

All Might pulled out his huge fist and clenched it.

"I have to be careful every second of every day with my power. Learn to control and use your quirk properly, and you can become a great hero."

Izuku thought for a second, and then a large smile crossed his face.

"Thank you, All Might! I know I can do it."

"Good. I look forward to working with you someday. That power of yours could be very useful."

All Might turned again. "Now, stand back. I'm taking off!"

And just like that, he leaped over the buildings, flying out of the area.

'Maybe. Just Maybe. He has great potential.'

All Might smiled a little, then coughed. A small drop of blood ran across his cheek.


He was pondering All Might's words as he walked home. 'Proper training is required. That settles it. I have to get into UA.'

An explosion down the street broke Izuku out of his reverie.

He rushed down the street, hoping to catch more heroes in action for his notes.

"That's Death Arms again, and Backdraft is taking care of the fires. But…" He stared at the green goo in the street.

'Th-That's the sludge villain! Where's All Might!? Why aren't the heroes doing anything?'

There was another large explosion, and Izuku stared at the sludge villain. 'He didn't do that with me. What's going on?'

Then he saw the head of spiky blond hair of someone else the sludge villain had captured.

'NO. NO! Kacchan!'

He moved. Faster than he had ever moved before. He leaped towards the villain in a blink, surprising everyone and himself. He felt the heat of the fire, and pulled. It obeyed and flooded towards his outstretched hands.

"I WON'T LET YOU! YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!" Izuku bellowed as he threw his fist as hard as he could.

A solid ring of white light started at his shoulder, traveled down his arm, and pushed out from his fist as he reached the apex of his punch. The light shuddered out in a colossal blast and explosion that ripped through the sludge instantly. In the same move, he grabbed Katsuki's arm and pulled him back, freeing his friend from the monster.

They tumbled back, Katsuki trying to catch his breath.


Eyes wide, the boys looked in shock as the Villain coalesced into his singular form again.


He lunged for them, Izuku and Katsuki staring.


A huge blast of wind swept from just behind them and blew the villain into thousands of parts.

All Might, leaning over, out of breath, with his arm extended was to their right.

The wind continued for a couple of seconds, and the once clear sky started to cloud over.

Small drops of rain started to fall.

The crowd watching exploded into cheers, while the pros looked at All Might, raising his fist in the rain.

Izuku had been talked down to for his quirk before, but never because he saved someone. The reprimand he got from the pros was embarrassing and disheartening. He just helped save his friend, but the pros didn't see it like that.

"There was no need to rush in there! You could have gotten yourself hurt!"

"You need to control your power before you can just throw a punch like that. What if you had missed?"

He didn't care though. He left to go home after the medics checked him out. 'Well, at least Kacchan is okay. I hope All Might doesn't think less of me for that.' He continued his walk home.

His phone vibrated in his pocket.

Checking it, he saw Katsuki sent him a text.

Bomber-Man: Oi, Deku! Don't think for 1 sec that u saving me gives u an edge over me.

ALL MIGHT: I'm just glad you're ok, Kacchan. That villain was tough.

Bomber-Man: Yeah, yeah, but not as tough as me. I would have figured it out. Don't go saving

anyone else without me.

ALL MIGHT: I won't. Need you there to make me stronger, or did you forget?

Izuku chuckled at that thought.

'Not that I really do need him, but he is handy to have around.'

All Might managed to get away from the reporters and tore after Izuku. He knew now what he needed to do.

'Where is he? I swear I saw him go this way. AH!'


Izuku sprung back, heart-pounding as the massive hero appeared around the corner.

"ALL MIGHT! What are you doing here!?"

"I'm sorry for startling you, my boy, but I need to talk to you again. You see-" Steam and then a small explosion of smoke, and All Might's huge form had vanished, replaced by a thin, lanky man.

"AHH! WHO ARE YOU!? WHERE's ALL MIGHT!?" Izuku yelled, not trusting his eyes.

"I assure you, young man, I am All Might. Just keep it down and I'll explain everything."

Izuku looked puzzled and skeptical. 'The eyes and hair are right, but this person in front of me...this can't be All Might.'

All Might in his true form sat down against the wall of the small street they were on.

"Sorry again, this is going to be a lot to take in. So please just listen. I'm trusting you, so don't go posting this online. What's your name, kid?" All Might looked down at his large, skinny hand, and then back at Izuku.

"Izuku Midoriya, sir." He bowed slightly, never taking his eyes off the man.

"Well, young Midoriya, you know how guys at the pool suck in their gut to try to hide it? That's me." All Might said, looking up to Izuku, still with a look of shock on his face.

He pulled up the left side of his shirt, a huge scar covering his left side, stitches, and strips of skin scarred over clearly visible.

"I got this in a big fight about 5 years back. I lost a lung, part of my liver, and my whole stomach. I can only keep my big form for a couple of hours a day."

'Five years ago?' Izuku started reeling through his knowledge.

"The fight with Toxic Chainsaw did that?" Izuku said incredulously.

He remembered All Might finishing that fight without a scratch, just like all of his fights.

"Heh, you know your stuff. But no, he was tough, but Toxic couldn't do this much to me. No, this fight was never talked about, and I went to great lengths to keep it that way."

All Might took a deep, shuddering breath, memories drifting through his mind.

"And what do you mean only a couple of hours a day? You aren't dying, are you?" Izuku got worried at that thought.

This was All Might, the Number 1 hero.

'He couldn't die from a wound. Could he?'

"No no, kid, I'm not dying, at least not yet, anyway. Too much to do first. But yes, only a couple of hours a day. I was just at my limit when I rescued you the first time. But then I must have lost the villain in my jump."

'Oh, that explains why he was loose.'

"But when I saw you the second time, something was very different. Tell me something, when you leaped to help your friend, you weren't thinking, were you?" Izuku just stared at All Might, thinking.

"N-no, my legs just started moving by themselves. I needed to save him. I wasn't going to let him die, not when I could do something about it." All Might smiled widely.

"I figured that was the case. Most of the top heroes have something in common, more than most people realize." He pointed to Izuku.

"Their bodies moved before they could think. They leaped into action."

"What I said to you earlier, I meant every word, even if you doubted yourself, Midoriya. You can be a hero. And from what I have seen today, I know with every fiber of my being, that you will be the greatest."

Izuku couldn't stop them. His eyes started watering, tears flowing down his cheek as he doubled over. His emotions overflowing.

'HE believes in me. More than I believe in myself!'

"So, Young man, I ask you now. Do you want to accept my power and inherit my quirk?" Izuku looked up and blinked the tears from his eyes.


He still didn't quite believe it.

He didn't know if he ever would.

Izuku was walking up the stairs to his apartment, going over what All Might had told him. One for All, the power to stockpile power and pass it down. All Might was going to train him to become his successor.

It didn't really register.

"Mom? I'm home!"

"IZUKU, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I WAS SO WORRIED!", his mom yelled as he walked


She slammed into him, giving him a huge hug.

"Hehe, sorry mom, got stuck on the way home." He tried to play it off.

"I know! I saw the news! You jumped into the fight! You scared me so badly!" His mother was still crying.

"Yeah, I couldn't just stand there, Mom. It was Kacchan." Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"Still. You know I'm going to worry. It's my job." She let him go and stood back.

She looked up into his eyes and saw a spark that wasn't there that morning.

"Did something else happen after?" His mom was too quick.

"Yeah, uh, I got to meet All Might!" Izuku pulled out his notebook and showed her the autograph, beaming at it.

"And he, uh, well, he offered to train me. He wanted to help me make sure my quirk is taken care of properly." He didn't tell her the secret details. Not his to share anyway.

"Really?! Oh, honey, that's amazing! How nice of him!" Inko turned around to go back to the kitchen.

"Dinner is ready, so wash up and come eat." At that, Izuku's stomach gurgled loudly. He had used more power today than he meant to, and it was time to fill up.

All Might sent Izuku the details for their next meetup, and two days later, Izuku met him at Takoba Municipal Beach. It was a rather depressing sight. Trash littered the whole beach.

"Young Midoriya, I have created a proper training schedule for you. We need to improve your body so you can handle my power. Now before we begin, let's get an idea of your own power."

Izuku tensed up. He was about to put everything out for All Might to see.

'What do you have to worry about? He told you his secret. Now tell him yours.'

"You said that you can absorb energy, but I saw that punch you threw. It was very similar to my punches, though not as strong."

"Y-yeah. I can absorb all forms of energy, including kinetic energy. I can also force it to leave my body."

He picked up a toaster that was on the ground and pushed his hands against it.

"I can throw super powerful punches by creating concussive energy pulses in my hands."

The toaster started to slowly glow where his hands were placed against it. All Might stared at it, incredulously.

"I can also direct energy into objects, like heating up this toaster."

The metal shell of the toaster was red hot and starting to drip onto the beach. After the metal shell was liquid and the internals were exposed, Izuku threw it on the pile of trash behind him.

"I'm also stronger than I look, and my bones are denser as well. Doctors thought that my quirk made it so my body could handle more power. I'm scared to use too much power, though. It's hard to control when I have too much."

'This kid has so much power already. It's almost scary. He'll be perfect for One for All.'

All Might looked back up at Izuku and smiled broadly. "Young Midoriya, I knew I chose right. You have the mind and spirit of a hero, a body built to get you there, and a quirk that fits you perfectly."

Izuku smiled up at him. 'He isn't scared of me? Of my power?'

"But while telling me what you can do is good, I need to see if for myself. We need to judge how far you need to go."

All Might deflated suddenly, startling Izuku.

"Sorry, kid. I had to relax a bit. By the way, when I'm like this, I want you to call me Toshinorisensei. I am Yagi Toshinori. Not many people know about my secret, so we'll need to be careful."

"I understand, Toshinori-sensei," Izuku said with a bow.

"Now, here's what you are going to do. I want you to punch as hard as you can, without using your quirk. Just you, no powers. Hit this fridge."

Toshinori moved to the side as Izuku squared up.

'No powers. Just me'

Izuku threw the hardest punch he could manage, cocking back his fist and tightening his muscles as much as he could before he could feel the pull of his power.

He let his fist fly, and it collided with the fridge, put a huge dent right into the front door, then launching it back a couple of meters.

Toshinori eyed the damage with curiosity.

"That was without any power? You are that strong without anything from your quirk?" Toshinori looked at Izuku with a gleam in his eye.

'He's stronger than I was when I was his age. He's going to take to One for All like a natural.'

Izuku chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, my quirk makes me a lot stronger than I normally would be."

"This is excellent, Midoriya. This means that we can advance your schedule more than I had hoped! Alright, for the next test, I want you to use your quirk. Same thing. Hit the fridge. Use as much power as you can muster."

Izuku's smile faltered. "A-All of it? Are you sure?" Toshinori nodded. "I need to see what we are dealing with." Izuku sighed heavily.

"Ok, but I think I should move the fridge to face the water. I don't want to damage anyone's property or hurt anyone."

Izuku easily picked up the fridge with both hands and placed it facing the bay. He took a couple of steps back and glanced back at Toshinori, just to make sure.

Toshinori nodded, a smile on his face. 'Already cares about how much damage he might do. Smart


Izuku squared up to face the fridge. He focused on his breathing. Slowing it down to steady himself. Then he thought about the power within himself. He focused on the pull. He pulled it up from his feet, through his legs and waist, up through his belly, and then through his chest. He pushed it up into his right shoulder. His eyes flashed open, a green glint in them, and he pushed off with his feet.

He flashed into the punch. In a split second, he covered the 10 meters between him and the fridge, reaching out with his fist. The ring of light, bright as a light bulb, flashed down his arm as he released the punch into the metal of the fridge.

There was a tremendous boom followed by a huge shockwave coming off at extreme angles. The fridge got launched across the water, a sonic compression cone forming behind it, as it hurdled forth. It crashed and skipped across the bay, pieces flying off until it couldn't be seen anymore.

The water was pushed aside for 10 meters on each side, and the blast cut out a huge section of sand, sending it flying as well.

Izuku was breathing heavily, his muscles tense, but not sore. He glanced back at Toshinori.

The look of awe and shock on his face was all Izuku needed to see.

'This kid. Absolutely astounding.' Toshinori's face slipped into his big smile.

Katsuki was pissed. Not only had Izuku saved from the sludge villain, but he skipped out on their workout that night. And now, two days later, he was a no show for their morning run.

"Where the hell is he?" He yelled to no one.

'Fuck it.'

He started without him, running down the path they always took.

As he crested the top of the hill that signaled the halfway point, he took a quick breather and got some water from the nearby water fountain. Then after a quick stretch, he pushed off again.

He was coming to the part of the run he hated.

The beach. 'Filthy, nasty place. The city really should do something about it.'

As he approached, he heard something that surprised him. A loud boom followed by a loud whistling and splashing water.

He stopped and looked around. He saw trash for dozens of meters in each direction, but a ways off was a large puff of sand.

'An explosion?' he wondered if another villain attack was about to happen. 'But this early?'

He jogged through the trash, weaving through the maze, only to come across a skinny guy with long blonde hair, and-


"Eh!? Oh, uh, h-hi Kacchan!" Izuku stammered.

"Friend of yours, Midoriya?" Toshinori asked curiously. "Ah, you were with him the other day. I saw you on the news. I am Toshinori Yagi." He extended a hand in greeting.

Katsuki looked at his hand, back up at him, and then at Izuku. Izuku nodded his head slightly.

Katsuki looked back.

"Yeah, I'm Katsuki Bakugo. What are you doing with Deku?" He didn't like it when strange people were around when Izuku used his quirk. That usually came with questions.

Toshinori studying the young blonde for a moment then put his hand down.

"I saw Young Midoriya on the news the other day, and reached out to him."

Toshinori glanced at Izuku with a small smile.

"I offered to train him to control his quirk and to improve his abilities. This was a test. To see what he is capable of. And to see what needs to be done. Why do you ask?"

Katsuki looked a little surprised at that. He glanced back at Izuku, then back at Toshinori.

"We have been working out together for the last 5 years. I was curious why he decided not to show up."

Toshinori thought about that for a second, then made a decision.

"Alright, then you will join us. I'm going to push you both harder and faster than anyone ever has or will. Do you accept?"

Toshinori looked at Katsuki with a gleam in his eye.

'A friend and rival will make for an excellent partner and motivator. Good thinking, All Might.' Katsuki looked back at Izuku. Izuku had a smile and a gleam of a challenge in his eyes.

"All right, old man. I'll train with you. But know this. I'll always beat anything you throw at me." Katsuki spat back, a challenge rising to meet him.

"Good, young Bakugo. I would expect nothing less." Toshinori said with a serious smile spread on his face.

'These two will be the best of the best. No doubt in my mind whatsoever.'

"Your first task: Cleaning this beach!"


The next year was, in a word, hell. Both boys took to the training like seasonal professionals, following each and every step. They pushed themselves and grew stronger together. They managed to clear the beach in record time. Only 7 months in and the beach was spotless. But then Toshinori upped the challenge. Haul the trash they had moved to a vacant lot to the dump by themselves. Again, rising to the challenge, they did it even quicker, taking 4 months to move the trash. Izuku would always pull ahead, but that was expected. Katsuki was always right behind him though. He was still better at sparring than Izuku, but that was mostly Izuku's doing. He was always holding back.

After a year of training, they were so different from when they started. Tall, lean, muscular. Strong, fast, and quick-witted. But Toshinori-sensei's training wasn't all workout. It was also Quirk Training and schooling.

"A hero is strong, fast, and smart," Toshinori said it almost daily now.

He never let their studies get behind, even though he didn't really worry about that. But he pushed them in other ways.

Using Izuku's quick thinking and analysis of quirks, he would test them both to find winning scenarios for fights with different villains and heroes. He had them brainstorm rescue scenarios, battle scenarios, and possible hero combinations.

The one year anniversary for Izuku was special, though.

Toshinori had made a promise and Izuku kept his end. He was ready for One for All. He was strong and tough enough to be able to take it and use it fully. But taking One for All would be an experience that would change Izuku's life forever.
