
Chapter Title: (136) I Don't Like Being On My Knees-02

Marley was too deep in her mind considering Bree's advice to pick up on Gabby and Leo's usual banter. She can't decide if they're too far into denial to admit they have a connection, or if they genuinely don't have enough in common to get any closer. Marley made a mental note to ask Gabby if they ever talked about their first kiss or if they've decided to push it under the rug like most things. Because beneath said rug is crowded right now. "I'm not trying to deny it, I AM denying it. Mrs. Weiss said she wouldn't dock you marks if you finished the questions on first break. You have one question left. You're on the home stretch Leo. Work with me, please."

"You probably think that you are better now, better now,

You only say that cause I'm not around, not around

You know I never meant to let you down, let you down-"

"For fucks sakes I can't focus with the human 95.5!"