
Robotic Emotions

Technology are now advancing to the future.Thus,scientists are creating more and more robots.Keeping them safe and giving them service in there everyday needs.

In Laboratory 1718,Dr.Baker created a Robot that is designed to serve humanity for a lifetime."Does this Robot act like humans?"

said by one of his apprentices,"N-no"Dr.Baker replied."I'd like to name you,Angela"..

Angela served Dr.Baker well for over everyday of his life.But,He then thought that something is missing in his creation."Aha!"Dr.Baker finally found out what's missing,he quickly rushed to Dr.Rooney(the creator of Robotic weapons e.g.Saber and Alpha).

"Hey Dr.,I already know what is missing in our glorious creations"said by Dr.Baker happily,"Huh?What do you mean missing?"Dr.Rooney replied curiously.Turns out,there Robotic Creations never interacted with humans.They're Robots never felt emotional like most humans do.Thus,giving them the idea of making Robots interact like humans.

After several weeks in the Lab(1718),Both scientists created a "Special Chip" that will make Normal Robots to interact,feel,and talk like humans.There were only 4 chips made,each chip can't be copied nor cloned.The two felt like they can change the world between Robots and Humans.