In the year 2728, a deadly virus ravages Earth, wiping out almost 90% of the human population. The virus targets only humans, leaving the world in chaos. By 2729, the remaining 10% of humanity has taken refuge in 1000 bunkers around the globe, hoping to outlast the plague. To conserve resources, each bunker’s inhabitants are placed in cryogenic sleep, waking only 100 individuals every 100 years for brief maintenance cycles. By the year 5000, humanity begins to emerge, restoring the Earth—but Bunker No. 11 remains mysteriously inactive, hidden away and never rejoining the world. In the year 4000, after over 1,300 years in cryosleep, the 13th maintenance crew in Bunker No. 11 encounters an energy failure on its reactor, the crew forced to wake up the sleeping human in the entire bunker to keep the power flowing, they scramble to make repairs. But then, a powerful earthquake shakes the bunker, driving the terrified crew to evacuate. When they emerge, they're shocked to find a vibrant, wild forest where their old civilization once stood. The skyscrapers and cityscapes they remember are gone, replaced by an unknown and untamed landscape.