
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 42: The Runner

I bolted forward my heart beating towards y throat, the energy of these many creatures waving behind me, a stinging pain travelled through my buttocks and I heard the tearing of flesh.

"Ahhgggh! My ass!" I howled in a weak attempt to try to create some kind of panic to the molens, from hearing my hoarse voice.

And I with lie the pain on my gluts, was like getting injected with a flu shot back at my past life, and I was never a fan of needles as a kid.

Lost, alone and separated from a powerhouse Leo, my only option now, was to find a way out of this molen hidden nest, made of flesh walls.

And these spooky flesh walls were not all that pretty, honestly it was similar to being stuck and suffocated inside a wet, hot , low oxygen leveled dumping sight.

The reason I say dumping site is because of the, rotten iron smell of flesh similar to a wet dead dog found as road kill.

But the problem was that the hidden arena flesh room, was totally shut without an escape route in sight.

'I need a way out,' Desperate to escape from being eaten alive, my brain stretched its cells deeper.

*Activating Draconic white eyes*

*Activating Appraisal*

My eyes lit up and countless threads of the worlds energy appeared on my sight guiding me towards a plausible escape route.

Guided by the glowing energy threads, I found a large white bundle of energy creating a passage behind the wall made of flesh.

Seeing the ray of literal hope I became ecstatic.

*Large energy signature detected*

*Appraisal of wall material, synthetic flesh turns brittle when exposed to cold elements, extremely elastic in room temperature*

And with that much information I dared not to turn around, but increased my speed even further with origin energy, and used my escape technique.

*Activating Dragon Dive*

Like a fish in water, my body moved up in the air, my blood and skin smoothened instantly and streamlined with the air and a sonic sound was created as I broke the sound barrier and got flung at super speed.

Not wanting to be slowed down by the elastic flesh and being cushioned by it and probably might cause me to become rat feed, I hurriedly activated.

'Ice Ki!'

*Activating Ice Ki*

*Activating blue drag sky domain*

Blast streamlined with the wall it instantly froze up, and with a thought, I was surrounded by my blue dragon domain and crashed heavily on the frozen brittle wall, causing it to collapse.

After the collision my barrier domain shock and stumbled violently, then shattered, and feeling the wind on my face I knew I was about to feel immense pain.

But before I could ready myself, a notification rang.


*You have entered the unique lost dwarf civilization Maze prison*


After the announcement I flew passed the now marble hard floor without making contact with it, and crashed on a wall creating spider web cracks,

My back arched from the impact knocking the wind away from my lungs and I fought hard not to faint because I still heard the damn shrieks of the molens persistent on their pursuit for my life.

Mulling the ice out the wall of flesh and climbing and crushing their fellow comrades skulls, they forced their way into the maze, drooling and hungry for my flesh.

Honestly just looking at their red demon like eyes and disgusting slimy saliva and the visible green pungent breath from their mouth, drove me to madness.

'Fuck! I can't move"

Seeing that my body lacked the strength to even move again I watched in silence for my death, my back mounted firmly on the cracked wall of the maze.

A large molen from the other side, I swear smirked when it saw me stuck on the wall, at the same time it's comrades licked their nasty furry lips.

A chill ran down my spine seeing them cackle like bunch of hyenas.

'Shit! Well then come on." I said gritting my teeth to my unfairness. But my pounding heart and sweaty forehead betrayed my façade of false momentary bravery in hopes of intimidating the enemy.

Hack! If I had enough origin energy I could have scared them with my dragons frightful presence, but having, just done a bunch of scribing of blueprints left me spent.

Not being fooled by my poor acting a shrill, I guessed signaled or imitated a animalistic war cry to these rats.


A high and crazed molen ran at full force towards me after passing through the open wall, leaving it's companions to the dust an opened Its sharp toothed mouth to devour me, but then it's leg sank on a marble tile, followed by a clicking sound and turning of what sounded like gears inside the walls.

But then a rain of silver headed arrows, and long headed spears impaled all of the crazed bastard molens to the ground, closing their mouths shut and leaving their giant furry bodies riddled with holes.

Some still tried to run but got bombarded by more arrows by triggering more traps.

"Kreek!" Then golden blood, flowed on the ground forming, a long stream of warm misty iron smelling blood.

The molens died a terrible but well deserved death.

The room became silent like a graveyard and the iced flesh wall, slowly thawed out and slowly closed itself looking brand new.


*Congratulations you killed molens of the*

*Ascension baptism 3rd stage*

*Ascension Baptism 6th stage*

*Ascension Baptism 8th stage*

*Ascension Baptism 3rd stage*

*Ascension Baptism 4th stage*

*Dwarf privilege is activated in ancient dwarf maze*

After hearing the multiple notifications, I was so shocked I became speeches and the only words to come out of my mouth were,

"Huh!? Wait! What?" clearly confused at my new but delightful predicament, I surveyed it the notification again.

"Dwarf privilege?"


*The roots and foundation of what your ancestors have built, have left a mark to those that share their blood to enjoy the fruits of their inventions, to collect it find the center and own the stored treasure left for you*