
Snow World

Phiona woke up on the floor of a cave feeling strangely cold, very, very cold. She groaned as she picked herself up from the ground sitting up in the darkness, only to realise that it had somehow gotten colder. She shivered slightly in the chilliness, wishing she had worn something warmer.

It was then she remembered something, it was never this cold in the Izaphez side of the desert. The sleep in her eyes cleared and she realised something else. She hadn't just awoken in her tent at night, she was in a cave, somewhere probably far from her home.

She supported herself against the cold walls and stood up. Stumbling around blindly she slowly followed the wall in a direction that she hoped led out. Fortunately for her she had picked the right direction and was at the mouth of the cave after what seemed like hours of blindly heading in one direction.

Snow plastered itself onto her dark skin, cold winds whipping up her dark dreads, she felt the chill run through her entire being. Stretched out before her very eyes was still a desert, but a desert like she had never seen before. White as far as the eyes could see blanketing the ground and covering the sky. Yet even more white fell from the sky.

Phiona shivered in the cold before turning back and entering the dark cave, staying near enough to the entrance that she wasn't plunged into darkness, but far enough from it that the cold winds did not affect her as much. She shivered in the cold curling up to conserve some heat.

Every breath she took lingered in the air as a white cloud. She spent some time curled up into a ball trying to fend off the cold when an idea came to her. She picked up a loose rock from the floor and after ensuring it was sharp enough, she placed it to her palm and drew it down.

Blood dropped down from her fisted hand and onto the cold floor. She closed her eyes and whispered a few words into the cold air. She opened her eyes, no longer in the cave, instead surrounded by darkness. In front of her loomed 12 flat worlds, each with a completely different environment. The only one that wasn't flat was the second one with a more oblong shape. Surrounding the 13 worlds was a flat land than ran round the worlds. It was incredibly long, burning eternally with flames that were yellow at the outer edges but slowly turned into deep black.

She held her breath entranced by the sight before her, before she remembered why she was here. She couldn't stay too long here if not she was sure her body would die and she'll be stuck here forever. Quickly she flew towards the 5 world, a calm plain that stretched on as far as the eyes could see. A giant black throne sat at the center of the world with a muscled giant on it. The giant had skin as black as the chair it sat on, it's head a flattened oval with a fuzzy look on the top part and feelers near the front.

The girl landed in front of the throne and bowed, the creature waved it off.

"Why are you here?" It asked despite not having a mouth itself.

"I've come for a fire demon."

The creature stretched out its hand and the girl's form twisted, contorting until a small yellow fire flew out and hovered before it.

"A yellow?" The creature said looking as confused as the girl infront of it. But the creature shrugged, it wasn't it's job to consider such things so why should it. "Let's see if they'll have you."

Immediately the world around them turned into a sea of black flamesas far as the eye could see, burning slowly and smokelessly. The yellow fire hovered above this sea of flames, alone. The two waited for a while, but nothing happened. The yellow flame still burned above the see of black flames alone.

They waited a while longer before the yellow flame responded. It began to glow brighter and brighter until it was blindingly bright making it impossible to look at it directly. A fire with a similar yellow colour flew out and stopped before the bright flame. The light calmed down and the sea of flames died off. With a wave of its hand the creature sent Phiona back to where she came from.

Phiona awoke with a start. She looked around her and picked up a bloodied stone. Placing her thumb on the stone a yellow fire transferred from her hand to the rock and instantly the room became warmer. Grasping the rock tightly in here hands that were stained by frozen blood she sat and stared at the sky getting darker, wondering if she would survive until the next day.