

Our Mc was lokw you or me was he an orphan no was he hated no he was your joe smhoe walking down the sidewalk when evrything change and now he lives his life. In a MHA AU so if sone things dont add up thats why. *NO GACHA* *NO STORE* *Curse Words Should be Beep out* *Chapters Min. of 1000 Words* *Chapter Upload Once A Week Min.*

PUGMECH · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chp. 2, !!! I HAVE ARRIVED !!!

--(3rd Person POV)--

It was another day in Musutafu city children were walking to school adults were going to work. A villain is causing a scene and a hero trying to stop them yes this is just another day here. That was until they came.

All of a sudden, a giant red portal opens all the citizens were looking at it and were murmuring about it. Some even took out their phones to record it.

"What is that" said random Citizen 1

"I think its someone's quirk?" said random Citizen 2

"Yeah, it's probably a new hero debut man if I record this on my channel it will explode!" said random Citizen 3

"But what if it was a villain attack" inquired a green headed boy

"Naw if it was, they would made it more dramatic" said random Citizen 3

"Oh, ok thank you" replied the green headed boy

But what they didn't know was that this was going to be a villain attack the likes which no one has seen before. Also, that the future of that green headed boy would change indefinitely.

"Come on, do something cool" said random Citizen 3

But that was when all of a sudden car sized golem like creatures came out of it, they walked out at a steady pace some had different colors those colors where red, blue, green, and yellow. It also seems that from that order up the golems would move faster.

"What kind of quirk is that?" asked random Citizen 2

"Hmm, maybe-it-a-kind-of-summoning-quirk-but-no-that-wouldn't-work-the-hero-isn't-around-plus-the-gate-or-portal-quirk-so-it-had-to-be-two-different-people-working-together-mutter-mutter-mutter" muttered the green headed boy and wrote down something on a note book that came out of nowhere

If you play close attention everyone shimmied there way away from the green headed boy. Then all of a sudden, the golem's started destroying anything in their sites. After a few seconds the citizens panic screaming for help but not to worry that was when a hero arrived it was Dense-Man.

"Look its Dense-Man he can save us" said random Citizen 2

"Wait, who is Dense-Man?" questioned random Citizen 1

"Oh, he's not a new hero in fact he was here for a while he started of two years ago. He's just not that well known. His quirk is density increasement using it he can increase his own density so that his hits are harder right now I think he can only increase it up to the strength of the average three adult males. Also, maybe the quirk makes figuratively denser as well since he never realized that to become more well-known, he had to go out and spread the word or advertise himself. Also, it said many women liked him but he was too dense to take the hint. Maybe a down side to his quirk" replied the green headed boy

Dense-Man then arrived in front of the golem's and said "Stop right their evil doer's. I Dense-Man will stop you in the name of just-"

Then all of a sudden Dense-Man was hit by a red golem which push him back a few feet.

"Nice hit but I can take one the real question is if you can" said Dense-Man

He then ran up to the golem that was when the green headed boy realized something

"Oh, he's going to use his special move," said the green headed boy

"Really, then I got to get this on camera maybe I'll get a few extra subscriber's" said random Citizen 3

Then when Density-Man was about to hit the golem, he said "SPECIAL MOVE, DENSITY BLOW"

That was when the golem was hit hard but it was only pushed back a little bit that was when a green one appeared and hit Density-Man even harder than the last one. He went flying across the street and hit a building leaving a big in-print on it of his shape of Density-Man. That was when hope was lost but then all of a sudden, a blue portal appeared in the sky and something fell onto the ground hat high speeds and that something was our MC.

--(MC POV)--


"NOT AGAIN" I yelled when BOB throwed me into the blue portal

"Wait a minute this is the same as the purple portal just well blue so that means one if I eat it, I get a perk and I will be in here for a while plus I secretly got some of the red portal here in a couple of cups so for now, I will eat the blue portal then move onto the red one" I said

Then I saw a piece of paper on my chest maybe a message from BOB? We'll let me see I opened it to find out it was a message from BOB and it said "Dear Mortal, it might take a while to get there so get comfy also I saw you take some part of my portal well played ill allow you to eat them so here are some of the perks if you are wondering. One from the red portal you get a power boost what this would do is strengthen your powers so like how let's say in the game super monkey is stationary and just throws darts now you can fly and have just have a little more strength. Since the knockback upgrade will increase it for you. Two the blue portal makes your learning ability better since well you speak English, and Spanish but not Japanese so if you drink enough of this portal learning would become a breeze. Also, no your power won't show up as a quirk and because of that you can train someone to become kind like you. Remember Monkey City game well you can train a person to become a dart monkey but from there they would be slightly weaker from you and you can only choose one person. Oh, I wonder who that would be. Oh, also you have to unlock dart monkey before you can train someone. Anyways Good luck Mortal or should I say, Xander"

"Huh that is some nice info right there well let me chug all the red juice then drink as much as the blue juice I can take. Wait there's more at the bottom of the page" I said

It said "P.S. Others cannot drink the portal or they will explode unless you let them since I give you permission to give them permission you can take away the permission at any time and they will explode if they drink more"

"Maybe I can use that to secretly kill some unwanted person just slip some into their drink and boom no more problem. Yeah, I can do that, but first I need to drink the portal" I said

I then drinked all the red juice I kind a feel warm inside it felt nice. Now then I put my head near the portal and just opened my mouth and drinked as much as I can. Why well if you can learn that fast well then, the more, I drink the easier it will be to learn so this is the best method.




"Man, that is enough I think we'll let me just take a little more for the road my future student might need it." I said

I then get a couple more cups fill them up and then put them away. I then see that I can barely see the end up the portal tunnel so I should come up with a plan.

"Ok so this is the plan I am an alien from a different world and the bloons destroyed it and now they're here to try and destroy this world, but I was the only survivor and was sent here to stop them from destroying this world as well" I thought

"Yeah, that can work it's kind of like the superman backstory but with a little twist. Also, they will have to believe me since with the portal and such. But maybe the language barrier would be an issue since wouldn't aliens have different language I can make one up yeah and with the pause thinking it will be easy, but what will it be called maybe I don't know Monkey World Language or MWL yeah nothing complicated." I said

I then pause and make up some letters and accompany them with other letters so blank is now A and so on and so forth this will take some time but no biggie.


Finally, I made my own language from here on out they will have to believe I am an alien since I speak nothing from this world all that's left is to leave this portal and pop some bloons. I wonder how long I was paused for? Ah it doesn't matter.

I then look and the portal was about to end I see than I was in the sky so I prepared myself to do what anyone would have done in my shoes a super hero landing! I can't wait to see their shocked faces.

I then fall really fast because gravity duh. I then break some of the concreate. The dust then settles I can see some shock faces but also some faces of excitement I wonder why? They start speaking but I can't understand them ooooh yeah, I don't know Japanese. Man, I have to pause time again nah maybe later.

I face the bloons man do they look cool I the say in MWL "I will end your kind if it's the last thing I do"

I then fly and start to prepare to throw darts like a machinegun.

--(3rd PERSON POV)--

Once the dust has settled a new hero appeared most where shocked that they came from a portal like the golem's and they were worried whatever came out would also try and hurt them, but to their relief it was a hero how did they know well from the costume of course that is the symbol of a hero.

The citizen where relived and some even started talking about the new hero.

"Finally, a new hero debut that will defiantly boost my view count" said random Citizen 3

"Yeah it looks like he has a mutation quirk since he looks like a monkey" said random Citizen 1

"But the costume suggests otherwise since if it was a monkey quirk wouldn't he just wear some shorts or something so he wouldn't be restricted. Plus, the costume is more like pre-quirk comic books like the classic heroes. Maybe the monkey look is just a side effect from one of his parent's genetics" Replied the green headed boy

Then all of a sudden, the Super Monkey said something in a foreign language but the way he was looking at the golem's it looks like if they were long time arch-enemies.

"What did he say" said random Citizen 2

"Not any language that I know maybe one from a small country" said random Citizen 3

"Yeah maybe" said random Citizen 1

"Wait but there was never a language like that when I searched up about different heroes in different countries, I would have remembered at least a word from it" thought the green headed boy

All of sudden the super monkey flew into the air.

"Wait a flight quirk? How will that help!" said random Citizen 3

"Maybe he can pick up the golem's and drop them from great heights?" said random Citizen 2

"I got to get this new hero in my notebook" thought the green headed boy as his notebook opened a new page in his notebook automatically how does that work?

Anyways the super monkey was in the air when all of a sudden, a small flash appeared in his arm and a dart appeared.

"A throwing dart how will that even damage the gol-" said random Citizen 3 he was cut

All of a sudden, the super monkey throwed a barraged of darts all of the red and blue bloons were gone only the green and yellow ones remained but they were now red and blue.

"..." said random Citizen 3

"So-he-can-fly-make-objects-and-throw-them-at-high-speeds-I-wonder-what-his-quirk-is-mutter-mutter-mutter" said the green haired boy while writing in his notebook as fast as the super monkey hand was throwing the darts.

Also, the surrounding people noticeably moved away from him as well.

Then all of a sudden, a blue bloon went and grabbed the green haired boy holding him hostage.


"HELP!!!" Said the green haired boy

--(MC POV)--

I got rid of lots of bloons really fast I demolished them but it seems that the bloons noticed so they hold a child hostage.

"The hostage has green hair with some dark highlights and a notebook... wait a minute isn't that Izuku huh what a coincidence" I thought

Ok so there's a hostage and it's the MC of this world ok no need to panic. DO NOT PANIC! Ok all I need to do is swoop in save the kid and get out easy. I then go as fast as I can and pick the kid up but as soon as I touch him, I hear.


[Dart Monkey Unlocked]

Wait what oh yeah, he is quirk-less and dart monkey are just more or less the base tower and they both are can be ridiculously op. I guess it makes sense.

[Dart Monkey Upgrade Paths Unlocked]

[Super Monkey Upgrade Paths Unlocked]

Wait that means I didn't have the path unlocked for the super monkey. So that signifies I needed to unlock a monkey to gain the paths first. Well since the hostage is out of danger that means I can get rid of the bloons. I the n prepared to throw the darts with my right hand and I hold the kid on the left.

The bloons are then shredded nothing is left since when they die, they literally just pop and woosh nothing no pieces of rubber or rock or whatever they are made from.

 The red portal starts to close so I moved so fast I think no one saw me I got some extra cups and got some more of the portal juice and then took off since it finally closed. I should fly and make sure there are no other portals nearby.

Wait I'm still holding the kid aren't I. I then looked down and sure enough the kid is there. I then fly to a nearby roof top with roof access. I then set the kid down but he says something.

"&%*&%*&%*&^" said Izuku

Yeah, I should probably learn Japanese. I then quickly grab his phone and looked up some English alphabet to Japanese alphabet. (A/N: I know that there different but just role with it)

I then looked it up in my mind and time seemed to pause I then went over it and improved my Japanese and un-paused to look something up and paused again I wonder how long this will take


Ok I should know enough for now I then exited my what do I call it mind place? I'll work on it later

I then say "Sorry but I did not speak your language which is why I needed to borrow your cellular device I think is what you say in this language"

"Oh. Okay umm sir what language did you speak before since I never heard it before" asked Izuku

"Oh, I know why you never heard of it it's because I'm not from around here" I replied

"I know that. That's why I asked which language you speak in" said Izuku

"No, I mean I'm not from here as in not this world" I said and then thought "In more ways than one"

"Wait... you are an alien! But that's-s-not-possible-well-I-mean-that's-theroticaly-possible-but-then-why-haven't-we-heard-of-mutter-mutter-mutter" said Izuku

Oh no he's muttering well I guess hard habits are hard to break so I can blame him.

"Hey are you ok?" I said

"Oppp-" he put his hands over mouth he then slowly put them down embarrassed and said "sorry it's sir it's a habit"

"It's fine everyone has a habit or two they wish to break it's the same everywhere" I said "Well I better get going and make sure there are no more of those portals" I then prepare to leave but then I hear "Wait" from Izuku

"Yes?" I said

"Well, I have a question I hope you can answer as an outsider point of view?" spoke Izuku

"Yeah, sure it's the least I can do since I kind of forgot you were still in my hands" I said

"Well, you see in our planet 80 percent of the has the uncanny quirk or power some might say but the rest of the have none. They are called quirk-less and usually they are part of the older generation since each generation more and more quirks appear and are passed down via genetics but I don't have one. Also, ever since quirks arrived villains started appearing and from there heroes came into the scene and from there the job of a Pro-Hero was made a job where you can help those in need and stop those in the name of justice, but all heroes have quirks so I was wondering someone like me could ever become a hero?" said Izuku looking like he was about to cry

"Listen kid you might want to sit down for this it's going to be a long one ok" I said

"O-o-oh... O-o-ok s-sir" he said sounding really sad and broken and some tears falling down his face

"Listen to me and listen well. You young man can become a hero and let me explain why"

(A/N: and cut thats a rap. Anyways guys this shouls be the last chapter going out this week since tomorow is my Birthday so I hope you all a swell day and weekend I'm off to celebrate my special day see you next week. Also dont forget to drop a comment or a stone bye!)

: )