

The young child watched in awe at the stars and moon up in the night sky, he had the love for stars, his mother noticed and always told him to not admire the moon too much, she was a kind woman with a pure heart yet she was was also strict. He was never allowed to go outside after dark, even on Halloween night where other kids can go out Trick or Treating with their parents whilst he stayed inside playing board games with his mother, hopping off the window sill and away from the drawn closed curtains, the boy approached his desk and took a seat; taking out crayons and paper for his little project, the boy took out a black crayon and began to color the entire paper, a smile on his face as he continued before glancing up to see the many drawings of stars, the moon, and more about astrology, the boy went back to his drawing, taking out a yellow color next and adding the four or five pointed stars around the colored paper, then he took a white and drew a big circle in the corner and colored it after. He gave out a proud smile and took the paper from his desk and left his room; heading to where his mother's room was located to show his drawing like he always does.

The house was silent, it was always silent at night, the window that showed the garden in the hallway had it's curtain drawn; his mother always closed the curtains at night, never letting the night sky be seen or let the moonlight enter when it was a full moon as well. The boy hummed silently in glee, turning a right that was leading him to his mothers room that was located in the last door of the hallways, a room with a small window and small space that she seemed to like so much...he paused, seeing the door slightly opened and he can see light inside the room, he clutched his drawing closer and silently approached the slightly opened door, slowly as he approached he can hear his mother's voice sounding so scared and pained. The boy gulped and peeked in once he reached the room and widened his eyes at the sight...

His mother was kneeling under a spot of moonlight, around here were black candles lit up, he glanced down and saw a symbol that was written on the floor, he didn't know what it was but the muttering words of his mother caught his ear as he looked up in time to see a figure appearing before her, shadows shifting and swarming his mother as the figure cleared to show a man.

Who was he?

His mother looked up slowly, he can see a bit of her face, a large smile adorned her beautiful face and she looked so pale...slowly she reached out and grabbed a handful of the shadow man's clothes.


He stared deep into her light brown eyes and sighed, "After so long, why summon me after our fight?" He asked her softly, feeling his heart ache at the memory of the woman before him storming out the old home she lived in before moving somewhere else, he tried for years looking for her but she was nowhere to be found, his moonlight couldn't see here, even he couldn't when he came down once but now? He examined her face to see how beautiful she still was and how pale she looked under the moonlight, running his fingers against her soft cheek before pulling her in and placing a longing kiss against her still soft kiss. She pulled back first and spoke in a raspy tone, "P-please...take me with you." His lips turned to a small smile but he was thinking of why now, why was she asking for him now when she could of just asked her those 6 years ago. "Cecilia...where were you?" He asked her with his soft tone..

"Hiding my love, I was hiding because I couldn't bare the thought of your wrath...forgive me."

Of course he did, he would forgive the only woman he loved in the whole world and have her to himself once more.

She was always a runner but he liked chasing her, for six damn years he chased and tried to find her and he won their little game of cat and mouse.

"I would never be mad at you, let us go home...to where you belong."

Cecilia smiled at him and stood up, letting him pull him close and snuggle close to him, shadows began to surround them and felt her hold him closer, he did the same and at the last thing he heard was...



A lone boy was found later on in a house where the child was known as Arthur Luminous, his mother was nowhere in sight, leaving nothing but a symbol made from her blood and the boy crying in his mother's bed, Arthur was taken to a orphanage after there were no signs of his mother, proclaimed by the people as dead.

But the boy knew the truth.

She was taken.

She abandoned him.

Here is the prologue of Brother's In Bond! I hope you all liked it.

KnightKatecreators' thoughts