

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs






All I could think of in Melanie's car was my parents reaction to the fact that this is the sixth time it was happening in the last two months.

What was I going to tell them this time?

"Someone shouted that there was a fire out break and the fire alarm rang so students began to run and there was some kind of terrible stampede, someone pushed you, you fell and your glasses broke." Melanie told me and I chuckled" how'd you know? You..."

"Best friend connection, I'll always know. Don't worry they'll buy it and it's the first of April so?" She cut me in.

"Yeah." I nodded agreeing with her.

We got to my house in no time, Melanie helped me out of the car. I've felt a thousand times what a blind person feels. She pressed the door bell, I was scared no one would be home, our house wasn't so big. Dad said mom didn't want a mansion but a comfy place that felt more like home. It was a house made a brown bricks, black roofing, there were flower pots with roses around and brown wood fencing, the door slowly opened and I was delighted hearing dad's voice.

"Ariana?" He sounded worried.

He led us inside "what happened to you?"

"It's April first. What am I saying? Of course you know. Someone pranked the entire school saying there was fire and the fire alarm rang so there was some kind of stampede since everyone was trying to run for their lives. Someone pushed me and my glasses, it..." It took everything for not to stutter while lying to him, I couldn't just tell him the truth. Everything would worsen if I did.

I felt myself sink into the comfy white sofa in the living room when no one said a word but Melanie broke the silence. "It was awful Mr Miller anyway the kids who pulled the stunt have received due punishment." She was so very formal with my dad even though he told her to drop the formalities. My dad was pretty cool though.

"And where were your sisters?."

"I don't know, the stampede got everyone out we didn't see each other till Melanie decided to bring me home."

My dad sighed.

" Let's get you to the doctor." I kept moving my feet on the soft cream rug that mom had to change for the umpteenth time because Lilly kept making a mess, I wondered why she couldn't just get another color or remove the rug.

Mom had everything in the house white or and cream, cream curtains, the interior of house was painted white, white sofas, cream rugs. The only thing that wasn't white or cream was the brown shelves with figurines and antiques she collected on it and the television and flower pots made of beads of different colors.

We were rich but my mom loved really simple things and I loved them too, the house always felt peaceful and a place you always want to stay in, it gave that "home sweet home" feeling that's why Melanie always spent more than the time allocated to her staying at our house and kept breaking her mom's strict curfew rule.

"Thank you Melanie, I'll take her to our ophthalmologist right away, you head back to school. I don't want you skipping too many classes." He told her.

Melanie hugged me and whispered into my ears" don't worry we'll get back at those goofballs." She tightened the hug a little bit more before letting go and leaving me.

I wondered how terrible life would have been for me if Melanie wasn't there to stand by me at all. I couldn't help but think of how helpless and broken I was.

My dad took me to the doctor and got me a new pair. I blinked repeatedly as my sight came back to me. "Dad." I smiled at him, my dad was a blonde and I looked so much like him that was why my hair was different from that of my sisters who all had brown hair.

We had the same deep emerald green eyes, Esme also has the same eyes as we do maybe that's why we felt more connected as children, the striking resemblance between us amused me sometimes because we were like each other. I was just lucky to have my mom's very white silky skin.

"Is it better now?" He asked stroking my hair, I gave him a hug and said yes. We got back home and dad had to go pick Lilly. I was sitting on the front porch when Heather and Esme came back home.

"Where in butts name where you? we looked everywhere" Esme sat next to me.

"I had to go home my glasses got broken."

"How?" Heather asked.

"Selena, but don't tell dad. I told him someone pulled a stunt saying there was a fire outbreak and everyone ran, there was a stampede someone pushed me and I fell then my glasses broke."

"I have to talk to Britney about this. Hopefully Selena will stop." Heather said.

"Is that all you have to say? Can't you for once go to Selena on your own and let her know that no one should mess with me because I'm your sister." I shouted with my eyes tearing up. "All you do is say you'll talk to Britney and has that changed anything?"

"Calm down." Esme placed her hand on my shoulder.

"No! Don't tell me to, you guys never wanna be around me in school, do I look that awful? because I wear baggies, because I don't dress or act like you guys. We're supposed to be sisters standing by and for each other." The tears finally rolled down.

"At least for once listen to me and stop talking like this when you don't understand! I won't always be there, you have to learn to stand up for yourself Ariana." Heather snapped.

"When have you ever been there? It's you who doesn't and will never understand. You can feed on popularity and make Selena your sister instead since you like her so much." I went in stormed into my room and slammed the door shut before locking it.

I slowly slumped down to the floor before bursting into tears again, it hurt too much I could take it anymore. They were supposed to be my sisters, that cared and should support me but instead my best friends were the ones doing all that for me. They were always too ashamed of me only Dad, mom and Lilly ever cared for me dearly.

After crying a bit more I wiped my tears, did a breathing exercise to relax myself went out and into the kitchen opened the fridge by the door took a bowl of ice cream and ordered pizza. Food was another thing that made me happy, happier than ever.


How do you find this chapter? Do you think there is a reason Heather and Esme are acting this way? They better have a good reason if so.

Have you also been bullied one way or another and can't speak up?

Can you relate to Ariana in any way?