

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs


_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_CHAPTER 20_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TRY OUTS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Nathaniel: Tori, find songs that actually match the chapters.

Melanie: For real, we need something to match the feels. Right Ari?

Ari: I told her the same thing a chapter back.

Lucas: Hey, go easy on Tori.

Tori: aww my lu lu boo.

Nathaniel, Ari and Melanie: Lulu? *Laughs hysterically.*

Lucas: *glares.* Call me lu lu again and I'll disappear from the plot.

Tori: *close to tears.* Heyyyy-

Nathaniel, Ari, Melanie and Eva: shoo Tori.

Ari: yeah this is my turf gurl.

Tori: *scoffs* whatever.




After a while I went back into the school. I was sure I missed a class already.  Everyone was gathered in the hallway. Again! 

"There you are butt head!" Melanie suddenly pulled my arm, racing across the hallway.

"What the holy fudgeballs?" I yelled.

"I looked for you everywhere." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, Sure! After downloading a thousand Caswell's pictures. Cool yeah?"

"Whatever." She scoffed.

"Yeah yeah." I scoffed back at her.

We finally got to the crowd. Everyone stopped look at the huge Mellow High TV. The school had four extra large televisions  in four different places in each hallway. Everytime it was put on, there was very important information to be passed across the entire school.

Two newscasters popped up on the school news channel. Brianna Smith and Ethan Lew. Yeah that's right. Brianna of the Mellow High's sophomore barbie geng. She's a part of the mass communication team in school, and one of the major people involved. She's in charge of the school's monthly magazine the "Mellozine."

"Good day everyone." Brianna began. "I'm Brianna Smith and with me is."

"Ethan Lew."Ethan flashed a smile." As we all know there have been rumors about  two big events  coming up, well we're here to confirm in affirmation that two big events are indeed on the way. First is  the soccer match between Mellow high and Wingston High."

A picture of the two teams in their jerseys holding soccer balls came into view. Mellow high wore yellow and black and Wingston High wore blue jerseys. Everyone cheered.

"However, Coach Blakey needs more players on the team, and so there's a try out coming up this Friday after school 4:30pm sharp. If you're interested in joining the prestigious Mellow High's soccer team here's your chance to get your ass down the soccer field on Friday and show Coach Blakey what you got!" Brianna continued.

"Only four members are needed to fill in the space. If you're good at soccer let's all work together to keep the trophy with us as we've always done." Ethan added.

"The second grand event is the home coming we've all been waiting for, which is a week after the soccer match." Brianna took over.

"Do you have a girl or boy you like? Never gone on a date? Do you want to indirectly express your love? Or you just like parties? Well you're in luck! After the soccer matchMellow High will be having her 20th home coming!"

Cheers echoed through out the hallway. Few students left to tell their friends about it. Everyone was excited. I was too. Melanie squealed joyfully, she pulled my hands again and we spun around in circles holding hands.

"Ari!!! It's here again! Home comingggggg!!"

"Ye-ahh I-I-I k-know!" I laughed back at her.

"So get your corsages ready cause it's about to go down!" Ethan concluded.

Barely anyone waited to listen to the rest of the news. The only thing that would come of the mouths of everyone in Mellow High for the next week is the party and soccer match.

"Oh! Oh! Nathaniel should go for the try outs." Melanie held my hand in excitement." I mean he's hot, tall and has the body and face for it nothing could be better right?"

"Not sure he'd want to. Now let my hands go!" I yelped as her grip was too tight.

"C'mon Ari we could convince him. Who doesn't want to be on the school's team. Most boys want to especially when there's a lot of competition."

"And that exactly is a reason why I feel carver wouldn't be interested in the try outs. Forget about that. Let's think about homecoming. Dresses and all, aren't you excited anymore?"

"Of course I am." Melanie twirled. "But I still wanna see if he'll be interested in trying out for the team. I can see him in the spotlight already. He'll get popular, and him being popular wull definitely benefit us."

"I- I really don't know about that though." That thought bothered me. I already lost half of Cole to popularity. The same thing happened, after he tried out for the school's soccer team, and later rose up to captain. Everyone wanted to be his friend. He couldn't say no to everyone, and the fact that his parents were extremely rich and influencial was an additional bonus. He's cute, tall he has the body for it. If Carver or Melanie decided to try out for soccer and cheerleading it was over for me.

Melanie could easily get popular. I didn't understand what was holding her back from getting to the ranks of most recognized. Instead she laid low, flirting with random seniors and breaking up. She never worked extra hard or even gave in much effort for an A like I did, she was okay with Bs. In Mellow high, if you weren't popular socially it had to be academically. The one thing was that the social aspect mattered more.

"I'm not interested in getting to be the best in class. I'm okay with anything as long as it's not an E or a F." Those were the words she told me when I asked why she barely studies. She's exemplary if she were to study for any test she'd beat me that was one thing I was sure of. I felt she was indecisive, she wanted attention, but still avoided getting any.

I thought so because she's the same girl who broke up with a guy for giving her too much attention, and broke up with another for not giving adequate attention to her. She confused me at times. I always felt she had a lot to say but decided to bury them inside. I knew because some people are wired like that. No matter how much we let out we wouldn't say everything we actually want to say. After all we're humans, only few contradicted that nature.

"I will Ari! Think about it. Selena will have competition, she'd get more upset. It'd be fun to see her face go red tomato."

"I don't think any of that would bother her. At least we could ask him to join if we knew where he is." I told her.

"I'll text him."

"You have his number?" I was shocked. I couldn't recollect carver giving any of us his number.

"Yeah, stole it from the file in Mrs Wills office."

I gasped." Melanie that's wrong."

"Shhhhh. Don't scream." She panicked a bit." Jeez you care too much about everything."

"I can't debate that though." I replied.

Her phone beeped. " He's in the library. C'mon 'B' we gotta go tell him about it."

"He probably already knows."

"Meh meh meh." She blabbed.

I stopped walking and stood still.

"You coming or not." She spun around.









Okay that's a wrap.

Sorry this chapters short.






Once a week author.