

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · ไซไฟ
32 Chs


When I woke up I was in my room, I hope I did not give them too much trouble bringing me back. I was still feeling dizzy. If am feeling like this which means Mr drug addict might not even wake up anytime soon. When I checked the time it was already 11am in the morning. Wow this drug is something else. I rushed to the bathroom to take a quick bath before heading down stairs.

Lisa was already heading to my room with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Hey sis, you are awake I was worried sick, here take this" she said giving me the cup of coffee.

"Am fine, how did things go, did the files contain everything we need, what about the CCTV footage, what was in it?" I asked

"Hey sis come down I need you to eat first before anything else" Lisa replied

"But I want all this questions answered, I really want to know"

"I know you want to know. How about we talk why you eat"

"Okay that is much better" I said before she dragged me to the dinning room.

"So tell me everything don't leave anything behind" I said immediately I was seated with a plate of food in front of me.

"Okay the files downloaded from the laptop have all the transactions that Mr Jude have ever made, both to his customers but mostly all the drugs he received from Mr Stones"

"Okay is that all" I asked

"No we think we might be able to track where all those drugs are coming from and about the camera footage it has a lot of information but you might like to see for yourself"

"Belief me on it"

"Mr Jude has most of his conversation with his client all tapped, and we found one video with Mr Stones in it but it might not be enough evidence to drag his name to the mud"

"What were they saying in the video?" I asked

"I don't know is more like they were using Italian language or something like that"

"Hmm, where is he now"

"Who?" Lisa asked confused

"I meant Mr Jude, the drug dealer"

"Dad called after you passed out and told us not to leave our finger print on anytime in his house that the police will be coming the next morning which is today"

"What, but how?"

"Apparently he made the worst mistake of his life"

"What do you mean" I asked not quite getting what she was saying

"He raped another lady but this time around a chairman's daughter"

"Hmm, seems like he is not getting away this time around"

I can't believe this unconscious idiot in front of me raped a chairman's daughter. That was not even enough he went clubbing all night and wasted his life on drug. I felt my anger burning up like a volcano.

I had to send my men to get this idiot only for them to see him passed out all wasted.

"Wake him up"

"Boss we have tried that a few times on our way here but he never did"

"Keep trying until he wakes up!" I shouted at them. I felt like strangling him to death at the spot but I have to calm down he is still useful.

"Sir a lady is here to see you, she claims to be your wife" one of the securities reported after awhile.

"Send her to my study room immediately" I said with a small smile, I know she will come back begging for this opportunity. Well I could use a good news right now. I started heading to my study room to wait for her.

She walked in without even knocking, well I wasn't expecting it anyways. But she looks so beautiful this morning with her blue eye looking more Lively than it did few months ago.

"You know if you keep visiting me like this people will think we are back together" I said with a smile

"Save me the chip chat Stones you know why am here let's move down to business so I can leave this your God forsaken building" She said with all seriousness.

Did she just insult my house, well we see about that.

"So you want to go down to business? Tell me why you are here"

"I accept your offer only to find my girls, and you must find them and when you do i don't even want a scratch on them, deal" she said given me her hand to seal the business.

I took her hand sealing the business, she have no idea what I have planned out for Bella if I ever find her.

For ten years I have wasted my money searching for her but she is hiding so well but not for too long, not when I can easily take her mother's life. I will just let her come to me by herself, am too tired of playing this hide and seek game. And for her sister am sure she is dead because I left her where to die slowly and quietly but their mother don't have to know about this.

We will just play this game and see who wins. She was just an infant when I took her and left her where to die. I took mercy on her and decided to make her own suffering end too fast by just leaving her under the bridge but for Bella her own case is different. Even though we are not father and daughter we bonded immediately we met. I love seeing her in pain, I love torturing her.

I can't wait to see her again, and one thing I hate about her is she never begged me for ones to stop torturing her instead she will just smile and say do your worst right in my face.

"We have a deal, let's find Bella together why you keep me informed about Mr Michael" I said with a wicked smile.