
Broken Dandelions

This story is about sixteen-year-old Sawyer Kylan, who arrives in the small remote town of Justus, with no memories of her earlier life. Sawyer, who carries many secrets of her own, settles in the town of Justus. Only to She find out that she is the Sheriff's missing daughter, Mary-Grace Bowen. Mary-Grace was believed to be kidnapped ten years ago on the very same day that her twin sister, Sarah-Mae, was murdered. Can Sawyer remember that day and find the truth, can she save herself as she is hunted down and try to reconnect with her family.

Tamzin_Atkins_5172 · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Chapter 6

Protect you

Sawyer is sitting on Chase's bed, Mason leaning against the wall and Chase is straddling a chair. What does this mean?" Sawyer asks. They all look at the bullet in Sawyer's hand. Mason looks at the bullet "My dad used to leave me clues with them; he said a good cop knows where to hide clues" Chase hands over his pocket knife; Sawyer takes it and pries the bullet open. A small piece of paper is rolled up inside. She drops it into her hand and rolls it open. She reads it out loud "I did it to protect you." Mason looks at her "Is that it?" Sawyer flips it over; nothing else is written on it. Chase looks concerned "Do you know what it means?" Sawyer looks at Mason, rolling the bullet in her hand "No." Chase looks at Sawyer and then at Mason "So Mason....is your Dad back in town? What does all this mean for us? The bullet was a clear message for you and Sawyer" Mason stands up and takes the bullet from Sawyer "I guess dear old Dad is back. We need to stay out of it, Meredith is dead and I don't know why or what is going on, but I do know it means trouble!" Chase begins to lose his temper "So you can really just walk away from this?" "If it means that you and I are alive...then I can. Come on Sawyer, I told Alec I would bring you home." Sawyer looks at Chase, he shrugs his shoulders. Sawyer gets up and follows Mason down the stairs and through the closed restaurant. Chase waves and closes the door behind them; they get on Mason's bike and ride off.

At school Sawyer is sitting in her usual spot near the bins, and as usual everyone is staring at her. Blaire walks past the table and sits down opposite Sawyer. Zoey and Jessica are staring at her, Blaire turns her back towards them "So did you hear that Mrs Collins is our new principal?" Sawyer gives her a blank stare "Who?" "The lady who gave you your test the first day" "Oh, OK. Why aren't you sitting with your friends?" "Who? Those losers, seems like the action's around you!" "I'm not an attraction" Jag walks over to them and looks at Sawyer with disdain before gazing at Blaire "You made your point Blaire, we won't do anything like that again." "Jag, it isn't about what you did" "Can't we talk over there?" "Whatever you want to say to me, you can say in front of Sawyer" Jag shakes his head and walks off; they eat in silence for a while. Braxton walks over to throw his food away and looks at Blaire "What are you doing Blaire?" "Seriously, am I such a bitch that no one sees me being friends with Sawyer?" Braxton crosses his arms and stares at her, Blaire taps her fingers. Braxton sits leaning across the table "Does it have to do with Chase?" "Who?" "Don't play dumb with me." Just then the intercom blares and Sawyer is called to the office. She stands up "I'll leave you two to argue." Sawyer walks past Martha and waves; she knocks on the door and enters the principal's office. Mrs Collins looks up "Just the girl I was looking for!" She points to the chair for Sawyer to have a seat "You've made quite an impression since arriving." Sawyer shrugs "I guess" "I never liked Meredith. I didn't want her dead, but she is and it's done" Sawyer smiles. Collins scowls at her "I expect you to behave in my school and to work hard. Now I have no children hidden at home so feel free to check it out if you don't trust me." "She had her chained up." "I heard. It was wrong, but for now I have a job to do and you need to get to class." Sawyer walks out into the hallway, Blaire is waiting for her "What did she want?" Sawyer starts to walk away "She told me to break into her house." Blaire stops her from walking further "She did what?" Sawyer faces Blaire "She was basically telling me that she has nothing to hide."

They start walking, Sawyer sees the janitor with a mop. He looks at her and she stops, his nose is slightly bruised from being broken. Blaire looks at Sawyer, puzzled "Why are you staring at the janitor?" "Who is he?" "That's Rusty Jacobs, he never finished school. So they offered him a job here. His older brother is Kurt and he works as a mechanic at Tommy's auto shop." Rusty starts to mop while Sawyer follows Blaire to class. Sawyer stands in Tommy's auto shop behind a dark car, peering through the window. Tommy is shouting at Kurt "You guys nearly killed her that was not part of the plan!" "Plans change and it worked, didn't it?" "Plans didn't change! Your idiot brother lost his temper and nearly put her in a coma." "That's an exaggeration; he didn't hit her that hard." "I heard Dr James talking to Cameron about her injuries." Sawyer sees Rusty walking through the door. Tommy grabs him by the collar with a fist in the air; Kurt pulls Rusty out of Tommy's grasp. Rusty straightens his collar "What did I do now?" Tommy continues to shout "You idiot! You are walking around with a broken nose, how many other people are walking around with a broken nose? Why didn't you tell me what happened?" Kurt makes a fist "I'll bust up my knuckles and make it look like we had a fight." Tommy looks at them angrily "You two have done enough! If you get caught I won't go down with you. I will kill you before I let you get me caught." Sawyer hides back behind the car, when she looks up again Tommy is walking away. Kurt grabs Rusty by the arm "Stay out of trouble." Rusty pulls his arm away from his brothers' grip "I can take care of my own problems." "What is that supposed to mean?" Rusty has this look in his eyes; Kurt can't seem to place "I have work to do, brother." Kurt shakes his head and walks away. Rusty storms off, suddenly someone touches her shoulder and she jumps slightly. Mason laughs "Sawyer! What are you doing here?" "I came to see you, but figured you were on lunch." "Did you miss me?" Sawyer smiles "Did you hear from your Dad?" Mason avoids the question and steps closer touching a strand of her hair "I would much prefer a kiss hello" Mason bends down to kiss her, a throat clears and they jump apart. They turn to face Alec. "Sheriff!" Mason exclaims. "Mason, Sawyer." "What are you doing here?" Sawyer asks. "I came to talk to Tommy about something." "About what?" "Police business, you should go home." Sawyer glares at Alec, walks up to Mason and kisses him on the lips. He looks at the sheriff and blushes. Sawyer giggles and walks away. "Sawyer, want to go out Friday?" Sawyer turns to look over her shoulder "Is it a date?" "Maybe." 

Friday night has arrived and Sawyer is sitting across from Mason with a pizza between them "Driving an hour for a date" Sawyer says sipping her juice. "The price of privacy! Unless you want Alec to know how the date went." Sawyer pulls a face and flicks some of her juice in his face "This is my first date" "I'm glad you allowed me to give you your first date" They spend the rest of the evening laughing and eating pizza. Mason leads her around a park for a walk. It's difficult to tell him things about herself without giving too much away. They stop and stand snuggled under a tree staring at the ducks asleep on the lake. Sawyer looks up at him "Aren't you worried about your father?" Mason pulls away from her and stares at the lake "I lost my father a long time ago." A man steps out of the shadows "And here I was expecting a reunion." "Michael!" Mason shouts while shoving Sawyer behind him. "What! No hello dad?" He stares with anger and hatred at his father "I want nothing to do with you or your coded messages!" "Son, there is a reason for what I did." "Nothing you say matters to me." Sawyer pulls free from Mason's grip and steps beside him "Mason listen to what he has to say." Michael looks her up and down "You must be little Mary-Grace, always knew you weren't dead." Sawyer stares at him "Its Sawyer now" Mason moves forward "I want you to leave us alone." "Son...just give me a chance." Mason raises his voice as he points a finger "No! Because of what you did I lost everything. I lost my whole family and I had to bury my mother. You know what her last words to me were?" he waits a few seconds, his voice coated with emotion "She said the only thing I feel bad about....is that you survived." Sawyer tries to comfort him "Mason calm down." Michael looks at Mason with sorrow in his eyes "I'm sorry." "I'm the product of a corrupt cop and a junkie who overdosed...you know...they have bets in town of whose footsteps I will follow in!" Mason walks away and Sawyer looks at Michael before running after him. A little while later she finds him sitting on his bike. She sits down next to him. The air is chilly and Sawyer shivers. "You can borrow my jacket; we are friends now you know." Sawyer laughs and bumps her shoulder against his "Maybe you should let him explain." "What explanation could he have?" "You had one when I thought the worst of you." "I can't just forgive him for ruining my life." "He isn't asking for forgiveness, he's asking for you to listen to him." Mason pulls her closer and kisses her on the cheek. They sit there together and stare out over the lake.

Sawyer is sitting in the library a few days later looking through a box. She hears movement behind her and looks back to see Scout standing there "Surprised to see you alone" he says. "Very funny" "So what are you doing here?" "It's none of your business." Scout raises an eyebrow "Want to answer honestly!" "Fine, I'm looking for clues." "Clues for what?" Sawyer gives him 'the you know what' look and Scout sits down opposite her "I don't know anything that could explain that shed to me." "The one in the dandelion field?" "Yeah, I saw something that got Sarah-Mae killed and it must have been important." Scout picks up a file "And you think this will help?" "No, but it might help me find out who was involved or jog my memory." They start going through the boxes and folders silently, both not sure what to look for. Scout looks at Sawyer "How does it feel?" "How does what feel?" "To know your whole life is a lie, that you aren't who you thought you were." "It feels like...I was robbed. I look at how happy you guys are and then I remember how close we all were and it hurts." "I wish I had never left you that day." "And I wish that I never went to the shed! We all have things we wish we did or didn't do." "Do you hate us?" Sawyer sighs "I barely know you." "But you would rather have Chase as your brother than me?" Sawyer is about to answer when she sees something in the file she's reading. Scout is concerned when he sees the look on her face "What did you find?" "A medical record" "A what?" "I found Mayors Richards family records!" "And?" "It says here that Mayor Charleston Brown contracted chicken pox at age fourteen and became sterile." "I still don't get it" Sawyer rolls her eyes "If he was sterile.....then who fathered the child that ended up being our very own mayor? If Charleston wasn't Richards's father, then who was?" Just then Lucinda walks in "You two have worked so hard, come have some tea and cake" Sawyer removes the medical record and hides it in her bag. Scout glares at her. "I want to photocopy it" she whispers as they get up and follow Lucinda out the room.

Sawyer sits in Alec's office with her feet on his desk; he walks past and knocks her feet off before sitting down "Why aren't you in school?" "I was let out early" "Sawyer you need to go to school." Sawyer ignores him "The other day at Meredith's where did all the other police officers come from?" "From the next town, I knew I would need backup." "How did you know I was in trouble?" "Mason called me and told me you went inside. Now why are you here?" "Why do I need a reason?" Alec arches a brow, Sawyer relents "I want to know what Mason's father did." "Shouldn't you ask Mason?" "I can't ask him that." "He had written false reports and kept any leads on finding you to him-self. A suspect was also killed on his watch, it was allegedly self-defense. Mason saw the whole thing and told me it wasn't what Michael said." "Did he ever tell you why?" "What's with all the questions?" The next moment Duncan walks in shaking his head "Their trailer is cleaned out, no one has seen them." Sawyer looks at Duncan "Who's gone?" Alec ignores her question "Duncan put a bolo out and Sawyer...go to work." Duncan nods "Yes Sheriff, Tommy said he hasn't seen them for days" Sawyer stands up, and stares at Alec "You're talking about Kurt and Rusty aren't you?" "Sawyer this is official police business" "They were the ones who kidnapped me, weren't they? I saw Rusty's nose was broken." "The blood from the tissue came back as a match to Rusty." "Tommy's involved!" Sawyer shouts out excitedly. "Enough! Tommy is a hard working man who likes to take people in who need help. It doesn't make him a criminal." "But I..." Alec interrupts her "Stop it Sawyer! Not everyone in this town is a criminal. First Meredith and now Tommy. Are you going to say the Mayor is involved next?" "Well..." "Sawyer...you should head to Skully's. I'll pick you up after your shift and please don't spread any rumours." Sawyer walks out of the station slamming the door behind her.

Sawyer puts her apron on in the kitchen and walks into the restaurant. She notices someone she hasn't seen before, a black middle aged woman with curly hair who is holding the hand of a four year old coloured girl. Cameron walks over to them and kisses the woman on the lips. The girl let's go of her hand and runs over to Candy who smiles and lifts the girl to her chest. She calls Sawyer over "Hey Sawyer, this is my daughter Daisy." "Hello Daisy." "I am four" Daisy says holding up four fingers. Candy points to the woman "That is Cameron's wife and my aunt, Mary. She watches Daisy in the day.... while I work." Sawyer stares at Mary, some-thing bothers her about this lady. "Mommy can we go now?" Candy nods before waving goodbye Cameron beckons Sawyer over "This is my wife Mary." "Hello." "You look so beautiful, but I much prefer your real name." Cameron smiles "She prefers going by Sawyer now, dear" "You and your sister were such sweet children, you know I was there when you were born and you were given my name" "And Sarah-Mae?" "She was given your grandmothers name from your mother's side." A customer begins to wave wanting to order. "Excuse me; I need to see to my customer" "Bye Sawyer, see you around" It's late at night and raining outside so everyone is huddled together watching a movie.

 Sawyer is sitting with Haylen on her lap and Blaire next to her. Scout and Braxton are on a couch together and Pippa is sitting on her own. "Do your parents go out often?" Sawyer asks. "They go every week and they kiss which is gross" Haylen replies pulling a face. Blaire smiles "I think it's sweet that your parents have a date night." Sawyers' spare phone goes off; she pulls it out and shields it from everyone. The private text is written in an angry tone. Why didn't you tell me Michael is back? She types back I didn't know you wanted to know, is it important? Suddenly there's a loud crash outside, Sawyer puts the phone away and Haylen lets out a scream. Scout pauses the movie and Pippa switches the lamp on. Sawyer looks up and sees someone standing outside in the rain with a gun; she quickly switches the lamp off again. Scout glares at her angrily "Why did you do that?" "Someone is outside and I don't think it's a social visit." Haylen starts to cry "I want mommy." Braxton takes Scout by the arm "Call your dad." Scout takes his phone out and starts calling, there is another crash and Sawyer signals for everyone to follow her. Pippa looks around terrified "What are we going to do?" Sawyer leads her down the passage whispering "We need to get to your mother." Blaire picks Haylen up and takes her phone out "Let's just call her." "No it's too dangerous, if she comes here she will be in danger, we need to get to her." Everyone is scared but they follow Sawyer. She pushes the study door open and they step inside and hide. They hear footsteps and a voice "Little girl, I know you are here." The footsteps stop outside the door, Blaire puts her hand over Haylens mouth. The footsteps drift away; every-one stands in the middle of the room. Sawyer moves as quietly as possible "I'm going to distract him. You guys run to safety." Scout grabs her hand "No. We all stay here till Dad arrives." "He wants me and I won't let you guys get hurt." The voice grows louder "If you surrender then I won't harm the others. I just want to talk to you. There was a slight misunderstanding and we need to clear it." Blaire shudders. "Is that...is that...the...the janitor?" Braxton has opened a window in the room, the rain still coming down "Come on, let's go" They all move towards the open window. The voice is much louder "You are testing my patience!" A shot is fired, everyone jumps. Pippa starts to whimper "Why can't she go out there? He wants her" Scout turns angrily "She is our sister. Can you really want her dead?" Braxton is in the rain waiting for the others. Blaire lifts Haylen out the window and into Braxton's arms then climbs out herself. Sawyer moves away from the window "Pippa's right, he wants me. Go get help. I'll hold him off." Pippa realises that Sawyer is really going to do it and grabs her arm "No come with us." "Now you want me to live?" Pippa climbs out the window with tears in her eyes; she wraps her arms around Haylen. Sawyer looks at Scout "You go first and I'll follow." "You better" he says climbing out the window. He turns back to face her with his hand outstretched and Sawyer slams the window shut with a click of the lock. The door opens and the light goes on. Everyone stares at her in disbelief before running towards Kayla's house. Sawyer stares at the man approaching her "Rusty! We meet again" Rusty points a gun at her "There you are little girl. Where are all your little friends?" "Gone, they don't know who you are so leave them alone." "The police are after me and my brother; you need to tell them it's a mistake." "I will." "I don't believe you; I want you to write a letter saying why you left and why you lied." Sawyer looks into his blood shot eyes before she kicks him behind his knees taking him down. She spins and knocks the gun out of his hand, before punching him in the face. Rusty falls down further crying in pain "Bitch you broke my nose again!" Sawyer runs out the room and down the passage, she heads straight for the front door. Suddenly Rusty tackles her to the ground and they end up fighting and rolling around on the ground, he is strangling Sawyer who is trying to claw at his face. As she feels her body giving in, he is pulled off her roughly. Sawyer coughs and sees Mason fighting. She begins to shout "What are you doing here?" Mason is against the wall pinning Rusty in place "I came to visit and saw everything." Michael suddenly steps into the passage and fires his gun, Rusty looks down at blood pooling through his shirt and falls face down. Mason runs to Sawyer and hugs her close, he then looks at Michael "What are you doing here?" "I followed you. What I say next is very important. I need you to go home and pretend you were never here." "But why? Sawyer needs..." Sawyer holds a hand up "Your Dad doesn't want you going down for murder." Mason stands up and looks at the body then his father "I don't understand" "Go now, I promise to explain everything to you." Mason kisses Sawyer on the lips and leaves as they hear sirens approaching. Michael faces Sawyer "I was never here, you understand?" "Yes." Michael steps forward "Good, now help me move his body to make it look like you had to roll him off you." They quickly move the body and smear blood on Sawyer's top, the smell making Sawyer gag. Michael looks at her then walks back the way he came, wiping his and Mason's footprints away as he goes along. Sawyer's hands are shaking heavily now, she looks at the body and slides down the wall to sit on the floor. As her heart rate normalizes she hears a megaphone "This is the police; we have the house surrounded, give yourself up and let the hostage go."

She gets up on shaky legs and slowly opens the front door. The siren lights are flashing and guns are pointed at her. Grace is standing with the rest of the children crying in the rain. Sawyer steps outside. "Freeze!" an officer yells. Alec sees Sawyer and pushes past "Stand down! That's my daughter" He runs forward and pulls her into his arms "Are you hurt?" He leans back and pats Sawyer down, a police officer approaches them "Ma'am where is the assailant?" "It's Rusty, he wanted to kill me and make it look like I ran away." Alec hugs her "You nearly died." "We fought over the gun and it went off, he's in there" The police officer nods and a paramedic runs inside with their medical case. Another paramedic puts a blanket around Sawyer's shoulder and leads her to the ambulance, she follows numbly. Sawyer sits down in the open van, Grace and the others run towards her. Scout is still angry "You are so stupid, you could have died!" "He could have killed all of you." "Never do that again." Grace moves closer "Sawyer, are you alright?" Sawyer nods her head. Haylen steps closer "You were very brave." Blaire looks around "My mom is home, she must be so worried seeing all these police cars, Haylen lets go tell her what happened." Pippa is crying and Braxton is standing behind her "I don't want you to die" she sobs. Grace pulls Pippa into a hug. Sawyer looks solemn "I'm sorry." Braxton steps forward angrily "Just shut up! Do you really care so little about yourself?" Before Sawyer can reply, Kayla approaches, she looks livid as she walks through the rain "What the hell is going on Alec?" Alec offers her an umbrella "He's the one who attacked Sawyer two weeks ago." "He nearly killed my children!" "Don't you think I know that? My children were in that house too!" Grace steps between them "They are all safe, that is all that matters." Kayla looks at Sawyer "For how long? Ever since she came to town my children have been in danger." "Kayla that is enough!" "Seeing Sarah-Mae buried and my husband disappear was enough, this is just going too far." Braxton looks at his mother pleadingly "Mom, she saved us." Kayla links arms with Braxton as they walk towards Blaire. Sawyer gets out the ambulance and walks past them. She sits down on the front steps of the house as the body bag is wheeled past her. Scout sits down next to her while Alec and Grace talk in whispered tones. Sawyer sighs "They're right you know. I am trouble and a danger to you guys." "It isn't your fault." "Yes it is Cash." She stands and looks at his exhausted face "Tell them I'm sleeping at Chase's tonight" "Tell them yourself." Sawyer stares at everyone in the rain, the blood drying on her clothes.

The next morning Sawyer is sitting on a rock, Chase is standing against a tree and Mason is pacing up and down. Chase breaks the silence "Why is everyone trying to kill you?" "I don't know" "You are living with me from now on" "I don't think..." Michael suddenly steps out into the open and looks at all of them, Mason stops pacing. "Good morning to all of you" Sawyer looks at Michael in the light of day, she looks at the tree house and then grabs her head in pain. Its ten years ago, Mary-Grace is sitting on the rock in her pink dress still covered in blood. She is rocking back and forth as John and Michael stand facing each other "You can't just take her!" Michael yells. "They will kill her if I don't." "John. I'm an officer and I can't allow you to break the law." "We've been friends for years and I trust you, but I need to do this, my cover is blown and my family needs to be protected. What would you do if it was your family?" "That's beside the point; her family will be looking for her." "And I will return her when it's safe, I love her as my own and I won't stand here and let her be killed." They both look at Sawyer. Michael looks at John "Promise me you will protect her with your life." "Always! Now you had better go. Trust no one and don't ever let Alec uncover the truth". Sawyer blinks a few times, all three men are staring at her with concerned faces. She looks at Michael "You knew what happened to me." "What are you talking about?" "I remember you talking to John after Mason left me in the tree house." Mason suddenly steps towards Michael "Dad what is she talking about?" "Yes I was there." "You told me I was imagining it. Why did you lie to me Dad?" "I had to protect you" "You lied to me! You destroyed my life!" "I know. John trusted me and I kept my promise, even if it meant going to prison." Mason stands facing Michael "You were helping John weren't you? You could have told me and I would have kept your secret." "You were a child" "I became a man the day they took you away." Sawyer stands up and looks at them both "So what is your plan now?" "I'm going to continue my mission as planned, but no one may know I am here." Chase moves away from the tree "How do we know we can trust you?" "Because I shot a man to save Sawyer." Chase nods "OK. Let us know what you need us to do." "Keep Sawyer safe." Sawyer shifts awkwardly "I can take care of myself." The three of them look at her and Sawyer glares back. Mason finally sighs out loud and looks at Michael "Dad I'm sorry that I never trusted you." "I'm the one who should be sorry, I realize now that I should have told you." Michael holds out his hand and Mason shakes it.

Sawyer is standing with her hands on her hips. Alec is standing across from her while Grace is twisting a dish cloth and Scout is sitting at the counter glaring "You can't tell me what to do" Shouts Sawyer. "Yes I can, I am your father." "You were my father." "Just because you don't remember us, doesn't mean we have forgotten you." "Well I don't want to live here." Grace turns to face her "Do you hate us that much?" Scout jumps off his chair and bumps Sawyer's shoulder as he walks past "Call me when the fight is over, I'm headed over to Brax." Sawyer stares down at her feet "I don't hate you; I just don't want to live here. I want to stay with Chase." Alec looks away "I'm saying no, you will live here until you are eighteen." "Why do you want me here?" "Sawyer, we just want our daughter back." Grace answers softly. "Even if she isn't what you had. I'm causing trouble, everyone nearly died because of me." "You saved lives by nearly sacrificing yourself. Do you really think we would trade one child for another?" "Kayla was right, I put everyone in danger and with me gone they will be safe" At that moment Kayla steps into the kitchen with Sheriff the dog "I was wrong, Sawyer. I was terrified and I wasn't thinking clearly. I was there when they found Sarah-Mae's body and you know what my first thought was? Thank God it isn't Blaire. Then I looked at Grace who was crying for the loss of two daughters and I felt so guilty that I prayed you would be alive. I came home and my husband was gone and I realized I was being punished for my cruel thoughts, so my husband was taken from me." Grace steps forward to hug her as she cries but Kayla stops her "No please don't, let me finish. I never wanted your children dead, they were like my own children and I know I wasn't being punished. Then Sawyer returned and I thought well she is back, why isn't my husband back? Then she was nearly killed a few times and every time I thought that if she died my last hope would be gone. I'm sorry for not telling you, but the guilt was eating at me. I would look at how beautiful Sawyer is now and how much we all missed out on and my heart breaks for all of us. Sawyer please don't leave." Grace pulls Kayla into a hug and they cry together. Grace finally manages a few words "Your husband was a fool for leaving and I would have had the same thoughts if it were Blaire that were dead. We are human and our instincts are to protect our children." Alec looks at Sawyer, she walks past but he grabs her arm "Make sure you unpack before lunch"

Sawyer flops down onto her bed and pulls out her spare phone, she types a message I can't keep lying to them. It takes a few seconds before there is a reply Why? What happened? She types her response They have to know. Please don't make me keep this secret. Finally a reply comes Not till this is over.Will it ever be over? We either meet or I will tell them. The reply is instant Plans change, expect me tomorrow. Suddenly her door opens and Blaire walks in and sits on the bed next to her. Sawyer puts the phone away. Blaire looks across at her "That scene down there was so emotional I nearly puked. Like people telling everyone how they feel will make them feel better." Sawyer laughs "Does everyone wish I was the one that died?" Blaire sits up straight "You can't ask something like that." "Why not?" "Because no one asked for any of this and no one can choose who they love. You can't expect a mother to love one child more. You were both loved and so it was the luck of the draw which one of you lived." "But we had personalities and clearly people liked one of us more." "The adults loved you more, you were so charming. Sarah-Mae was jealous and always told me not to play with you." Blaire gets up and walks to the door; she flicks her hair over her shoulder "I was supposed to tell you that food is ready" With that Blaire leaves the room, Sawyer rolls her eyes and follows her out.