
Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro! You wouldn’t believe this! Everything was normal. Me and my bros doing some mining for mana gems for that old sockethole, Somanda like we always do all day, everyday. Me, Fractures, Bonet, Mono-socket, Broadbone and the gang. Then from nowhere, that ungrateful sockethole, Somanda tries to END me! Can you believe that?! I mean, I have told some questionable stories about him caressing my skull affectionately and deeming me his prized undead, but no need to axe a skeleton for something like that, right? RIGHT?! I managed to escape through one of the most convenient and contrived get-aways in all of undead history, even managing to pull a bony one on the Lich bastard by stealing two of his seemingly important possessions which I find out later to be better than I thought they’d be! From there it’s a just a SPIRAL of boneshit left and right! I can’t catch a break! What’s with this atrocious luck, bro?! A voice speaks to me about how I have qualified for something about a something that’s supposedly something’s something! Then I find myself in a new world that reeks of life and gives my bones a disgusted rattle. Powerful beasts and men are at every turn, all lining up to be a huge pain in my PELVIS! GAAAAH! Jeez this is happening too fast! However, even while I’m in the thick of this, the one saving grace is that I got something worth while! A new path of power! I can NOT be an undead! I can be something better than both the Living and the Dead! Immune to the antics from both sides. Well... most of them! I’m no longer on the path for Undeath! Only Lifelessness awaits me! I’m the one who transcends reality in this tale! I am... SKULLIUS! And I’m not an UNDEAD! ...... [Author’s Answers To Popular Readers’ Questions] Q: (IHateArjuun77) -Hey author, is your book trash?- A: (Author) -Haha, screw you dear reader. The answer is NO. The story has elements of comedy, action, magic, adventure and Brutality. Like it gets really dark sometimes. There’s a comprehensive story with characters that I tried my damndest to NOT make generic on top of a cool power system that’s for the most part easy to understand. So its not trash. Q: (IFreakingHateArjuun56) -Hey author why is your first volume so slow paced and... trash?- A: (Author) -Haha. It’s how I designed the First Volume to be. It’s a fun setup that doesn’t focus on many things other than the MC’s mentality, powers and route of progression. The next volumes are normal paced, focusing on the world, the villains and general expansion but all while still retaining the book theme and fun experience- Q: (ShadeIsAPervert001) -Hey author, I instinctively sense that I’ll hate this book, when should I drop? A: (Author) -Is this the same reader?! Anyway, I’ll give a range. Read a minimum of the first 20 chapters to a max of up to chapter 44 before you decide on anything too rash. I’ll hunt down this reader! --- Discord: [ https://discord.gg/8hcraTjzE9 ]

Shade_Arjuun · แฟนตาซี
1303 Chs



[Grand Sword of the Hedonist]

<Common >

A weapon forged by the [&$%#%#] Race. Its intent is to satisfy itself with the blood of all creatures that possess the 'third leg'.





-Special Effect-

-No Balls-

Deals an additional 120% damage to all male opponents, but deals none, and with a 50% chance to curse the user, if they strike a female opponent.

-Special Effect-



"...." Skullius was dumbfounded.

Even though he was quite happy with the numbers that were shown by the guidance field, he felt... weird about this weapon.

It sounded so...

What was a female anyway?!

'I almost forgot that I can see weapon stats too,' he thought as he wielded the sword. Perhaps in the heat of the earlier exchanges, he had forgotten to check.

The goblins felt a sense of unease as they looked at the blade that gleamed as though anticipating to rip them apart.

Aikil felt this much too vividly.

'What is that sword?' he thought, and a glint of greed shone in his eyes. 'Maybe I can take it for myself once I kill this undead.'

Skullius held his new blade and embraced the rage he had been about to unleash on the enemies ahead.

How had he attained this weapon?

Unbound had additional features that could be exploited with enough Null Life Essence Points.


[1-99] -Null Life Essence Points-

Gives the option for basic upgrades to stats, weapons and skills from the vast connection to Serenity.


[100] -Null Life Essence Points-

Gives the option [Random Upgrade] to stats, weapons and skills from the vast connection to Serenity. Increments below 1000 NLE increase the chances of drawing higher level upgrades.


[1000] -Null Life Essence Points-

Gives the option [Permanent Random Upgrade] to stats, weapons and skills from the vast connection to Serenity. Increments below 10000 increase chances of drawing higher level upgrades.





100 Null Life Essence Points granted a higher form of upgrade that spawned skills or weapons from the ranks of rarity that was used by the Null Life system!

Skullius had drawn a sword he thought to be incredibly powerful, but it was merely ranked as a common weapon among all the things possessed by the Null Life system.

He hesitated no longer as he had a limited amount of time to use this weapon. The duration for anything other than [Permanent Random Upgrade] was five minutes, and if he waited for Aikil to strike first, he would have wasted 100 NLE Points.

With the damage stipulated by the sword's status, he would be able to defeat Aikil with two well-timed blows perhaps! Even less if he struck sensitive areas!

'I have a chance if I use that trick at the right moment!' he thought recalling a feature of his body he and his friends had used in Deadmanland.

Aikil was startled to see the one-armed Skullius attack him fervently now.

He decided to use [Piercing Rage] again as this had gotten a lot more dangerous with an unknown element added to the mix.

Besides, the sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could claim that new blade - with some degree of study over it first.

Aikil thrusted his sword as he burst forward at full speed towards Skullius who suddenly did something that Aikil had not seen coming!

Skullius' torso shot into the air, separating from his pelvis!

Aikil's sword struck nothing but air and with the speed he had been attacking with, he couldn't withdraw his arm quick enough to prevent himself from falling for the attack that came next!

With the Boneman's torso above Aikil, holding the new, red sword, he slashed down at Aikil's head!

The sword sliced through the goblin's head cleanly, descending down his neck and all the way through to his chest!

Aikil's eyes showed the hopelessness he felt as he experienced the cruel damage to his body.

It wasn't simply as it appeared on the surface.

Only Aikil knew of the horrendous pain that assaulted its 'royal member', feeling it shrivel as if it was being sucked dry of all its blood until only a raisin like small object remained attached to its crotch!

Blood splashed as Aikil fell to the ground. It was indeed cruel that he got to feel it all even with a split brain. At least for a few moments.

Skullius reconnected with his lower body that had raced to receive him.

[You have killed LV16 Foul Goblin. 550 Exp awarded]

[Your prey emits the Essence of Null Life. Would you like to extract it? Remaining time 59 seconds]

Skullius immediately drew the Essence and saw 40 points that now rested within his panel.

'Hmm. No matter how powerful they are, goblins give me 20 points no matter what,' a thought streaked through Skullius' mind only for a second as he looked at the goblins who were shocked to see their superior die.

They saw the undead with a gleaming blue flame as it held the red blade that dripped with blood.

A faint flash streaked across the Grand Sword of the Hedonist as it seemed to be satisfied with the blood that ran over it.

"Now. You were about to kill my bro with confidence. Where's all your bravery now? Let's see it. Come and deal with me," Skullius said as he swiped the sword this way and that, approaching with quick steps.

The goblins were still stunned by the fact this undead could speak their language as well as how it acted oddly - unpredictably - when the current seen emerged, burdening their ability to process their emotions.

What was left to do now?

What could they do against this thing?

The tall Boneman rushed towards the goblins, some of whom backed away or stumbled to a fall, particularly the one goblin who had been afraid of a confrontation with Skullius and Red Rage to begin with.

The goblin archer hardened his resolve and nocked another arrow on his bow, directing it towards Skullius.

Skullius grew vigilant, but in the next moment, he saw a short figure dash over between the shaken goblins and lodge a dagger into the goblin archer's shoulder!

"Arrgh!" the goblin screamed as it loosened the arrow which flew off course.

"I didn't know you were that vengeful, bro! No, wait. That's a lie. I knew," said Skullius to Red Rage before he slashed with his sword, beheading the goblin archer!

He didn't stop, rushing to finish the other goblins, one of which began running away while screaming fearfully.

Red Rage rushed by Skullius' side, throwing its dagger at the cowardly goblin that fled!

[Flash Throw has been activated!]

The dagger flew and sank into the goblin's back, felling it. The boar then went ahead and finished it off while his master dealt with the remaining enemy.

It wasn't difficult for Skullius to kill the goblin as it barely used its weapon as well as it had been doing before.

He leapt up and struck down, chuckling as the ememy tried to block with its sword, only to have it sliced through by Grand Sword of the Hedonist, which dug into its shoulder and carved into its heart!

It's third leg also started to shrivel up and it screamed from the pain, Skullius ripping out the sword from its side.

[You have killed LV12 Foul Goblin. 340 Exp awarded]

[You have killed LV11 Foul Goblin. 302 Exp awarded]

[Apostle 'Red Rage' has killed LV10 Foul Goblin. 325 Exp awarded]

[Your prey emits the Essence of Null Life. Would you like to extract it? Remaining time...]
