
The Week Goes on...

The next few days blended together as Kano and his friends found time to catch up. He would exercise each morning and then eat with his mother. Then he would hang around the school with his recruiter and talk with students about military life. At lunch he would end up with Sarah and hear all about how boring high school was and how much a pain it was dealing with Aaron in her sister's life which put him in her own life now as he was almost constantly around. Kano only laughed at how he seemed much more possessive of Vicky now that Kano had returned for a visit.

"And, Friday night, Crap that's tomorrow night, they are going to be eating at Gellato's, where I work!" Sarah pouted as Kano picked her up from school that Thursday evening. Sarah had demanded he do so since he was around and had a car. She also got to see him in a non-military uniform, just his usual casual clothes. A muscle shirt and jeans with some tennis shoes to even it out. His dog tags dangled from his neck and it made him look tougher to her. In her eyes he had the look that screamed "come at me bro! I'll take ya on!" and truth be told, he had the personality to match. She recalled numerous times that Kano had leaped at boys that had catcalled her or her sister in the past. Even if all she did was say to go beat someone up, Kano would not even ask why, he just ran into them swinging.

She was tempted to drive around and find all the boys that had dared to ask her out, but she thought better of it as Kano was an adult, legally, and that would end badly. Still, in her eyes, only Kano existed. It was only him for years now, in fact, when Vicky had told her that she had talked with him before he shipped off to basic training, Sarah was livid about the fact she had not gotten to say goodbye. But here he was, right next to her and now with his new build, he simply oozed sexiness. She did not even bother keeping her hands off of him, but whenever she tried to go further, he would slowly and calmly take her hands and place them to the side. She knew he had to do this, but the desire in his eyes were all the clue she needed to know that he wanted her too. Her original plan of taking him on the side while he dated her sister was long past, now she had a chance to get him for herself. It didn't matter how many other girls tried to take him, he was hers.

Sarah could tell by how he spoke and acted with Vicky that he still harbored feelings for her. She honestly doubted that would ever change, but if Vicky and he got back together, it did not matter. Sarah could easily share him with her sister. Now, Vicky might have a problem with it, but that was all her own problem. Kano noticed the vacant and dreamy look in Sarah's eyes and tried to bring her back to earth.

"Sarah, babe. You there? What's it matter if they eat there? You just don't want to see them smooching or what?" Kano did not want to think about it either. Still, he had an appearance to uphold. He knew he had to disrupt the dinner somehow, but he had no idea where to begin.

"Ugh. Not that. Gellato's is the most expensive restaurant in the area. I'm going to water down each of his drinks so he spends extra!" She giggled evilly at the idea of taking a poke at his bank account. That's when it came to him. He recalled hearing stories about Aaron being a little handsy when he drank in college.

"Now, now. I'm happy for Vicky and I glad she found someone that makes her happy. Sure he may be a creeper, but has he done anything? You are damned hot after all. I can barely keep my eyes on the road when you ride with me." She blushed and clucked her tongue at him to keep from saying anything embarrassing. "Besides. You should add a little more alcohol to his drinks."

They shared a laugh at the mental image of an enraged Vicky berating Aaron in front of a crowded restaurant full of high society due to his drunkeness. Also, he might get wasted and make an ass of himself. That would be the best result if she were to dump his stupid face.

"Yeah! Take that Creepy McGee!" She yelled with abandon as she imagined the outcome.

Kano could only laugh at her antics as he pulled his car up to her house, he had barely stopped before Sarah had gotten out with an exaggerated pose that showcased her perfectly sculpted rear for him. He sighed in frustration as he looked on with undeniable admiration. 'This girl is definitely trouble.' His gaze wandered upward as he took in the small house that she and his former girlfriend called home. It was the same as it always was. He could not help but feel nostalgic as he suddenly felt the urge to exit and walk up to the fence. As he did so, Sarah ran up and latched onto his arm again. He gave her a smile as he looked around at their surroundings. The small white picket fence, the aged but still solid concrete sidewalk, and a rather large and imposing oak tree that he and Vicky had made out in too many times. A small snicker escaped from him as he stared up into the canopy that hid a small spot very well, a small spot that was perfect for two people to sit comfortably next to each other.

"Thinking about things you shouldn't be?" A voice interrupted his reverie, but it was all too familiar to him. He didn't even bother looking away from the spot that he knew was there.

"Just regretting missed opportunities." Only after saying this did he lower his gaze until it fell upon Victoria standing on the steps of her home. He felt Sarah let go of him with a rather loud sigh of exasperation and watched her as she walked inside. As Sarah passed her sister, she turned around behind her back and blew a kiss at Kano as well as stuck her tongue out at her sister before continuing on inside. He noticed Vicky was wanting to say more to him so he waited where he was let her approach, but the fence was still there between them.

"You are impossible. You know that?"

"Indeed. You and my mother would know me the best." At that he winked at her and could only grin as she shook her head in exasperation, but she smiled a little, so that was a good sign.

"So, been spending a lot of time with my sister."

"She has been pretty demanding of my attention."

"You better not hurt her." Her words stung him, causing him to stop short and stare at her. He searched her eyes and saw a glint of anger and a small amount of concern. Kano could not stop himself as he reached out and placed a hand on her cheek.

"Hey, I would never hurt either of you. Not intentionally, at least. I made a mistake before in letting you go on alone, when I should have grown up a little quicker. But I promise you, I never meant to hurt you."

She knew he meant it. She knew he had not intention of hurting her. But he did. She sighed again, this time a little wistfully as well. Then she realized his hand was on her face, 'How did I not notice him doing that? Is it just so natural for him and I? Is our closeness still that easy?' Her face reddened a bit as she cleared her throat and gave him a dirty look.

"I'm engaged, you know."

Kano grinned sheepishly and removed his hand from her cheek. "There will always be a special place in my heart for you. I'm glad you are happy. Even if I'm not the one you need, I'm glad you are happy. That is all I ever wanted. To make you happy. If you need anything, call me. I'll always be there for you, regardless."

He stepped away and walked back to his car, as he opened his door, he stopped and stood there for a moment. "Besides, do you really think I would sleep with you sister to get back at you? I'm the one that fucked up. Not you. Did you really think I would try something so sinister? She's still a kid, weirdo."

He laughed as he saw Vicky's face change once again into an angry expression, but as he started the engine and drove away, that expression changed to one of hidden mirth. She really did know him, she knew him better than anyone, possibly even his own mother. If he wanted to sleep with her sister, he would do it because they both wanted to and on top of that, he would wait till she was of legal age as well. He was not a kid anymore, he could not get away with the things they had done in high school if he did them with her sister. His new muscles and confidence only made things harder on Vicky, and with Sarah's crush on him, she knew it would only be a matter of time before she made her own move on him. She had obviously stated such to him, and Vicky knew he was too nice to turn her away. It couldn't be helped that they had similar voices and facial features, they were sisters after all. But the problem, was not that her sister liked him. No, the problem was that she had never truly stopped loving him herself. She had tried to push it aside and bury it under everything, but then he showed up again. Full of the maturity she wanted him to have a few years ago.

"You big dummy. Why did you have to become handsome? Why couldn't you have stayed an idiot?" 'Then I wouldn't be so conflicted when I see you.'
