
Chapter 1

26 years later — London, England

To every ambitious person, the goal has always been to be powerful, to make money and to be famous. One thing they've never realized is that, money does not solve every problem, neither does it buy everything — at least not TRUE love, nor the happiness that come with it. Dera figured this out the hard way. Dera studied the city idly from the magnificent view of her penthouse, lost in her thoughts. A lot had happened to her over the years weaning her from girl into womanhood. She had gotten it all by her own sweat: money, power, and fame. She had achieved all this by running away from her past, who always caught up to her anytime she was alone — as now. She had lost herself getting the good life, but she intended to make things right this time. She had never thought it possible, but fate had once again forced her to face her past — and perhaps correct her mistakes too. She agreed within herself that she was going to do it — she was going to make everything right.

"Ma'am! could you please hurry up a bit? We might miss the flight!" her PA announced, interrupting her thoughts.

"Ma'am? Edith what is wrong with you?" Dera replied with a smile, puzzled by how her P.A addressed her.

"C'mon girl! Now's not the time! This is an official moment and it's necessary I address you formally. When we're done, we can go back to being bestfriends" her P.A ranted glancing anxiously at her watch.

"Remind me again why you strictly maintain your dual identity" "It boosts my professional ego and I don't need to be biased when I'm making decisions" Edith snapped.

"Okay? Well Edith this is a professional moment and you're shouting at your boss. Don't you think that's unprofessional?"

"Whatever" Edith hissed, rolling her eyes at Dera.

"Alright. Let's go catch that flight!"

Umuahia, Nigeria

After twenty years of slavery to his passion, Buchi had finally gotten it all: the good life, power, fame and the perfect family — at least in papers. Somewhere between the struggle he had lost his spark that had portrayed him as a charming INNOCENT boy — now he was a man, and he behaved like one.

"Dad! Get your legs off me! You weigh like a hippo!" Strength whined, groaning under the weight of his father's legs as he struggled to free himself from the trap. Buchi could not help but laugh, amused by the boy's determination.

"That's a lie! I don't weigh like a hippo... I weigh like an elephant!" he corrected and they both erupted into laughter, amused by his silly joke. Buchi loved his son more than anything else — even his own life. He reminded him so much of himself when he was a boy, with those innocent smiles and eyes. He felt sad that they barely spent time together due to his work, but always tried to make up for it anytime he got the chance — as now. They had both slept in his room, after staying up all night playing video games.

"Ok Seriously dad, get your legs off me" Strength requested, putting a serious look on his face this time

"Alright junior, whatever you say" Buchi shrugged then lifted his legs from his son, only for the boy to place his legs on his body.

"Hey strength! That's not fair!" Buchi complained

"Quit whining dad. Your legs can kill me but mine can't because I weigh like a chicken" Strength joked and they both laughed again.

"Come here punk!" Buchi said throwing a pillow at his son.

"Now let's go pray" he ordered. They both slipped from the bed and went on their knees to pray. Buchi said a short prayer and they both stood up to go about their business. Buchi turned towards his bathroom but started back instantly. He had been started by a little girl who had been standing quietly behind him (she must've entered while they prayed)

"Jesus Christ! You scared me" Buchi said with a frown but the girl did not apologize nor say a word.

"What's wrong, princess?" He asked, finally noticing her distressed face.

"Dad! Can't you see I'm already dressed for school and Strength's not. I'm going to be late for school because of him again" she complained narrowing her eyes at her little brother.

"Treasure..." Buchi began hesitantly, uncertain of how she would handle the request he was about to make. "Can't you just skip school for today? Maybe report sick?"

"No!" She screamed almost immediately. "What type of father are you? Why would ask such a thing? Other parents would never ask their kids to lie or skip school or..."

"Here we go again. Another lashing session" Buchi whispered to his son and they both began to chuckle as Treasure continued to rant.

"No way dad!" She continued. "Skipping school will affect my grades. Besides I don't want to lie about being sick. I might end up being sick for real"

"C'mon Treasure." Buchi pleaded "It's just one day. Skipping school once can't make your grades fall" he reasoned

"No dad. I want to go to school." She refused blatantly. "I can't afford her to beat me again" she muttered to herself.

"Treasure it's cool to act tough like an adult... but it's ok being a kid too. I mean you just turned twelve and Strength's just nine. You're still my little girl, whether you like it or not. Allow daddy to spoil you a bit" Buchi pleaded.

"Fine! But I'm not a little girl" Treasure replied narrowing her eyes at her father. "I'll only skip school if you promise to buy me Ice cream. Do we have a deal?" She bargained extending her hand for a handshake.

"Deal!" Buchi agreed and clasped Treasure's hand gently in a handshake.