
Bright Academy

School for gifted students is an understatement. Bright Academy was a school on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean. Felix Oppong was one of the over thirty students in the forty square kilometer sized college, for good reason...

Felix_Kunjan · ไซไฟ
285 Chs


Franklin roughly threw Lilith down and she looked back at him as his eyes glowed white, green, gold and brown.

He then said,"Your life depends on his."

Lilith's hands shivered violently as she touched Frankie's body, her friend...best friend and he was in this state because of her.

She just burst into tears and couldn't move but felt a sharp pain in her cheek and was thrown off balance as he slapped her with the back of his hand.

She cried as he yelled for her to heal Frankie but she still couldn't move, her body just wouldn't respond, talk about her light.

He then kicked her in the belly and she screamed in pain and sobbed as he bent down.

He gripped her by the hair and said,"I'm going to put you through every bit of pain your father put my son through."

Someone yelled,"Let her go you bastard!"

He turned to see my sister and two boys he didn't know.

He dropped Lilith as she cried then he said,"Leave if you don't want to die right now, this is just between Felix and me."

"If you mess with her family, you mess with me."Trevor said.

Curtis remained silent as Franklin's eyes glowed a blinding mixture of colours as he took a step forward, so did the trip.

He took another then began to walk, which they also did, then he began running and they ran too then the boy with the long hair blasted himself into the air using exotic matter then pulled his fist back and punched, blowing a massive wind but Franklin Time Jumped behind him.

He was able to teleport out of the way before a bolt of lightning hit where he was standing then Alexa attacked Franklin but he saw her move coming then dodged.

He also dodged the two dimensional blade that was just flung at him but wasn't able to dodge Trevor in time who kicked him in the chin, punched him in the belly then round housed him and locked his leg on his neck.

Franklin traveled hyper fast out of his grip then appeared behind him and was about to strike him with lightning when he disappeared and appeared besides Curtis.

He looked all over to see if any limbs were missing, none.

' Wow, he didn't decapitate me, that's weird. ' Trevor thought.

"Thanks bro."Trevor said.

"Don't mention it, literally don't, otherwise I'll do something much worse than what he was going to do to you."Curtis said, right before jumping back into the fight.

Alexa was knocked down and the ground started to crack from age, she knew she'd fall through if she moved a muscle.

Just then, Curtis trapped Franklin in a Stasis and Trevor did a butterfly kick and kicked him, he was rock hard but Curtis ended the Stasis and Franklin was thrown backwards then Curtis appeared right behind him and side kicked him to Trevor who punched him down to the floor.

They both saw Alexa in danger and ran to her then stretched their arms.

Alexa didn't know whom to choose and was saved when Franklin got up again and wiped the saliva off his lip then said,"Now you die..."

The boys looked at each other then both pulled Alexa to her feet then she said,"I'll go after Lilith while you guys distract him."

"Sounds like a plan."Curtis a


Trevor wiped his lower lip then said,"Bring it on old man."

Alexa started running towards Lilith who was still crying when the boys ran at Franklin.

He then made the ground below them raise to clap on and crush them but Trevor dive rolled and Curtis teleported out then blasted a strong wind at Trevor, who flew then threw a kick, using the momentum to increase the force and Franklin pulled back his fist which went on fire.

Alexa was running when there was a loud booming sound a shockwave rushed through her body.

She heard Trevor yell in pain as his leg got broken from the force and was thrown to the side.

He winced in pain as Alexa yelled his name.

She ran to him then propped him on her knee as he breathed heavily.

She tried to help him then said,"I'm so sorry I got you into this."

"What?"He chuckled.

"This, all this pain you're in."

"I've been in worse situations, just help...Curtis?"

Curtis was flung into the air and fell and rolled backwards several times till he reached right next to Alexa and she yelled his name.

He held his aching ribs then raised his hand and said,"I'm fine...no I'm not."

Franklin carried him up by the neck and he yelled in pain as electricity ran through his body into the ground.

He yelled louder and Alexa screamed for Franklin to stop, but he only did it more.

Alexa screamed again, at the top of her lungs this time, then there was a warping right before a massive shockwave blasted Franklin several feet into the air but left Curtis untouched.

Alexa stood up with her eyes glowing a brown gold ten Franklin stood up again, furious.

She then said,"We'll see whose emotions win."

He ran at her at light speed but she swiped her arm then a powerful wind blew at him, restricting his movements greatly, he was about to blast heat at her when his arm froze in thin air then a cracking sound was heard as his whole arm twisted backwards.

Alexa then threw him onto a wall of ice I h right beside him with tremendous force.

She turned immediately to the boys then Trevor yelled,"Look out!"

She then felt a sharp pain in her belly as Franklin stabbed her then grinned.

She looked at him then held the two dimensional blade and it faded out of existence then the wound healed immediately and she swiped her arm and a massive current of water blasted Franklin through several thick walls of ice I c.

He felt like every bone in his body was broken but still tried to crawl to his son, to Frankie but he stopped breathing as he was lifted into the air.

Alexa raised her arm and tightened her grip on nothingness, which manifested as his neck being squeezed tighter and he whimpered then Alexa heard a yell,"Aunt Alexa!"

She turned towards Lilith then immediately the glow dimmed and she fell to her knees then collapsed.

Trevor tried to crawl to her, so as Curtis, as that was all they could manage and Lilith ran towards her but then saw Franklin, still crawling towards Frankie.

A pair of eye darted open then Frankie took in a deep breath then saw Lilith.

She smiled at him then stretched her arm and Franklin's body was immediately fixed.

He ran to hug his son who cried in his arms, then he silently thanked Lilith, who smiled then ran to Alexa.

Alexa opened her eyes in a white room then looked around to see the boys and Lilith sitting besides her.

She sat up then she looked Trevor up and down, he smiled then said,"Lilith fixed me good as new."

She smiled till Lilith asked,"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Beat Franklin up?"

"I... don't know."