
My True Love!

**Natalie POV**

**(Ten Years Earlier)**

Stay low to the ground, don't inhale the smoke, keep your guard up, and pay attention. Just as my mom taught me, I watched my surroundings carefully. The grassy hill offered fairly great coverage for a petite thirteen year old body. There were thick bushes to hide and blend into. At least, it was until the smoke lit up the dark of night.

Never show surprise or emotion when facing a potential enemy. Conceal or death was the life of an assassin. I had no interest in following in my mother's footsteps, but the threat would always be there. I had to learn to defend myself in case my mom's identity was ever revealed. I could be used against her.

Fire whipped around my face, burning me lightly. I tightened my brown ponytail and mentally readied myself. This wouldn't be the first time Mom had put me in a position where I had no choice, but to endure some mild pain. The licking flames caught hold of bushes. It was time to change locations.

I squatted low and ran as fast as I could in the awkward position. Hunched over, I made my way to a tree at the top of the hill. It wasn't the best hiding spot as Mom's hawk eyes were sure to spot me up here. Disappointing her was barely a preferable fate to burning to death. I could hear her scolding me already. Had I thought ahead about the fire, I wouldn't have to risk being out in the open.

At least I was confident now one of her sniper colleagues wasn't hiding somewhere nearby. A red dot would be dancing on my forehead right away. Then I would hear the cocky laugh of my first crush. 'Killed ya again tike.' he would say with a finger slicing across his neck. He was an arrogant asshole, charming and older. What teenager wouldn't crush on him? A good thing he wasn't interested in me. Mom would have literally cut his balls off. She did that to pedophiles free of charge to her employer.

Damn it, focus!

A loud burst of wind furthered the flames. A bit clumsily I took a gamble and stood up. I charged over to my new destination, dodging large roots. Rustling, opposite the tree I was heading towards caught my attention. I gripped the knife in my head tighter. Mom was not a sniper like her colleagues. She preferred to get up and personal with her blade. Every day at any given time she had at minimum three knives on her.

Where was my Mom? The fire was getting worse. I crouched down by the tree. Smoke blurred my vision and started to enter my lungs. Our training sessions were never this dangerous. Hiding, self defense, or a game of assassin was as far as she normally went. This time I could really die.

Something wet splashed across my cheeks. Wet? I glanced up to see a reckless tidal wave of water coming straight at me. So an elemental was present? What was Mom playing at? It was not funny!

My heart began thumping in my ears as nerves set in. Mom must have a new elemental colleague. She had told me several times not to use my elemental abilities, or demon side. I was to keep my true power hidden from the public. No one could know I was half demon unless I had absolutely no other option. Let anyone who wishes harm to our family underestimate me.

Blend in. Always keep aces hidden.

So why give me a powerful unruly elemental to face off with?! Mom would be mad, but I had to use a bit of my ground ability. I doubt tidal wave boy would notice the small display.

I crossed my arms in front of my face and used my ground ability to dig my feet firmly under the dirt. Taking a quick last gulp of air, I held my breath.

The pressure of the water nearly knocked me down despite using my own power. The first wave chilled me to the bone. Of course the assassin would make sure the water was frigid in addition to the already crisp night air.

The second wave hit me in the stomach. Immediately the wind was pushed out of me, leaving my mouth gaping. Water filled my mouth and nostrils drowning me. By the time the third crushing wave hit me, I was already losing consciousness. I let go of my ability. With nothing helping to hold me up, I fell heavy and freezing into the water. I felt like a beached whale being washed away from my home. My body didn't stop moving with the waves until my head hit a hard stone.

Mom really was going to give me a lecture from hell for this one. I was out in the open, spitting up water to the side.

The grass had turned into liquidy mud. Just wonderful! If I tried to get up chances were high I would slip. Or I would have to give away that I'm an elemental. Forget it. I rather just fail this stupid simulation. At least the freezing water was better than that fire. This way I wouldn't have any burns for her healer to deal with after this.

Checking my surroundings, I could see scorch marks in the grass. I continued to glance around searching for my Mom. She would be gliding through the mud with a knife in hand. One tap on my neck, or heart and this would be over. We could go home and get something to eat. Since again I was the loser, Mom would get to pick where again.

"Hey you okay girl? Why are you out here in the middle of a fire?" A completely dry boy about fourteen, maybe fifteen stared at me with deep green eyes. The ends of his chocolate hair were burned a bit at the ends as was his designer looking jacket. There was a small scar running up the side of his neck. Not surprising since most assassins had scars littered across their bodies. None of his features were what caught my attention though. No, it was his aura.

It sparkled around him. *This human elemental was my true love! Should I tell him? Humans couldn't see auras like demons could. They were blind to who their true love was.*

"Just hurry up and 'kill me'." I spread my arms out ready for this to be over. Once he mock murders me I could let him know. I smiled. Tonight wouldn't be just a horrible training session after all! I loved fate!

He got on his knees and checked my pulse. "Why would you want to die!? Are you okay? Do you need help?" He was asking frantically.

Was he not part of the training session?

I stood up too quickly. My head was still messed up from the water typhoon this guy created. "Sorry, I need to get back to my Mom. I just really like graveyards ya know." God, he was going to think I was some goth chick in love with death. I was all in black, seemingly wandering around tombstones at midnight. At least that was better than him believing I was here to kill myself. I could never do such a thing. I would never be able to take a life; let alone my own. Inside I knew some people were beyond redemption and the ones Mom kills are monsters. Still, I could never stab someone and watch the light die from their cold eyes.

Blubbering again I added, "it's not like I enjoy graveyards cause of death and goth or anything. Graveyards just are peaceful cause there aren't a bunch of noises from the city ya know! And I'm a city girl who hates public areas and can be a bit awkward. The dead can't hear what I'm saying…Unless ghosts are real. Which may be the case, but hey at least I wouldn't know I'm embarrassing myself to them ya know."

I needed the ground to cave under me and eat me whole. I sincerely contemplated it. With my ability it wouldn't have been a hard feat.

Another reason Mom told me to keep quiet around large groups was because of how socially inept I am. People would hear my odd tangents where I don't know what is right to say and remember me. This would make finding me easier if anyone found out who Mom really was. Not that I had a problem with keeping to the background. I was more comfortable being ignored than humiliating myself by speaking more than a few words. For some cruel joke, I could always think of what to say, but never form the words. I should have stuck to the three word sentences I typically kept too. Now my true love would think me stupid, or mental.

A warm hand touched my cheek breaking me from my inner ramblings. I allowed my head to rise and meet his stare. If he was going to laugh at me, I might as well have him do it to my face. At least then I wouldn't have a million questions about it later tonight back at home.

The boy grinned at me and my heart almost stopped. Mr. Tidal Wave was way more attractive than my Mom's friend. He made my first crush look like a cockroach in comparison. My true love caught me staring and started flexing. So he was cocky too. Guess I had a type.

"You are absolutely adorable and sweeter looking than a triple chocolate cupcake topped with Ice-cream and sprinkles!" How could he say such things unabashedly!?

He brought his face mere inches from mine. Unintentionally, I zoned in on his firm lips. He started to pucker them as my body swooned having my true love so close. His arms started to wrap around my body and his hot mouth was getting closer by the second. Shutting off everything else, I licked my lips and awaited his kiss.

"Well, it isn't an outing without my dear brother harassing some girl huh?" A girl came up behind him. She had raven black hair and stunning eyes. His parents must have the perfect genes. Although, it seemed all the height went to the new girl's brother. He was tall and I could see how muscular he was by his tight jacket. *Damn it, don't drool!*

"A girl who turns the great Trevor into a puddle of cringe? Now this was a sight!"

Sticking his tongue out Trevor hissed, "I was not!"

The girl ignored him completely. "Anyway, ignore my doofus brother. He thinks he's God's gift to humanity. You can do so much better than his dumb ass." She glared at him. "You didn't bother checking to see if there was anyone first?! You could have drowned her. Poor girl is shivering, dumb ass."

He got a mischievous grin on his sharp face. "I could always warm you up. I live pretty close Sweetness." His eyes brows wiggled all suggestively.

Apparently his sister had enough of his flirting. She smacked him in the back of the head. "Cut the shit Trevor. You don't have to try and bed anyone with boobs. Anyway, she's way too cute for a guy who uses stupid pet names like Sweetness."

I had to stifle a laugh. The two of them bickering was offering way more entertainment than I think they realized. I'd rather watch them argue than anything on the T.V. There was just something wholesome about their relationship. Then the girl made a crude comment about shoving a broken piece of Lego up her brother's tight butt. Maybe not so wholesome…

"Of course I'd call her Sweetness!" the boy, Trevor, defended. "She's sweet like a cupcake. You like the idea of being my Sweetness right?"

How was I supposed to answer that!?

"With how rotten you are, she'll give you a cavity." The girl joked right before gripping her head like she was in massive pain. Her brother bit his tongue knowing something was wrong with his sister.

"Are you okay? You've been getting those random headaches a lot recently. Maybe we should tell Squad Leader Tom."

"No. I'm fine." She rubbed her temples. "Miss, do you need help? We really need to get back to our training before Tom turns us into barbecue."

Squad Leader? So they were with the DSS. The DSS existed to protect the weak mostly from evil demons and elementals. They were devoted to saving as many innocent lives as possible. Under any other circumstance I would have loved to talk their ears off about their jobs. They were the type of people I could actually see myself getting close with and be the real me.

Not today though..

It was bad luck they would be training out here the same day Mom had picked. Speaking of her, I still didn't understand where she was. Surely Mom would have ended training for the day if she saw the DSS was here…Unless they found out she was an assassin. They may have gotten the wrong idea and assumed she was evil. Shit Mom!

Trevor kicked a random piece of stone. He really should have a bit more respect for a graveyard. *Like your family's one to talk.*

Tidal Wave boy reached an arm out to his sister. "Pen. I know you always have paper and pen in your bag."

The girl rolled her eyes, but retrieved what he asked. Trevor scribbled something done on the piece of paper and handed it to me. "My number, Sweetness. Call me anytime. I'd love the chance to make up for blasting you with water."

He leaned in close and his smell intoxicated me. It reminded me of the sea and sand. His fingers trailed under my chin sending chills and tingles down my spine. He brought his lips to my ear, "I'll make you wet in a very different way."

"The feck was that? Lamest pick up line ever!" His sister pulled his ear. "Leave her alone. You're giving me creep vibes Romeo."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at them. Both of them jabbed at each other until I snorted. Crud sickle! That wasn't cute.

Trevor put a warm arm around me and took my first kiss. It was a quick peck, but left me wobbly. "Sorry, that was just too adorable to resist."

After Trevor was slapped in the back of the head again, the two of them left to find their squad leader. *I should follow them*. Just wait until they are far enough away and glide through the grass… mud, like Mom would.

I started to crouch low when a gust of wind swept me up in a small tornado. Fuck, the girl must have been a wind elemental. I had been too distracted by the green eyed hunk!

My body swirled around the tornado making my stomach do somersaults. I had no idea where I was going, the wind was too harsh to open my eyes. Little cuts sliced up and down all four of my limbs. I curled my lips to stop any screams. I didn't want my Mom any more disappointed than she already would be.

When the wind parted, I dropped like a lump of potatoes onto the ground. Mom stood with three demons I did not recognize. One woman and two men. The woman held my limp Mom in her arms. Bruises and blood covered my Mom's lifeless body; much worse than my tiny cuts from the wind. Don't be dead. *Please don't let her be dead. At least I could see Mom's chest rising and falling. Just hang on a bit longer Mom.*

The taller man had an immense aura that made me want to drop to my knees and cower. He must have been a demon lord. I had to squeeze a fresh cut on my thigh to keep my brave front.

Wait, the DSS was still nearby. Sure two of them were obviously newbies, but they would sense all these evil auras for sure! I looked around and took in my new surroundings. I needed an estimate of how far away the tornado had taken me.

The demon lord howled with laughter, "If you are expecting to be saved by those kids from the DSS, you are very mistaken." He chuckled with a cruel evil smirk.
