
Brain and Mask

A smart lady named, Touka, started her new high school life, but everything went south for her when she was crashed by a bicycle of the other girl, named, Shoza, she was in a hurry because she almost bump in a truck, Touka broke her right arm, which is her prominent arm, Shoza promised to pay her and face the consequences of helping her with all the things she do, since Rian broke her right arm, until she gets healed up.

Azeed · LGBT+
10 Chs

Tripped Balance

Shouza Diary

I was so tired just returning the rented books, and what makes it worse is that a lot of customers came in.

"Oh, that? I texted all my regular customers and said that, there's a new employee, but don't worry, I didn't told them you'll be temporary. " manager said.

"WHY!!? "I shouted, in despair.

I can't believe she did that, it wasn't suppose to be like this, I thought it will be normal.

"Don't.. Worry.. Yourself... She did that.. To me.. As well. " Touko said, acting cool, but her stuttering says otherwise.

Is working while in school this hard? I can't believe it.

But, this is my choice to help her, anyway.

If I'm in Uni and I have to do this at the same time, I might cry, ugly cry, but since I experienced this now, I might get to say that I have experience.

"Alrighty, girls, your shifts ends, I'll take over from here, since there's just more than zero customers at night shift. " manager said.

Thank you, so much!!!

I was ecstatic after hearing the manager said that, which is odd, since this is my first day helping Touko at work.

"Thank you for your hardwork. " she said as we left the store.

"You too. " Touko responded back.

We then biked back home, with Touko sitting on the back, that's the first time I saw her that active, I guess she's been working there for a long time that made her numb to tiredness.

I guess she's just as normal as everyone, and kind too.

"We should buy dinner, Nami texted me her shift today is done, cleaning the apartment. " Touko said, no stutter?

"Wait, you just talked continuously? " I asked, surprised at her speaking to that length without stuttering.

"Ah, yes, as long as I don't talk in front of people, I could speak fine. " she answered.

"So the others like your brother, and the manager is not or?... " I asked again.

If she could speak in front of others, does those people not people? I was curious on crazy stuff.

That moment clicked something in me, a curiosity over a stuttering lady.

"No, of course, that is from me practicing. " she answered, slightly furious.

"Okay then. " I said.

We then hit the market, and to my surprise, even in marketing and budgeting Touko's pretty good at it.

"Then we'll get the pork meat then, how about this one? " I asked her, as I point to the meat I wanted to buy.

She then responded.

"No, that.. Had a lot.. Of bloods in.. It, meaning.. It will be.. A lot.. Unhealthy.. " she said.

"And.. Hard.. To clean. " she continued.

Makes sense, and it is expensive.

"How about this? " she asked.

What she picked was large, clean and cheap, it was like it just appeared there out of no where.

"Can you cook meat? I know none though. " I said, making myself look bad.

"I can.. Teach you.. Pork steak .. . " she said.

"Is it easy to cook? " I asked.

We then ordered the pork she pointed earlier.

"Yes. " she answered my question.

We then got some ornaments for the pork steak and the ingredients of it, as she instructed.

All I wanted right now is to go home and watch TV Flixes, it's been a long day, and eat as well.

I probably look like a sham right now.

(Touko: She looks so hot when she's tired.)

"While we're on the way home, can you tell me about why you can't talk well in front of others? I know social disorder, but yours' might be different, right? " I asked.

"It may not be a disorder, It was trauma, 3 years ago or so, it was only an imagination of mine, I always thought of what everyone thinks as I am talking to them, it started only as a fun and excitement, but it slowly became negative. " she explained.

Hearing her vibrant voice continuously made me feel so gay, she doesn't look that good back then, she's decent but she's not well make up.

But I didn't realize that back then, I thought that it was just a bliss hearing her talk continuously.

"Then on, I never stop stuttering everytime I talk in front of others, those thoughts will always plague me. " she continued.

We then arrived at the apartment and was cleaned by Nami as well, but thanks to her though.

"Oh you bought dinner? How about I cook this for us? " Nami suggested.

"Wait, Touko said you don't have any shift left for today? " I asked.

"I was just kidding, I have about 14 minutes left, you girls change and freshen up at the bath and I'll cook this. " she instructed.

"Okay, then, thanks Nami. " we then took a bath, Touko got in first.

She is having a hard time in front of Nami, I don't know why? But I hope she will.

"So, what happened today, Missy? " Nami asked.

"What's with that tone? I just helped her on her job, but it was tiring than I thought. " I answered, as I sat at the chair of the diner

Everything aches, who would've thought a clump of papers together could be overbearing.

4 or 5 minutes later, Touko was done, I guess she just took a shower.

I then took a bath, afterwards.

After I bathe.

"Shouza, how many times have I told you to quicken your bathing time?! " Nami scolded me for taking almost 23 minutes of bath.

"Sorry. "

"Touko, took like 4 minutes to bath, and my shift ended a while ago, and your food lost its heat, fortunately for you, it's still warm. " Nami continued.

We then ate together, for about 4 minutes since the food is easy to munch on.

"Alright ladies, night time, since my shift ended already, you two will do dishes, I'll go to my room now. " Nami said and left the dining room.

She at least put all the plates soaked at the sink for us to do.

"I'll help.. out as I can... " Touko said.

We then did the dishes, but I guess since Touko only have one arm, I did all the work, and all she did is wipe the plates, she was doing well with one arm.

I got little bored half way since doing dishes is not one of my strong suits, and I was so eager to watch on TV.

So I hurried the dishes, and returned back to my room.

I don't know why my switch was flipped here, maybe it reminded me that I was suppose to be assisting Touko instead of the other way around.

I looked at myself at the mirror.

I never looked so haggard.

Nami Report

"Report, Sir. " I said as boss is calling me through the phone.

"Continue. "

"She did well, in helping Touko, but after doing the dishes, she looks rather flipped, and Touko cleaned up afterwards. " I reported.

"Great report, leave everything to me. "

"All I say, is that, Touko seems to be trying not to be a burden, and Touko wanted the peace at her TV, I don't know what happened, they looked like they got along, but after the dishes, she got flippant. " I voiced out my opinion.

"Thanks for your opinion, but do not worry. "

What a boss! I love that man.

Sorry I didn't upload this yesterday, I was busy.

Should I make a page for BnM? Let me know, please?







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