
Brain Evolution!

When we evolved from our ancestral species, our brain started making inventions at the cost of limited resources gifted by planet Earth. The brain of homo sapiens is evolving so quickly that I am sure it will replace biological organs with immortal tools acting as its limbs and other visceras to keep the neuronal line intact without losing its power to evolve further. The idea our brain got to have life-time and unending energy came after it apprehended the scheme that energy can be achieved from everywhere and anywhere especially by sun and through any vibrations having crusts and trouphes. What human interaction did to the home planet from Industrial revolution to the date till continue is a serious crime. Every human is responsible for the destruction of globe. The world leaders, politicians and industrialists have played their role in a cruel sense. Ozone layer is depleted. Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons have raised the temperature of earth acting as green house gases. The glaciers are being melted and the Pakistan is facing with serious deaths and nobody is giving care where more than 1500 people are died in a few days and 33 millions people are displaced from their residence. Million of hectors of crops are damaged with no compensation. Europe and china are facing highest hike in temperatures since ever and are likely to face droughts. Australia and turkey got forest fire which turned uncontrolled. Human interventions in building roads, housing societies and industrial piercing has played hovac. They are busy in Ukrainian war and Taiwan war. While humanity is still suffering. It is actually the game of capitalism VS communisim . Islamism is another factor and Talibans are brought-inn to add terrorism as a global threat like TTP in Pakistan, ISIS in Syria and AlQaida in Afghanistan .

Due to Human activity, we have lost many things. we are turned materialistic as rise in population has made us go in the market and hunt maximum of capital to survive.

the brain has changed its dimensions from conservative to Modernism where everything is liberal and that is good. Besides going towards space has created competitions between races, we have left no stone unturned and put garbage spread even in the pious darkness of space. In order to stay Infectionless the elite of earth are planing to inhabitate the dead and breathless surface of Martian land.

We live in a land named as a 'Country X' which has boundaries with Y, Z, A and B States. The residents of every distinct in bound territory consider themselves as a superior folks over the other. A few of them are clever enough to create a myth to the masses in order to stay in power and control the remainings in terms of Law and order, economical holdings and having absolute authority to the resources. The inhabitants with small brains tend to stay inside the boundary with adaptations to the rules and regulations set by the ruling authorities. According to 'Survival of the fittest ' Darwin clearly gave a notable reason in maintaining hegemoney.