
Boy with useless skills

I'm kinda new on this stuff so please don't judge me strictly. The kind boy named Tamashi Tsuyoi was 5 years old when the world beneath him started to shatter from dreams to reality. Why? Well the reason for this is pretty obvious. From the age of 5 people awaken there skills which are granted by gods they vary from rarity to power and the person himself. He and his childhood friend and best female friend Aria Mokuma were already 5 which means that they should awaken there abilities. Tamashi who was full of enthusiasm was first to awaken his skills and...he was disappointed...well they were trash in simple words. The society started to look down on him and even his friend.....she betrayed him. But! Do you all think that this shit will stop him from achieving his goal? NAY! Hardships would forge him to become more powerful than now! Lets follow the adventures of Tamashi and his friends in my new story! This story is harem story with cute and shy mc and lustful girls after his di- Author was slapped by holy bonk while you started to read this novel

Jumbo_Ignir · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 2

Ten years had passed since my and Aria's reveal of skills. When we got to village the villagers seemed to be happy for Aria while in other hand pithfull to me. Aria eventually stopped to communicate with me and got a bunch of new friends. I am not really the type who loves to remember past but this situation force me to do so. When Aria became age 12 she headed towards new city in order to become adventurer and when she was saying her farewells to village almost all the villagers gathered to say there farewells after all she was village's hero. She was really talented and strong and rumours about her were spread almost around whole Ella Kingdom making her most wanted girl to hire in party and guilds.... meanwhile me....from that day I really was training a lot. You could even say more than Aria herself but still without combat skills it was nearly impossible to defeat even F rank monster. I found use to all three of my skills. Firstly I really hated my skills but after sometime....I kinda started to like them. When I finally decided to go to a journey not a single person really cared....well it was obvious that useless trash like me wouldn't be a successful in future but did I really cared for fame? Nope. Maybe I wanted money? This is also no. The only thing which was keeping me to follow my dream was a will to travel around the world,have dangerous battles and live my life to the fullest. This was ou...no right now it could not be called "our dream". I don't know what is Aria's dream now and I decided to live my own life without regrets. Many people would not understand my reason for not hating Aria while I myself was mad at her but it's better to forgive rather than live with a burden in your heart.

It is almost half a year since I arrived to the Brighturn town. The old silent town which have a guild and a low tier dungeons which were fitting my current level. Did I told what is a dungeon?


The mysterious place which is divided onto different levels for different types of powers starting from F and ending with SSS+ dungeons. No one know how did they really had appeared but it was certain that they had to do something with gods.

Well I the low class adventurer was obviously trying to stay alive in a low class dungeon. My so awaited journeys didn't got any further from Brighturn town. I was stucked on F class dungeons....the furthest part I had reached was E rank dungeon which was also near the town making me neet who stays in one place. I'm not even telling about me being solo adventurer. Solo adventurers are known as loosers who couldn't socialize with anyone to form a whole party. Well I had a friend but she left me.

-Ok.... Let's go!

I said determined and entering the dungeon. It is really a nice feeling when you are entering the dungeon... strange mana particles collide around you while glowing like lamps on dark night. It was like a warm welcome of dungeon towards brave people who are ready to give there lives for it.

As I entered I slowly started to go deep into the dungeon towards the nearest "Teleportation crystal"

-Teleporatation Crystal

The magical tool which is acting like check point for travelers and when you finish the dungeon you can easily teleport back to the beginning.

They were really useful tools in place like this. Dungeon is extremely dangerous place and it's quite easy to get lost here so you can use crystal but sometimes there are some exceptions. When you would reach certain Zone the crystal automatically stop to work and would not untill the zone is not cleared. I thankfully didn't encountered any of these zone but I hope I would never find them.

Suddenly I heard a rustle from the nearby rocks which made me cautious. I quickly activated my Analyze which showed who were my enemies. It were 3 normal goblins which made me a bit relived and frightened...

Without wasting any more time I dashed forward towards them and got my little knife from my pocket while trying to stab one goblin but it was useless as he got his wooden bat and defended itself with his bat while second goblin appeared in my back but I wasn't that easy pray so I immediately lowered my head making two goblins to hit eachother.

-It is my chance!

I said as stabbed first goblin while unnoticed punched second one making him to fall to the ground giving me an opportunity to land a hit on the green enemy of mine.


I screamed killing the monster while remembering that there were three of them. I immediately realised that he made two of his own to distract me while it can land a sneaky attack on me but I wasn't that easy to defeat...no like I would die here!


I screamed while stabbing the goblin who nearly reached my back making him to fall dead to the ground.


Just for being sure I tried to saw there status which relived me a lot.

[Normal Goblin]

Lvl: 1


[Normal Goblin]

Lvl: 1


[Normal Goblin]

Lvl: 2


Well they were dead which relived me and after seeing the level of third goblin I realised from where was this smart attack. As I know goblins are not so smart creatures but as they got bigger and get experience through there own knowledge they somewhat manage to trap traveling adventurers. I even heard some stories about them loving the act of raping the women which really irritated me. Truly these monsters are bastards of nature....