
Chapter 131: Baby mama meets the real Pepper Hart!

Chapter 131: Baby mama meets the real Pepper Hart!

Pepper felt the anger emanate from her abdomen and it spread like wildfire throughout her entire body.

She watched Scarlett…now, you really want to die, bitch! She yearned to yell at her and she almost did until the door opened and Starr came out.

Asher looked from his wife to his baby mama to his daughter standing there and his eyes widened as the repercussions of Scarlett's behavior hit him from everywhere.

She kissed him. 

She fucking kissed him in front of his wife.

He wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

"Mom!" Starr yelled.

"Yes!" Both Scarlett and Pepper answered simultaneously.

Asher closed his eyes. Can this day get any worse?

"Get out of my house, Lena!" Asher told her through his clenched teeth.
