
No Advantage

"My dad doesn't love me anymore," the boy said.

Shura had been listening attentively. At this moment, His jaw dropped. His mouth was wide open.


The problem of the boy was something he could never have imagined. He could never have imagined that it was about a parent-child relationship, he never saw it coming at all.

He didn't know about these things because he was an orphan. He had never known his parents.

His feelings told him that for this boy's trouble to be only this much, everything was fine. It wasn't too much of a trouble. Shura was happy for the boy because his trouble didn't seem too big. It wasn't something as nigh-impossible to accomplish like bringing the dead back to life or becoming the strongest cultivator in all the countless worlds.

Shura then thought back to himself and made a comparison. No matter how large or small, everyone had troubles and worries. If not this, then that.

Now that he thought about it, would he ever find out about his parents one day? Were they alive or not? Who were they? Even if he became the strongest ever if he didn't know his origin, where he came from, then what did strength matter?

The Old Geezer was right, strength for strength sake isn't enough.

"Why does your dad not love you anymore?" Shura asked. The question was an awkward one.

"It's because I don't practice and cultivate as much as he wants me to. Cultivating is so boring, why would I want to do it?" the boy asked.

Shura subconsciously scratched his head. This question was asked at the wrong person. Shura was a cultivating maniac. Cultivating wasn't boring, if there wasn't cultivation, then would there be a Shura?

"I'm going to help you, in a way, I'm also helping myself. I have this Old Geezer in my mind. He's supposedly the soul of a Spirit Saint. Take him as your teacher. He'll teach you to be strong. Maybe he'll give you a trick or two so you don't have to cultivate a lot, but you would still be able to impress your dad. As long as you become strong, there's nothing you can't accomplish. Someone you don't like? Beat them up, something you don't like? Beat them up too."

"You're telling me to go and beat up my dad?" the boy asked innocently.

"Uh… no, but… if you're strong, you wouldn't need to cultivate and practice, then your dad would love you again? Everyone loves the strong after all," Shura replied. He found this to be quite awkward.

"This is awkward, are you really sure your dad doesn't love you because you don't like practicing cultivation?" Shura looked at the boy in doubt.

"Mister, beating people won't solve everything, you know?" the boy said.

Maybe the boy was just making a fuss out of nothing? A Spirit Saint watching over your shoulders shouldn't be bad for him anyway, whether he had a problem or not.

"Who taught you this, boy? Is everyone not trying to become stronger than other people so they can beat them up and have the world going the way they want them?" Shura said.

"I don't know," the boy said.

"Well, you're still young, boy. Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine in time. Take this Old Geezer. If he doesn't teach you to be a peerless expert, at least his wisdom will help you. You have nothing to lose."

Shura looked at the boy with expectations. The boy looked back at him. They then both burst out laughing.

"Mister, are you dumping someone you don't like on me?" the boy finally asked after quelling his laughter.

"How did you know?" Shura asked. Shura had stopped his laughter with difficulty himself, there were tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I'm smart," the boy said.

"You know what? If you don't like him, just find someone else to give him to," Shura said.

"Young man, what do you take me for?" the Old Geezer said with annoyance in his mind.

'An old man that I don't want to live with,' Shura said in his mind resolutely.

"Okay, I'll take your Old Geezer, Mister," the boy said.

'Yes!' Shura exclaimed in triumph in his mind.

'Old man, how do I send you to him?' Shura asked.

'Touch his forehead with yours and I'll do the rest,' the old man said in his mind.

Shura did as instructed and he touched his forehead with the boy's forehead. And then he could physically feel the old man leaving him and entering the mind of the boy.

"You got him, boy?"

"Yup, mister. He's talking to me now."

"Okay, good. This old geezer will teach you to be super strong in the future. Don't worry, everyone loves strong people. If you do what he said, and if he doesn't trick you, your dad will love you in no time," Shura said.

Now that Shura was rid of the Old Geezer, he could continue on his journey.

"I'll be going home now, Mister," the boy said.

Shura saw him off. He didn't know if he would ever meet the boy again.

Now that he was rid of the old geezer that made him feel uncomfortable, what then? He was bereft of his unique advantage. There wasn't a geezer to teach him things, neither was there a vast knowledge that could become his advantage.

Shura pondered about it for a short time. The conclusion he came to was simple: it didn't matter. This saint's mysterious soul fragment may have been what started his journey as a cultivator, but it wasn't all-important. Even if he lost it now, he was still himself.

He would carry on. His current strength of One Star wasn't entirely from the saint's knowledge fragment. He had worked hard for it every step of the way here.

Although it appeared like he had lost something, he truly had not lost anything. Perhaps he had even gained something from the lifting of this burden. Nobody would try to kill him for his 'secret'.


The sun set and night came to the city. The city was very beautiful in the night. Countless lights shimmered.

Two guards in uniform came to Shura.

"It's time for you to leave. People without permit or residence aren't allowed to stay in the city during the night," one of the guard said.

How did that work? He could play around in the city during the day, but he had to leave during the night? He couldn't even stay at a hotel or an inn? He needed to have a 'permit' or a residence in the city?

The rule was very ridiculous.

"Lead the way," Shura said and made a gesture with his hand.

One of the guards launched a punch at him. This punch was very fast and strong. Although it was not as powerful as the Soldier Leader's spear strike, it was still formidable.

Shura dodged in a hurry and cried out: "Why are you assaulting me? Are you here to keep the peace or break the peace?"

"Shut up!" the other yelled and drew his weapon before joining the other in attacking him.

"You started this!" Shura shouted and unsheathed his sword. No sooner had his sword left his sheath that Shura began to regret his decision.

What would these men find trouble with him? He was a nobody. He was only here for a day and all he did was talk to a little boy. Was this related to him?

These guards weren't weak, and even if he did kill them in self-defense, that would still give him trouble. So he might as well run.

With his mind made up, Shura unsheathed his sword immediately after he unsheathed and then ran away.

"After him!" Shura heard the guard shouting behind him. Why come after him?

Shura traced his steps and headed back toward the city's exit. He left the city. The guard didn't chase after him. He saw that they were staring at him with animosity.

What did he even do for them to look at him like that? Mysterious, the whole thing was mysterious.

Obstructions were everywhere. Only strength could break through them. The conclusion Shura came to was the same: he needed to cultivate more.

Shura began to cultivate. He was determined to not stop cultivating until he was a Two Star cultivator.

Shura found a secluded spot outside the city and sat down in meditation. He breathed deeply in and out, absorbing the energy in the air and leading them into his Core.

He became filled with energy. This energy was constantly being refined by his core into his own energy which then traveled throughout his body to nourish and strengthen it.

Shura continued to cultivate until dawn. When he opened his eyes in the morning, Shura was already a Two Star cultivator. At this pace, it won't be long before he became a powerful expert once more.
