
Bound by Deception

In the opulent world of London's elite, Lilly Hartley finds herself trapped in a loveless arranged marriage with the formidable Alexander Blackwood. As she silently endures her existence as his prisoner, a glimmer of hope emerges when she uncovers his hidden past. Secrets, lies, and a vengeful rival threaten to tear them apart, but lilly is determined to break free from her gilded cage. When she confronts Alexander about his past, she awakens a dormant tenderness within him, and he starts to fall in love with her. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, challenging the boundaries of their arranged marriage. Hoping that their newfound love be enough to overcome the obstacles in their path, with Isabella Morgan's malevolence planning to destroy their chances at a happily ever after

GabbySobio · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Echoes of the Past

The atmosphere in the grand mansion grew increasingly tense as days turned into weeks. Lilly felt like a stranger in her own home, constantly tiptoeing around Alexander's icy demeanor. She longed for a connection, a moment of tenderness that would bridge the gap between them, but her efforts were met with indifference or dismissiveness.

Lilly walked past Alexander's study and couldn't help but steal a glance at him. Her heart fluttered at the, He looked so handsome and focused, engrossed in his work. A small smile curved on her lips as she silently entered the study, hoping to go unnoticed since his back was facing the door. She approached him cautiously. As her hands gently rested on his shoulders, a rush of anticipation filled her.

In that moment, Lilly's mind raced with thoughts of reconciliation, of reconnecting with her husband. She yearned for the warmth of his touch, for the love they once shared. Perhaps this small act of tenderness could bridge the growing emotional distance between them.

But as her hands slid down his chest, her smile faded into confusion and pain. Alexander's grip tightened around her wrists, his fingers digging into her delicate skin. She winced, feeling a mix of surprise and anguish.

"Alexander, you're hurting me," Lilly gasped, her voice laced with pain. Her eyes pleaded with him to release his grip, to understand the hurt he was causing, widened in surprise and a mix of fear and confusion washed over her features.

A flicker of remorse flashed across Alexander's face as he abruptly let go, pushing her away with a force that sent her stumbling backward. His expression turned cold, a mask of inner turmoil hiding beneath the surface.

His mind was a battlefield, torn between the desire to protect himself from the vulnerabilities of love and the overwhelming need to connect with Lilly. The echoes of past betrayals reverberated within him, clouding his judgment and fueling his defensive actions.

His voice, now tinged with a combination of frustration and regret, broke the silence. "Stay away from me, Lilly!" he thundered, his voice echoing through the room. "How dare you presume to touch me?"

As she regained her balance, Lilly looked at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and disbelief. She took a step back, her hands instinctively cradling her throbbing wrists. Her heart pounded in her chest as shock and hurt washed over her. It was the first time she had witnessed such rage from Alexander, and it left her paralyzed. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stammered an apology, her voice barely a whisper.

"I... I'm sorry, Alexander. I didn't mean to overstep," she stammered, her voice quivering.

His gaze softened for a fleeting moment as he took in her shaken figure. "You need to learn your place, Lilly. We have an arrangement, and you will adhere to it. Touching me is not part of it."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she absorbed his words, the weight of his rejection crushing her spirit. She struggled to find her voice, her apology hanging in the air, unanswered and dismissed. The emotional distance between them felt insurmountable as she grappled with the realization that the man she had once loved seemed impossibly distant.

As Alexander turned away, retreating further into the depths of his study, Lilly stumbled backward, her body trembling with a mix of fear and confusion. She sought solace in the sanctuary of her own thoughts, desperately trying to make sense of the emotional distance that had grown between them.

Later that night, as Alexander retreated to the privacy of his study, he poured himself a glass of whiskey. The liquid burned as it slid down his throat, numbing the pain that threatened to resurface. His mind wandered back to the dark days of his past, to Isabella. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the room, echoing the darkness that had once consumed his heart.

In a rush of memories, he saw her image, her touch, and the words she had whispered in his ear. Isabella had claimed to love him, to desire a life together. But it had all been a ruse, a web of lies spun to ensnare him. She had run away with his money, leaving him drowning in debt and heartbroken. She had whispered declarations of love and painted visions of eternal bliss, only to vanish one fateful day, leaving behind shattered dreams and a profound sense of betrayal.

As the bitter taste of betrayal lingered on his tongue, a wave of anger washed over Alexander. He slammed the empty glass onto his desk, With a surge of anger and aching sadness, he hurled the glass against the wall, the shattering sound reverberating through the room like a symphony of broken dreams.

The fragmented shards scattered across the hardwood floor, their glimmering fragments mirroring the fragments of Alexander's own shattered pastThe qweight of his past mistakes, the wounds inflicted by Isabella, resurfaced with a vengeance, fueling his coldness and detachment.

The memory of Isabella's touch, once comforting and intimate, now seared through his mind like a painful reminder of his vulnerability. He could still see her captivating smile, and hear the sweet promises of an idyllic future they had dreamt of together. It had been a facade, a mask she had worn to deceive him. The thought of Lilly's innocent attempt to bridge the gap between them brought back a flood of emotions he had long buried.

In a flash of realization, Alexander understood the depth of his own wounds and the impact they had on his marriage. Lilly's touch had unintentionally unearthed a buried trauma, triggering his defensive response. He had become the very thing he despised—a man closed off to love, a man driven by past betrayals.

He stared at his trembling hands and then walked abruptly to his bedroom, slamming the door, which made a loud bang.

He unbuttoned his shirt and removed the rest of his clothes before stepping into the bathroom.

Turning on the shower, he let the cold water cascade over his body, each droplet a metaphorical cleansing of his troubled soul. The icy stream brought him a moment of clarity, washing away the bitterness that had consumed him for far too long.

After his shower, Alexander walked back to his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He noticed his phone beep, signaling a message from work. He sighed heavily, realizing that his commitment to his job had become a way to avoid facing his personal traumas

He got dressed in his night outfit and noticed his phone still on the nightstand, tempting him to seek solace in a familiar voice. Without a second thought, he reached for it and dialed his younger sister's number.

As he waited for her to answer, a profound silence filled the air, intensifying the weight of his emotions. Finally, his sister's voice broke through the stillness. "Hello," she said, her voice filled with both curiosity and concern. There was a moment of silence as Alexander took a moment to compose himself, his heart yearning for connection. "Alexander, is everything okay?" she asked, concern evident in her tone.

He took a deep breath, the words caught in his throat for a moment. "I just wanted to hear your voice," he replied, his voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and relief.

His sister sensed the underlying emotions, the unspoken pain that lingered between them. "Is something troubling you?" she inquired gently, her voice filled with sisterly concern.

He felt the lump in his throat, the difficulty in finding the right words to convey his struggles. "It's complicated," he admitted, his voice heavy with a mix of resignation and vulnerability.

Amelia listened intently, providing a safe space for him to unburden himself. They spoke of memories, of childhood adventures, and shared laughter, if only for a fleeting moment. In the depths of their conversation, Alexander found a sliver of comfort, a reminder that love and support still existed within his fractured world.

After the call ended, Alexander quietly walked down the hallway, his steps cautious and deliberate. He reached Lilly's bedroom and gently pushed open the door, peering inside. There she lay, peaceful and serene, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm of innocence.

A small smile curved on his lips as he watched her sleep, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the moon.

As he turned to leave, lost in his thoughts, he bumped into Charlotte, the maid. Startled, she took a step back, her eyes widening with surprise. "Oh, Mr. Alexander, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," she stammered.

Alexander cleared his throat, regaining his composure, and nodded in acknowledgment.

"What are you still doing up this late?" He asked his voice gentle yet distant.

"I just wanted to check on my lady" she replied.

"Good" with a final nod continued on his way working back to his room.

A smile escaped Charlotte's lip followed by a scoffed. She shook her head and walked in the opposite direction.