

 So, yes, we are going to Oa, more specifically, me and a zealot Commander called Oris. He is what would be called a fanatic on Earth and even for a war based culture as Boros was, his actions was pretty over the top. So, I decided to name him my Head Guard, focusing all his aggression and paranoia on my safety seemed the safest choice for my budding empire.

 "What do you expect, Dada?" Oris asked as our spaceship made its way to Oa's coordinates.

 " Bureaucratic bullshit and shenanigan," I sighed tiredly. While my forces were out there conquering and pillaging, I had always been in my palace just watching on, proudly. I was the hidden boss that legends are passed off at, a shadowy figure to always watch out for, Boros Sec, the first of his name and the Borosian who had made a race of hardened warriors to conquer worlds for. I had become famous without even showing them my face. So, I was vry content of my work. However, the Oans just had to come and ruin everything. I knew I should always expect for them to try something and I was ready to show them that I am the original Borosian.

 "Will the Oans try to do something underhanded?" Oris asked through clenched teeth. I should also say that he is deeply xenophobic to a fault!

 "They will, whether they decide to do it with their own hands or someone else's is debatable," I answered with a slight smile.

 "Then I will prepare for a massacre, Dada," Oris growled before he walked away. I smiled at his retreating figure before turning my gaze to space.

 The sweet symphony of atoms was soothing to my soul, it was the universe at its rawest and it can't get any more beautiful than this. Sometimes, I use the soothing music to get inspiration of making new inventions, inventions that has made Borosians become the behemoth they are at the moment. It was all the atoms speaking to me, sharing to me their secrets joyously, helping me in creating new atoms for them to mix and play with. It may sound simple but it was actually so hard I knew anyone else would be spitting blood. Rick Sanchez's intelligence is not to be trifled with. It had overwritten Jerry's crippling depression turning him into an exact personality replica of Rick, it did a lot more for me.

 I was still immersed in the symphony when I felt a knew symphony approaching. The symphony sang of destruction and endlessness, something that made me want to learn more about it. So, I looked towards its direction and saw the Main Man. A bounty hunter antihero or sometimes a villain, Mr. Machete himself, Lobo the Czarnian. The first murderer in Czarnian history and one of my favorite DC characters. He was on his space bike, an evil grin on his face headed my way.

 "So that's how they want to play this?" I chuckled as I got from my throne. "Oris." My bodyguard was fast enough to be in front of me barely a fraction of a second later, one knee bent.

 "My Lord, is something the matter?" he asked, a little worried. I knew what ill him was because I was standing, I hardly ever did ever since they could start fighting wars for my sake.

 "It's been decades since I last stretched my limbs. I'm going out for a stroll, prepare a cell for a guest before we're back," I ordered him. Oris looked bothered by me going out alone but nonetheless nodded in understanding. With that, I teleported away, appearing in front of Lobo, making the Czarnian to brake hard and stop before hitting me

 "Lobo of Czarnia, I feel honored you are the one here to take my bounty," I projected my thoughts into his mind. The Czarnian came out of his stupor before bellowing with laughter inside his head.

 "Well, this is a first, a chum delivering himself right to me. And about you feeling honored, the main man is flattered and will make this a painless death," Lobo declared as he stood on his bike with a huge energy projectile weapon in hand.

 "That remains to be seen, Czarnian," I chuckled before flexing my power. I saw how Lobo was disoriented when we suddenly appeared on a barren planet. He looked around in surprise, taking his eyes off me; a grave mistake.

 Speeding at him at the speed of light, I punched him on his gut, letting his guts explode out from his back, with his spine too, before he was sent flying away. He was sturdy, I felt that. It was for no show he is Superman's villian even if the Kryptonian could overpower him eventually. Looking at where he had flown too, I could see his mangled body piecing itself back together and once again, I was listening to his symphony. Oh, the melodies is was singing!

 "You are a strong one, good! This will make the bounty even more sweeter," Lobo laughed maniacally before speeding back towards me. Going for a superman punch for his first attack, I ducked under him, letting him sail past me. Well, the Czarnian was certainly experienced and skill for he followed with a kick to the back as soon as his feet touched the ground. I ducked to my right for this one and seeing that he was going for his third attack, I decided to punish him by making a small back of nuclear power on my palm, bringing it to his face and exploding it.

 The planet was rocked by the explosion as a huge mushroom cloud that touched the sky enveloped a huge distance away. I waved some clouds of dust from me as I stepped on the molten ground at the epicenter of the explosion. I felt for Lobo's symphony and heard it six thousand miles from the explosion, he was having a hard time to heal but was healing either way. Nuclear power was the bane to such kind of power but it seemed Lobo's healing was not slouching either. I teleported to him, making him go defensive as soon as he saw me.

 "Color me impressed, Czarnian, your species is sure lucky to have this gift with you," I said, fascinated by his healing.

 "You think using magic is going to help you? The Main Man is going to frag you, only this time, I will take my time!" Lobo psychotically said before lounging at me. I stayed still, a relaxed smile on my face and let myself taste his mountain shattering punch. I didn't even feel it, but someone else did. Lobo groaned in pain as his arm was obliterated into a blood mist from the rebound force of hitting my immovable self.

 "What trickery is this?" he asked as he made some distance.

 "No trickery, just you being overwhelmingly outclassed," I softly said to him before appearing before him and giving him a punch that turned him into a blood mist at contact! The landscape behind him were also ravaged by the effects of the punch as the terrain was vaporized for a thousand miles before stopping, forming a canonical shape.

 "Huh, maybe I expected too much," I sighed, slightly disappointed at the outcome of the fight. I had expected Lobo to at least tank one more punch for all his hype. Even now, I could feel his symphony still singing strong. "Might as well." Connecting to the symphony, I accelerated his healing temporarily to instantaneous and the new Lobo yet still the old one was standing in front of me, naked.

 "Frag it, I died, didn't I?" he asked once he came to his consciousness, trying to his, pause, more than adequate big johnny!

 "I suppose you won't tell me who sent you then?" I asked and Lobo laughed straight to my face.

 "The Main Man doesn't kill and tell," he growled at me.

 "Very well," I chuckled at his stubbornness. "Just have to say, you held out much longer than any other I have ever fought. So, with all my love, I do hope you are in one piece after this." 

 I teleported to the stratosphere of the planet before pointing my left hand palm towards the planet. Did I say I was a huge manga fan, especially Dragonball? So you can expect when I say I fired Nuclear blasts reminiscent of Ki blasts towards Lobo's location, I spammed the heck out it! Three minutes of my continuous blasts and the planet the size of Neptune was no more than space debris, very, very little space debris!

 "Resistant fucks, aren't they?" I chuckled in mild irritation as I could steel feel Lobo's symphony, weak, but still there. Stretching out my hand, I created a glass jar on top of my hand before transporting the ooze that is Lobo into it before teleporting back into my spaceship.

 "How was your walk?" Oris asked.

 "Informatory," I answered, bummed. I handed the jar to him. "Please make sure our guest is poorly accommodated. We don't want him to be a frequent visitor." Oris took the jar while examining it closer.

 "So this is Lobo of Czarnia? Have to admit, he doesn't look so tough," Oris shrugged dismissively. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him, my blue eye turning purple.

 "Do you think anyone I have an eye on is so simple, boy?" I thundered, making even the ship creak and shake. Oris slinked back, fear etched on his face, not knowing what to do. This was the first time he or any other Borosian had ever seen me really angry. 

 "Fix your worldview, child, before the world fixes it. Borosians are not the ultimate race out there, there are many at the top of the food chain. So treadwell least you bring ruin to Boros," I warned him, calmer. I really had become a father, not even able to get angry at him. "What of his bike?"

 "It's being kept in another separate dimension, as protocols regarding Lobo demands," Oris answered, respectfully.

 "Good, throw the Czarnian in the cell and nobody should visit him. He can't starve to death, all his meals and drinks rights are revoked till I deem otherwise, is that understood?"

 "Yes, sir. I will put everything into order post haste," Oris said before flying away. 

 I sat on my throne as I looked out into space. I was not expecting Lobo today, which means someone was desperate not to let me reach Oa. Lobo was one of the heavy hitter in the bounty hunting business, an expensive bounty hunter with a good track record, he will go to the ends of hell to complete his bounty. Which makes me wonder, who is so desperate? Sure, I had two guesses but I want to go on with the charade.