
born for you

( when a girl born for someone else what will going to happen when they meet each other. ) where are you taking me you bastard let me go!!! shut up for good sake . we have reached master, ok you can leave. I will handle this from now on, let me go you jerk if you do anything wrong to me then I will kill you jerkkk!! who are you bastard why you bring me here, leave me . can't you just shut up for one moment you drama queen. "......." drama queen? you bastard how dare you first of all you kidnapped me and now you are calling me drama queen"" you are drama queen your whole family is drama queen jerk ,pervert . and you don't dare to touch I'm beautiful is does not meant that you can kidnapped me and take advantage of me ! I will kill youuuuu. "........" beautiful? taking advantage of you! who do you think you are I'm not interested in little girl like you , just look at your flat body do you think anybody will be interested in you. haaah; dream on. aaaaahhhhhhhhhh who did you call flat body bastard you just wait I will make you pay for this insult . we will see, now answer me can you see the castle over there. [does he is blind or what , or he is pranking with me ! anybody can see this big and beautiful castle . oh so you are playing with me huhhhh then let's play] where are you spacing out answer me. can you see the castle or not. which castle are you blind there is no castle there every where you can see it all look like forest. ok but remember if you lying to me then I'm going to kill you . So answer carefully. okkkk? aaahhh yes I can see anybody can see this big castle psycho. you are not lying again ,do you? you dim witted bastard or are you blind can't you see there is a white big and beautiful castle with above the castle is a big moon marble statue . oh you are the one for whom I'm waiting for 1000 years. --------------------- if you want to know that how there fate will going to take them. then please read. --------‐-----------------‐- hello guys it's my first time writing so plzz if you find any mistake in translation or anything so plzzz comment and remind me. thank you.

Ak_warsi · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


Dylan look at her wife and nodded .

her wife said don't worry our daughter power seal will break when she will meet with her fated soul mate.

the man again nodded and tears keep flowing until he can't even cry .

I will hide but you have to promise me that you will come to me to our daughter .okay?

Tyra nodded and said" yes I will come ".

Tyra finally look her daughter and slowly close her eyes and took her little hand in her and slowly golden light flow from Tyra to the baby hand .

Tyra open her eyes and look at the baby and smile .

the smile look so gentle but full of pain because she can't even spend a full day with her precious child and now she have to leave for her daughter sake .

finally Tyra slowly stand up and hug her daughter and husband and finally the tears she was holding fell .

she Hug them for some time and finally parted away from them .

she look at her husband and slowly tip toed and peck on his lips and smile.

then she start walking out to the cave but then she feel a tucked to her hair and look back .

a little paw is tucking her hair and a beautiful smile appeard on her lips.

she looked at her daughte slightly bend and whisper a word in her ear " cyra floyen" .

your name will be cyra floyen .

and then without looking back she ran out of cave and her eyes flashed with murdering intense looking out Side her enemy her lips curled little in evil smirk.

inside the cave her husband keep looking outside the cave until his wife silhouette figure disappeared. then he close his eyes and his appearance slowly slowly started change.

finally he open his eyes look at her daughter and smile and started walking apposite side the cave and then he leave the forest.

(stay tune ☺)