
BSNW CH 044 Boss Battle and Aftereffects

While rushing to the rabbits location he sensed using his Nature Sensing method, Jun decided to learn two of the jutsus he had acquired from the Scroll of Sealing long ago but never had the chance to learn due to not meeting requirements at the time.

[Skill Scroll - Summoning : Rashomon Gates found. Do you want to learn? [Y/N]]

[Skill Scroll - Yin Release : Will Materialization found. Do you want to learn? [Y/N]]

'Rashomon Gates, famous Jutsu of Orochimaru. Heck three of his gates stopped four tail mode Naruto's charge attack. Should help a bit with the Tribunal Lightning. And as for will Materialization..' Jun took the four Chakra Refined eight-bladed Shuriken he had acquired with Itachi 'Will materialization should help with this.' Jun thought as he started engraving runes using his strengthened Chakra Threads onto the shurikens. He carefully engraved detailed runes as fast as he could since he had limited time until the lightning strike.


One minute before lightning strike

Jun had finally finished his preparation to face the tribunal lightning now. He sent out a nature chakra pulse to see where the rabbit was at right now.

'About ten meters in that direction … Alright, lets go.'

By the time Jun reached there , the rabbit had already picked up signs of his arrival and was waiting.

"Fire Release : Fire wave" Jun sent a wave of fire rushing into the area as a greeting. Most of it didn't affect it but a few ends of its fur did get a bit singed . Jun sent a few regular Shuriken attached to Chakra strings to bind the rabbit while hiding them in the fire wave.

"Kachinng!!" the rabbit bit through the Shuriken in a lightning fast manner, even cutting through the chakra threads with its teeth not allowing them to bind it. It barreled towards Jun, claws shining slightly with chakra running through it. It seemed as if it was impossible to affect it with regular chakra, moreover its speed was unbelievable.

"Damn this bullshit rabbit!" Jun cursed as he dodged the attacks barely "This definitely has to be a Bijuu that the Sage of Six Paths didn't tell anyone about!"

Taking out his Whip-sword in one hand Jun applied Fire Release : Chakra Flow and used its flexibility to create a non penetrable zone with its attacks to fend of the rabbit. After a few of the Whip-sword's attacks struck the rabbit , it grew wiser and started dodging them earnestly.

'Thankfully the Whip-sword's sudden changes in direction and flexibility is keeping this damn rabbit at its toes' Jun thought as he tried to catch it off guard with a variety of quick strikes. When the rabbit saw it was getting even more difficult, it suddenly increased the chakra enforcing its limbs, so much that the rear legs were glowing in subtle veined patterns. It pushed off with his rear legs, almost leaving a vapour trail in its wake. Jun tried to dodge while slashing with his chakra blade he had hidden in the other hand . He managed to leave a burning deep slash on its flank while he himself was blown off , bouncing a few times on the ground before landing a dozen meters away.

"Cohhow gargh" Jun coughed off a mouthful of blood before glaring at the rabbit which was once again planning to charge. He realized that his whips word was lying right in the middle between them while he only had his chakra blade in hand. Jun sent another Fire Wave towards it, but only managed to set the trees on fire when the rabbit dodged it. He kicked off towards the Whip-sword, according to what he planned the whip-sword was really necessary. The rabbit too doubled back while dodging the flames, its speed creating wind bursts on its trail. Just as jun reached the whip-sword, the rabbit arrived in front of him, its teeth aiming at Jun's neck. Jun twisted the whip-sword at a tricky angle managing to encircle the rabbit in it, even though the rabbit took a chunk of flesh from his shoulder before that.

[Time is up]

[Lightning Tribulation starts!]

A ginormous multicolored lightning bolt blasted off from suddenly formed thunder clouds, like a heavenly sword dividing the skies. Jun sent a large amounts of vines to wrap the rabbit up like a dumpling momentarily paralyzing it with the toxins, while Jun kicked it towards the falling lightning bolt.

"Screeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" the rabbit screamed in agony as it tried to use its chakra as a coat to resist the lightning bolt.

"Take you damn rabbit!" Jun laughed out in relief "Lets see you resist that one--"

Jun's relief was cut short though when the rabbit got toasted completely due to it running out of chakra and the Lightning fell towards Jun after exhausting a small part of its might on the rabbit.

"Dammit! Summoning : Double Rashomon Gates!" Jun summoned The newly learnt Rashomon Gates. Due to not being too familiar with it, he only managed to summon two and he tilted them towards each other to form a crude wedge to resist the lightning. However what he didn't expect was that the lightning would splinter on hitting the gates and penetrate it, forming a carnival of thunder bolts in the space beneath them where Jun was hiding.

"Arrgh" Jun screamed as he failed to dodge one of the thousands of the splintered bolts firing off in the surrounding area. Dodging left and right he tried to ask the system for a way out of this.

'Any ideas system? I will really die at this rate.' Jun

[Only one possibility is there, let the Tribunal lightning use you as a conductor.]

'The heck are you saying? Have you gone mad , System?'

[I don't have the option of going mad in me. These bolts are a mass of Natural Energy in specific form. If you let them pass through you while concentrating on absorbing them, you will obtain benefits while managing to survive.]

'Ok, I don't have a better idea and they have almost cut off all my routes of escapee.' Jun said as he saw that he was surrounded by a dense net of the bolts. Right now Jun was right in the middle of the two Rashomon Gates , and he sat cross legged right there and prepared to be struck by the bolts.

"Arrggh …. arghhhg … hiiaahg" Jun lets out screams as he tried his best to concentrated and absorb as lightning from the bolts as possible when they blasted through him.

As Jun kept on enduring the Lightning bolts, system sent one last message before falling silent as if to encourage him

[Yang Reinforcement: Lightning Release - Dance of 10000 Thunderbolt learned!]

[Seven Immortal Chakra Stages advances to Fourth Stage : Heart Chakra]

[Heavenly Breathing Technique advances to Second Stage. Pure Physique of Heavens activated]


An hour later.

Itachi woke up and on seeing his recovered body and the earthen domes around him, figured that it was Jun who did it. He broke out of the out of the dome covering him and saw that everything around him was blasted to ashes.
