
BSNW CH 016 Soul Memory Shard

'Soul Memory Shard? What is that?' Jun asked.

[Soul Memory Shard are made from the Power of Samsara. In normal circumstances it shouldn't be possible until you complete master your blood line. However, you changed main timeline of this world by accomplishing the bonus objective. Through World Law for influencing the World Timeline in a positive direction, it has been awarded through this World's Laws.]

'So my changes made to world will gain attention of the world?'

[Yes and No. The World pays attention to only those events which would significantly affect world enough to change major events. For Egg: had you saved Naruto's parents somehow, killed the third Hokage etc.? However there are two types of ways you could influence the world. Positive and negative, Positive gets you reward, negative gets you tribulations. However for some people, the tribulations turns into a reward, since if they survive it, they will turn even stronger than before automatically. Tribulations are a test to see if you have the power to go against the world. But it's not recommended, since the survival chances are less than 5%.]

'Well that is ok, I am not prepared to go against the world. Anyway, how does this Shard work?'

[Application is simple, you have two options. Absorb it directly, or let the System absorb it.]

'What will be the benefit if system absorbs it?'

[Host is now a part of this world, a being made of this World's laws. If you absorb the shard, you will unlock memories of past life completely, even if it takes some time. But along with the memories will come the effects of your past world's laws, which will be harmful for your mortal body. However if you let the System absorb it, system can absorb all the information and its effects, and give you the information at appropriate times as part of Quests. This way you still stay completely a part of this world and its laws.]

'Ok, do it. How do we assimilate it in the System?'

[Very easy. Just give me permission. Do you want to assimilate the Soul Memory Shard in the System? (Y/N)]

'Yes, Assimilate it.'

[Assimilation in progress. 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% …. 25% ... 35% …. 50% … 75% ….. 100% assimilated. World Quest option unlocked. You can now get quests that can directly impact the world. Success or failure of those quests will determine how this world will develop.]

'Any quests for now?'

[None for now. Host can be relaxed. You will be informed well in time for you to have a chance to accomplish the quest.]

'Ok then.'


That day, in the evening, a single silhouette could be seen practicing in the grounds long past everyone had gone. If someone from the school today had seen her, they would realize it was Hinata Hyuga, her performance at the course much better right now than what it was when she was taking class with everyone else. She kept falling and tripping as it got darker, but she didn't let up. After falling a few more times, she finally took a break. As it was getting darker she started going back. While thinking about how to improve her performance, she didn't notice what was ahead of her and bumped into three civilian kids from her class, who probably were returning from market, seeing from the fact that how bumping into her made they drop the ice cream they had.

"Hey, are you blind huh girl?! Can't you see where you are going? Who is going to pay for all this mess now?" Kid A said.

"Hey I recognize her, isn't she a Hyuga? You know like that weird, violent kid Neji." Kid B asked.

"Yup Definitely a Hyuga, I recognize those weird freaky eyes. Supposed to be so good, those eyes, yet she can't even see where she is going." Kid C

While talking they encircled her, not letting her escape. One of the kids started speaking suddenly,

"Hey, The Hyuga's are rich right. Let's make her apologize and give us lot of money."

"I... I don't have any money. I don't bring any. " Hinata stammered, scared.

"Tch... just a brat. Just as arrogant as her brother, Spoiled by her family. We will teach you a nice lesson so that you never forget to be polite to others."

He grabbed her hair and made her kneel. After that all three stood in front of her in a line.

"Now apologize to us. Apologize like you mean it. Apologize!" They glared at her.

"I .. I..." Hinata mumbled, teary eyed and nervous of what might happen.

At that point a boy jumped from a tree branch, landing on the head of the person in the lead. When the other two saw that they tried to attack, but they were awarded with two kicks to the chest, and they boy held the hand of Hinata and ran. Once they had run far enough, Hinata focused on her savior. She was surprised when she saw that it was Naruto who saved her.

"Why …" Hinata asked, unsure of why someone would take a risk to save someone he didn't even properly know.

"Why, I dunno exactly. Does there have to be a reason? I felt like I wanted to so I did. I don't need a reason to save a friend" Retorted Naruto, turning away in embarrassment.

"Friend" Hinata mumbled as she realized that all his antics in class, were just to gain a friend somehow. He was an orphan and before today he must never had anyone as a friend since he was always alone. Therefore to hide his feelings he does all the antics. 'So Kind, Yet so innocent, Unlike Jun, who seems mature beyond what a kid should be capable of.' Hinata thought smiling at Naruto.

"Naruto! Here you are, Where did you suddenly run off to, you loser. Tomorrow morning be there at 4' o clock in the evening at training ground 3. Jun will get permission from Hokage today. Don't be late!" Ino Arrived with Sakura to inform Naruto of the plan before running off.

"So.. You guys will all be doing self-training?" Hinata inquired.

"Yeah, you saw Jun today right? If we don't train harder, it will be much harder to catch up to him in future. So Jun, will be training us from tomorrow. Hey I have an idea, why don't you join us too? I saw you practicing alone, it will be much more fun and fruitful if we all do it together."

"Are sure its fine?"

"Yes I am really sure Hinata, tell you what, meet me at the academy after class tomorrow, and we will go together, and deal?" Naruto Assured her and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

Hinata smiled and lightly held his hand in a handshake while blushing slightly. She was happy that she finally found a friend she could be comfortable with. Jun's Maturity made him very difficult to approach. But with Naruto, he was just like a ray of sunshine, spreading light everywhere, making him likable and easy to approach and be with.
