
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

There We Go

They went through an identification gate, where Alvin put his ID on one of the many terminals in there. Felia seemed to do the same, allowing her to enter as well. However, neither of the two went deeper into the academy straight away. Instead, they brought Linfel to another building right past the entrance. 

That's where Alvin would be able to register Linfel as his Familiar. They weren't the only ones there. Now and then, someone would bring their new Familiars for registering, or they would come to update some information regarding themselves or the familiars. In any case, this place always had a few people going through the processes.

At one of the counters, Alvin presented his ID again before speaking with the attendant there. "Hi, I would like to register my new Familiar."

The attendant, having done it countless times, just nodded and pointed at a small platform on the side. "Tell you Familiar to stay there. We will record his energy in the system."

Linfel did as he was asked and went up to the small platform. Immediately, several scans went through his body, analyzing him from all sides. At first, everything went fine. Too bad the equipment appointed some differences a few moments later.

"Hum? That's weird." said the attendant, making Alvin, Linfel, and Felia grow tense. The attendant looked at the information regarding Linfel with a confused expression. "His Magic Energy waves are quite different from normal range. Is he a special type?"

Since Familiars could be created, some were made to attend to some specific requirements. Naturally, they would be different from your general-purpose Familiar that most Academy Students use. "Still, even if it's a special type, these waves are kind of strange."

Alvin quickly asked. "Is it a problem? I did make a few modifications during the creation process, especially regarding his knowledge. Perhaps the set of options I chose wasn't very common." Of course, that was a big lie.

The attendant thought for a moment and nodded. There were indeed constant possibilities when a Familiar was created, so this one was just kind of out of the norm. "Whatever. Let's go with these parameters." In the end, it would be ridiculous if the attendant suddenly felt Linfel wasn't a Familiar, so he just accepted the differences.

The analysis continued as the attendant ignored the results. The important part, which showed that Linfel was indeed a Level One Familiar, did not show any issues. It wasn't worth reporting something related to such a common level of Familiar. "Alright, it is done."

Right after, an ID card was created, which the attendant gave to Linfel. "You can use it directly or you can buy an MCOM and bind this card information to it. Both will allow you entrance into the academy grounds under your master's name."

The attendant then asked Alvin. "Will you add any other information?"

"Yes," Alvin sighed in relief, seeing everything went fine. "I would like to add my MFC compatibility level with my familiar into his and my IDs."

That's what they discussed before. Since Linfel could connect with Alvin, this information could be added to their information, which would make everyone sure that Linfel was truly a Familiar created by Alvin. Only personal Familiars made with the master's soul as a base could connect to their masters, after all.

The attendant nodded. "This service costs 100 AMC."

Linfel remembered Alvin mentioned the Academy Magic Credit system. He just didn't expect Alvin would need to pay so much of it. Alvin mentioned the type of missions and tasks he usually did, and they didn't pay much, so a 100 AMC was quite a big value.

"Is it fine?" Linfel asked him.

Alvin nodded, although it was possible to see the pain on his face. "It is fine. I just need to work harder to amass more points." He quickly paid those 100 academy credits through his MCOM, which left him with almost nothing.

The attendant confirmed the payment and asked their group to follow him. Soon, they were brought into a different room where you could see a few other Maguses as well. One of them, in particular, seemed to catch a lot of attention. He seemed to be around Alvin's age and his Familiar was Red in color, showing that it was a level higher than the rest.

"Saimon, didn't you have a level two familiar already? How come you got another one," a student asked the young man called Saimon. "They are super expensive to make already at level two."

"Hahaha!" Saimon laughed. "I had to get a new one, of course. The previous one was pretty shit. Our compatibility force was ridiculous even though it was made based on my soul. Naturally, I had to get rid of it. This one, however, is much better. Right, Xatis?"

The red Familiar quickly bowed to Saimon as it nodded. "Yes, master Saimon."

Saimon nodded, satisfied. "As for the price, do you think I lack the money?"

The students surrounding Saimon all nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the Iyaval Family definitely doesn't lack resources."

Seeing that, Linfel got curious. "Can you Familiars be created straight at level two?"

Felia nodded. "We can, but that's the limit. More than that, and our souls wouldn't be able to hold the high level of Magical Energy in our bodies. From there on, the familiar must level up on his own."

Alvin also added. "Even so, creating a Familiar straight at Level Two is extremely expensive. Definitely not something I could pay for. Besides," Alvin patted Felia's head, "I have nothing to complain about mine."

Felia obviously felt happy to hear that.

Linfel smiled and asked. "Anyway, do you know the guy?"

"Yes," Alvin explained, "He is in the same year as me. As you heard, his name is Saimon Iyaval, a member of the Iyaval Family. They operate a magic stone trading company, so he definitely doesn't lack the resources. That's the only reason we have such a commotion in here. Well, just ignore his group. We have never interacted before, and I really don't think we ever will."

Linfel nodded and was about to ask something else when one of the workers responsible for the tests shouted to the students inside. "Alright, everything is ready. Those who have their connections to be measured stay in the center of the room. The rest just wait behind the line."

"There we go," Alvin and Linfel prepared.

Perhaps a little bit cliche? But you know what is not cliche? To leave a comment and a review for the book. =)

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