
Book deleted. see wattpad for more info

I died because of a car accident. And when I opened my eyes, I couldn't move my body at all. ‘Am I crippled?’ Turns out that I didn't die, but I was inside the novel A story that my friend once created. The worst part was, the person who I was possessed in was Sabrina Collin Elsteel. She was one of the famous villains inside the story. ‘And……… I transmigrated before the story started. In short, I was inside the body of a ten years old Sabrina.’ In the original story, Sabrina died because of the murder she tried the attempt to kill the female lead. But looking at the current situation, I’m still a child and I had a lot of time left before the original story started. So I prepared myself for any problems to come. At first, I tried to act like a naïve and kind child, but— “Fufu, Lady Sabrina is so plastic! I bet even if the dog were to eat her, the dog would vomit and throw her up. Her attitude can't be eaten, not even a rat can.” I was the main topic of the gossip. Even a peasant and servants bad-mouthed me. “Sabrina? that ugly daughter of count Marcus Cusar? That bitch looks ugly as hell!” I even heard a curse that came out from the mouths of the royals. No matter what I did, it seems that the world treats me as a bad person and that won't change. Never. “I’m sick of pretending to be a kind-hearted child.” She swallowed her dry saliva, then she lifted the corner of her red lips and narrowed one of her crimson eyes. “It’s not that bad if I became a villain right?” She mumbled to herself. “A story without the villains is boring after all.”

Lotusmeansren28 · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

Everything was unfamiliar

When I opened my eyes, My head was facing an unfamiliar ceiling.

'Am I at the hospital?'

She blinked her eyes a few times, but it seems like she can't move her body.

'My whole body feels tired.'

Her head was facing the ceiling unable to move like a deceased or crippled person

'It feels like it's too grandiose too be a hospital since the curtains, the bed sheets, the closet—'

She rolled her eyes and she could see all the things hanging on the ceiling. She could see fancy decorations and stuff.

Somehow the things she's seeing gives her a medieval vibe.

'A VIP room?'

She thought, but she lives alone. She can't even afford a room as elegant as the room she was confined to.

All she remembered was being hit by a rushing car and the light that shines before her life.

Thinking about it, [ how did she even survive getting hit by a car? ] She can still vividly feel the sensation of her blood coming out from her head.


'It can't be that I lost half of my body?'

Her eyes widened as her imagination went wilder.

'Did I break my leg or lose my hand? Disabled or fractured?'

She was entirely worried about what happened to her body. Although she can't move her head nor body, she can still feel her body being uncomfortable and small.

She was wondering the whole time since she can't make not even a single move or a twitch from his index finger. All she did was blinking her eyes and breathing subconsciously.



An hour had passed. I'm still awake, and my body still won't move. The light from the ceiling is so shiny that it hurts my eyes. It hurts my eyes but my head keeps facing the ceiling since I can't move my body at all.

While facing the ceiling, I noticed there was a chandelier made from gold and crystals.

'Eh? Why does the hospital have a big chandelier? Won't they go bankrupt? The room was quite big too?'

Knock knock knock—

A gentle knock came from the door. It opened slowly then, a woman with a strange outfit came in.

The woman's eyes became bigger as she saw the lady was opening her eyes. It's like she was seeing something unexpected.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!" She screamed. "The young miss had opened her eyes, everyone come here!!!"

After the sudden scenario, she then leaves the room with the door left unclosed.

'What was that? Did the person just shout then go out?'

Since she can't move her head, all she sees is the woman's hair. She was relieved when she heard the woman scream. Her ears were still working at the end.

'Did she say young miss? Am I hearing things?'

Not long after two minutes, the woman came back with three new people. While they were looking and inspecting her, their clothes were different from a nurse or a helper. It feels like they are wearing some medieval costumes and dresses.

'Just where is the doctor?'

The four strange women left a sigh of relief after they saw the lady blinks her eyes looking at them

"Thank goodness she woke up earlier."

One of them asked, "Miss, how were you feeling?"

Since the lady can't open her mouth nor say other words, she blinks her eyes twice and that makes them confused.

"Has she gone deaf?"

'Not really since I can hear you.'

"Wait there young miss, we're gonna call the priest." The two women suggested then, both of them get out of the room.

Now it's just two other women and the lady in the room.

'What did she say again?'


'A p-priest?'

'…..wait, I needed a doctor not some priest! What if the priest is just gonna let me drink some holy water?!'

The lady got baffled so she blinked both of her eyes rapidly.

"Miss Collin, are you anywhere?" The women opened their mouths. "Why do you keep blinking your eyes?"

They looked at the lady with worries in their faces.

'I think I just heard the name Collin just now. It's Coleen or maybe my ears were just not working properly again.'

"This young child is so pitiful. Even if her parents were busy, they should have at least brought some guardian or some candidate to watch her here..." The other woman said then she looked at the lady who was lying on the bed with pity in her eyes.

'Why? You asked.'

The only parent that I have was my mother. And she was working overseas. How can you let her come back just to see her daughter in an accident?

I was annoyed, so I just closed my eyes and waited for the other two helpers to come back with the doctor.

When the woman said the word 'Priest' I must be hearing some things again.

'Maybe a side effect of the accident?'


"The priest had arrived."

My eyes suddenly opened when I heard what the helper was talking about.

'Finally a professional doctor.'

I was hoping a lot but, when The so-called priest showed himself in front of my eyes, It didn't seem like a joke at all.

'Why does his outfit feel like a real priest?'

By the way, he is too good looking to be a priest or doctor.

When the so-called priest came closer beside the bed where I can see him, there were people following behind him.

'....Was that supposed to be the knights of the altar?''

I can't believe he really was a priest and I'm not hearing things either. Am I too sinful that I'll be going to be blessed by a priest Instead of a doctor?

'Oh god gracious! forgive me!'

The priest came forward close to my head, and the people behind him stayed outside of the room. The priest moves and raises his hand above my lying body as if he's going to unleash some power.

「 "Sentez le pouvoir de la déesse Olivia. Oh vous bénisse." 」

The priest said then, a familiar flash of light came out his palm. It's similar to what I've seen before that accident with the car happened. His hands were glowing and shining, and when he moved his hand again, the light stopped then disappeared.

'Maybe I'm hallucinating? It felt like I'd seen some magic or power.'

My jaw felt tingly all of a sudden so I tried to move my jaw and unexpectedly a sore voice came out from my mouth.

"Ah..... A...ah?"

My voice sounds like a dismantled speaker.


My voice became clear after a half a minute. And after another minute, I can move my head slightly and slowly. It was like a miracle but my lower part feels so heavy and tired.

I looked at the so-called priest and glared at him.

"W-what was t-that?" I asked him, I was wondering maybe it was really magic or just my imagination.

The priest tilted his head then he shrugged his shoulders. He didn't answer my question and he looked a bit dumbfounded too.

"Oh my, this young child didn't know." Since the priest didn't answer, one of the women opened their mouths.

"Oh dear..." The other woman replied. "Her parents really don't seem to care about her."

I was speechless.

"That's very rude to badmouth a person in front of you." I said while raising one of my eyebrows.

"We…. we apologized..." The four helpers look at me then, they shut their mouths.

Even if the so-called priest was standing in front of me, I can't just let them talk to me like that.

"You four nurses are very noisy." I told them. "stop pitying me since it won't help me recover."

They're no use anyways they just keep talking.

"N-nurse…? What's that??" all of them look puzzled.

"I'll ask again, can the four of you step out?"

Just after what I said, the four of them left the room swiftly without any hesitation leaving me and the priest behind.

Now, the so-called priest and I were the only ones left.

"Priest, What was that light?"

I turned my face and looked at him.

"Or maybe it was just my imagination?"

"That light?" He pointed his finger out of her hand. " You mean the blessing of the goddess?"

"Cut the bullshit. I'm an atheist not a Christian."

He raised his eyebrow, tilted his head, then twitched his shoulder.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but I used my divine power to help you recover faster. That makes you move the muscle in your mouth and soon you'll move your left hand."

"D-divine power? Did I hear it correctly?"

I don't know anymore if I am the damaged one, or my brain.

"Yes, you hear it correctly young miss, divine powers are a blessing and gift from the goddess Olivia. Oh vous bénisse."

"What the— who is Olivia?"