
01x07 Routine and Combat

"The M.A superhero course curriculum: mandatory classes in the morning, like literature ..."

— "To Kill a Mockinbirrrd" it is one of the most important works of American literature, written by Harper Lee and published in 1960 ... - monologues Professor Piotr Rasputin, or Colossus; a gigantic man, over two meters tall and with swollen muscles, had a square face, light skin, a wide nose and dark brown eyes, and short brown hair in a military cut. Lover of the arts and professor of literature, the subject just didn't make the class sleep so much because of his heavy Russian accent


—The numerical sets are separated into: a) Natural b) Integers c) Rational and d) Irrational ...- says in a robotic way the professor and cyber hero Vision; the artificial intelligence of Iron Man J.A.R.V.I.S. transposed into an android with diverse skills, who better to be a math teacher? His greenish body simulated an adult male body, with some pieces in yellow, since he did not need clothes, such as a cape with a collar and a belt, and his face was red with a yellow stone in the center of his forehead; his power source

"...or english."

— Very well evolved monkeys - the English teacher, to everyone's surprise, Deadpool starts talking when he finishes writing a few sentences on the blackboard - which one is incorrect? - he asks the class and is answered with only silence from students confused by; subject or because people let him teach - look, just so you know, I have a diploma in English okay? And it was very expensive …

— The incorrect one is number four - answers the student at table number 13; Azari - there is a pronoun used incorrectly

— Wrong! - Deadpool says pointing his finger accusingly at the boy, until he quickly takes some papers from his pouch, takes a look at them and points again at the boy - Correct! As everyone can see ...

"(It was no surprise when we found out that another teacher was writing the scripts for the English class for Deadpool). Then we had lunch in the main cafeteria, where you can buy food at reasonable prices "

The main restaurant was certainly quite large; a wide space with huge windows on the side walls that gave the view to the nature present on the outside, used a lot by students with Quirks connected to nature or people looking for a quiet place to read a book, several tables with ten available chairs were spread and separated by walls with some bushes at the top, but what impressed the students the most was the head of the meals;

— And know that every Thursday we will have a buffet of tacos, the first taco being free - says the soft, but robotic voice of the ex-villain of the Avengers; Ultron, who, apparently, after his last defeat, had been reprogrammed to become chef, with his body reduced to thinner and more fragile parts and his head covered with a chef's hat. And yet scaring Peter, Wanda and even Danny, who just wanted to eat without the possibility of the robot losing control and attacking them.

— Hmmm, thank you very much, scrap! - says Gwen with her mouth full of pieces of pizza, of course she wouldn't be scared ...

"Then, in the afternoon, finally, the basic heroe training"

— Greetings first year A! - a modified voice says entering the room, none other than none other than Iron Man himself, floating thanks to his thrusters as he headed forward

— Wow, it's really Iron Man! - Pietro says ecstatically together with his colleagues

— Amazing! He's really a teacher! - one of the boys in the class says, he was very tall, he had Asian features, with fair skin and tight eyes, and his black hair was neatly combed in a tuft

— That's one of your Silver Age armor, isn't it? Is it? Say I got it right ...- comments Gwen, changing her mood quickly as she turns to Wanda, who was sitting a seat away behind her, but who shrugs for not being sure

— Yes, it is Mark XVII, known as "Broken-Heart" - Peter comments when observing the silver details present, in addition to the more robust chest

— Nerd...- comments sullen Flash, without commenting that he had also recognized the armor

— I am Groot - comments the excited treant teenager looking fascinated at the hero

— Very well children, you can already settle down. And yes! I will give you basic superhero training! - he says when placing himself behind the teacher's desk - It is a subject where different ways of learning the basics of being a superhero are trained. Most credits are earned here. I know it seems a little obvious, but it was the director who asked me to say this ... But enough with the chit chat! What we will do today is: Combat Training!

— Combat...- says Flash looking anxious and with a hint of psycho

—...training – comments Peter apprehensive of the brunette's reaction in front of him

— In addition, to accompany us, we have this! - Iron Man says pointing to the classroom wall to his right, in which horizontal compartments begin to emerge, four in total, each containing five suitcases, all numbered from 1 to 20; representing each person's seat - Costumes based on each other's Quirk and the requests they made before classes! An offering from Stark Industries

— Uoooou !!! - the whole class seems excited about the thought of their own hero costumes, some prepared with such dedication for that moment ...

— Costumes ...- comments Peter, reflecting on the various drawings he had done since he had gained his Quirk ...

— Very well! After you change, get together in the beta yard! - Iron Man says and is answered by a 'Yes' from all students

Just outside the beta locker room, one of the practical exam locations, was Iron Man, waiting anxiously for his students and their costumes, of course he had designed the majority, but the final part was at the factory, not at his laboratory, and when he sees the first silhouettes approaching he says;

— They say that clothes make the hero kids! So stay tuned, because now you are superheroes! - he says observing the different students in the light with the most varied uniforms; armor, tactical clothes or just with a specific fabric, but all using them to show a glimpse of their personalities and their Quirks - I don't want to brag ... but you guys are awesome! Now, let's get started!

"The clothing allowance: before entering MA, a Quirk record is sent, physical measurements, which are used for standard and gym uniforms, and desired projects, then Stark Industries receives orders, and manufactures the latest outfits . A wonderful system. "

Three weeks ago;

— I have to go to the city hall to do the "Quirk registration" for the costume. But I am already registered with "none"! - Peter says sitting on the sofa in the living room and staring at the documents with the instructions for enrolling in M.A. - he obviously does the first thing that comes to mind ...

—The register? Only someone so programmed does it at the beginning of the ninth year ... and it doesn't help us at all - says Mr. Stark on the other end of the line, Peter could feel the older one scratch his eyes and sigh tired - Just update kid.

— Really !? - Peter asks in awe, it couldn't be that easy, could it? Mr. Stark just laughs at the boy's surprise and starts to tell him when people change their records, like when Quirk who thought they were doing one thing does another, setting an example a person thinking they have water creation Quirk when they are younger , but later discovering that the power is actually to transform the humidity of the air into water. But apparently they don't accept huge changes, but as in the case of Peter he had none before, it shouldn't be a problem ...

— I'm home! – Peter can hear Aunt May coming in, making him startle and accidentally hang up the phone

— Ah, I hung up by mistake. I'll apologize later ... - he says holding his cell phone in his pocket and watching his aunt enter with a large plastic bag in hand - hi May, I was waiting for you

— Ah Peter, drop those boring documents, I have a surprise - she says holding a smile as she leaves the bag on the floor and pulls out a blue and red sweatshirt, but with a spider drawn in white on the front, like a of your symbol designs ... - Tcharam! Congratulations on passing M.A. Maybe I hurried and charged some old favors from the ladies down the street to help me ...

— A coat? - Peter, when getting up and going to analyze the piece of clothes, tries to hide his surprise trying to pass a little animation, but that doesn't seem to shake May

— It's not a big deal for now. You dozed off in one of your last study sessions, so I ended up looking at the drawings in your notebook in hero uniforms

— Really? - asks the boy slightly embarrassed, but not interrupting his aunt

— I brooded for a long time after what I told you - she says, referring to not believing he would have a chance after they found out he didn't have a Quirk - at that time I had given up. But still, you didn't give up and chase your dream, did you? Well then know that I, or rather, we, will support you with everything we have from now on! - May says, holding out her coat with teary eyes

— We? ... - Peter also on the verge of tears takes the coat in his hands, recognizing the fabric and even having been washed, sewn and dyed, the smell too; but the record falls when he looks at the immaculate label, in which the initials "B.P." were written with a permanent pen; "Benjamin Parker" that was Uncle Ben's coat, the same coat he wore when he took his last breaths, when he saw in Peter the heroes that no one else saw ...

"May's feelings, along with Ben's legacy. What else could I wear? Even if it's not the most convenient or modern, I don't care! It's my hero costume! "

Peter is the last one to leave the locker room, and go through the tunnel that connected it with the Beta Courtyard, but soon arriving at the area where his colleagues were, wearing the uniform that he and May had endeavored to form; the sweatshirt had red on the chest and blue on the arms, back and hood, a white spider was printed on both the front and the back, the sleeves were rolled up to the elbow, leaving his forearms free. His hands were dressed in tactical red gloves with black bumps connecting his fingers to the back of his hand, and his palm was thin enough for the boy to be able to use his arrows. He also wore gray pants made of a light and resistant fabric, with pockets to store necessary materials. He was wearing his red exercise shoes, which were worn and malleable and comfortable. And last but not least, his red fabric mask, breathable and with special eyes: Peter had been locked for hours to build them, but it was worth it, the old camera lenses were now used as a focus for his vision, they changed the vision hole, reducing his peripheral vision, but thanks to his "Spider-Sensor", he perceived the things that happened around him, so he could sacrifice that perception for a better focus on what was in front of him.

— Ah, Peter? – Wanda notices his friend leaving the tunnel and heads over to him

— Wanda! – he says, realizing that she had called him, but quickly seeing the clothes she wore; getting scared and blushing at the sight in front of him

— How cool is your outfit. Very simple indeed. I should have written what I wanted, this outfit came very close - she says pulling her red skirt down a little. She wore what appeared to be a kind of witch's outfit; a sleeveless dress, red and black, with a high collar containing a red embroidery above the shoulders as a kind of sleeve, and with a thread, black and very thin, that was attached near her neck, but that, like a lace , was loosely tied in a bow tie. Long, black gloves that were held by a piece of fabric on his middle finger and left his palms free. In addition to the red skirt, the black leggings and the high boots, also black, together with her famous red bow on the head. The outfit was really tight, showing her small body and her simple curves - I'm a little embarrassed - she says scratching the back of her neck and blushing slightly

—The superhero course is the best! - says a very small boy, with very messy black hair and wearing a simple set of shorts, T-shirt, coat, goggles and draw gloves, to himself, having many ideas of drawingd with images of the cute brunette in mind. ..

— Ah? – Peter is startled to hear the voice of the little boy near him

— All right, you've drooled enough in your colleagues' costumes, now come here - Iron Man calls and soon all twenty students were gathered in front of the teacher - Now it's time for combat training

— Professor! – Azari raises his arm to get the teacher's attention; he wore a tight black outfit, showing his defined muscles, it was a jumpsuit from the feet to the trunk with a V-neck and flaps around the neck, without boots, as well as his father's uniform - This is the center of the admission test. Will we have urban battles again?

— No, actually we are going to advance some levels - Iron Man replies - most of the time, we fight with villains outside. If you look at the numbers, the bad guys are more likely to appear indoors. Prison, private prison, illegal business. In a society full of superheroes, a smart enough villain hides in the shadows! In this class, you will be divided between heroes and villains and fight in 2-on-2 battles.

— But without any basic training? - asks Gwen, wearing a pink and white outfit very similar to Deadpool's, being very close, looking like a swimsuit with sleeves, along with a mask and boots of the same color, leaving her thighs showing, she also used several pieces of equipment on her belt and two swords in the back

— I believe that you learn a lot more in practice - answers the hero - Having said that, the key this time is that there are no robots to defeat.

— How is victory and defeat decided? - asks one of the girls, who wore an outfit very similar to Azari's, but being all white and wearing it completely, only leaving her head out, but with a mask in her hands, with slightly darker marks on the side as if it were stripes and a green talisman attached to her waist; she was tall, with tanned skin and very straight dark brown hair

— Can we go all aggro? - asks Flash, he was wearing military-style plate armor that was completely overlaid by his Quirk, leaving it completely black, his shoulder pads and elbow pads contained small spines and his arms were already covered by his Quirk, with claws on his fingers, black goo just stopped at the back of his neck, covering his ears and making a mini mask around his eyes

— Will there be any punishment for losers? - Wanda question apprehensive

— How are we going to divide? - asks Azari again

— Didn't my costume look amazing? - asks the boy with the strange helmet; Sam, matching his outfit, which resembled a black and gold space suit, with a pliable black base, along with golden boots, gauntlets and elbow pads, as well as a symbol on the chest, with three triangular circles, with both the chest connecting to the belly by lines and the last connecting to the belt, all gold

— Calm down guys! Calm down, one at a time! - the teacher calms the crowd of students with doubts and activates the lesson script on the display of his helmet - In this case, the villains hid a nuclear weapon in some corner of the building, the heroes have the mission to apprehend it. They need to arrest the villains or recover the nuclear weapon at the designated time. Villains must protect the weapon or arrest the superheroes.

— It looks like something from a movie - says Peter under the mask

— And finally, the teams and opponents will be determined by lot - says the hero showing them a yellow box

— We will be divided by chance? - Azari asks a little surprised

— Professionals usually form temporary teams with heroes from other agencies, hence the explanation, I believe. - says Peter to his colleague

— I understand, the discernment of looking ahead ...- he responds by understanding the objective - forgive the lack of education! - he says crossing his arms in front of his chest in an X's

— All cool kid. Now, the teams!

Team A; Peter Parker and Wanda Maximoff

Team B; Robbie Reyes and Tandy Bowen

Team C; Kei Kawade and Laura Kinney

Team D; Eugene Thompson and Azari T'Challa

Team E; Kamala Khan and Sam Alexander

Team F; Groot and Luke Cage

Team G; Pietro Maximoff and Seol Hee

Team H; Tyrone Johnson and Gwendolyn Poole

Team I; Ava Ayala and Nico Minoru

Team J; Daniel Rand and Amadeus Cho

— That is so cool! It can only be fate! I'm counting on you Peter! - says Wanda very excited to discover that her partner is one of her friends and not someone unknown or Flash, while Peter only knew how to blush with the proximity of the pretty girl

— And the first teams to fight will be ...- Iron Man says when designing two holographic lists already running with all Teams, with one written; "Heroes" and the other "Villains", until the two stop at - Team A as heroes and Team D as villains! The rest, please follow me to the monitor room

— Yes sir! - the students shout, and soon start following the teacher towards the monitors' room, leaving behind only Peter, Wanda, Azari and Flash.

Peter soon realizes that he was being watched by someone, and turns to see Flash with a face of a few friends, he was probably dying to slaughter the poor brunette. Peter cuts eye contact quickly, with chills, but then stops and thinks, now they were the same, both in the same school, in the same class and both with Quirks, Peter would no longer let Flash use him as a doormat. He then regains his stance and faces Flash back, which surprised the bully, who was more nervous than ever.

— Team of villains, get in front and get ready! In five minutes the team of superheroes invades and the battle begins - says Iron Man, who watches Azari and Flash entering the building - Young T'Challa and Thompson, learn to think from the perspective of the villains. This is very close to reality. Go with everything you have, without fear of getting hurt, but if you go too far, I interrupt

— All rigth! - Azari replies, while Flash had his mind on other things

Now inside the building, on one of the floors, Azari and Flash find the fake bomb on a floor that also contained several boxes and storage locations; certainly things commonly found in villain hiding places

—Even if it's just training, it hurts me to be a villain - says Azari to his partner as he heads for the bomb - So our job is to protect this here? It's papier-mache - he says as he touches the object

— Hey! - the boy turns around when called by his partner, finding him on his back - Wall-Crawler has a Quirk, doesn't he?

— Didn't you see what he did? Of course, it was not very flashy, but the way he used to launch the ball was clever, even if it appears to be a little risky, given the injury to his arm - Azari replies when he remembers the tests - Now, you always seem bitten when it comes to Parker

"He dares to deceive me ..." thinks Flash, not paying attention, or simply not caring, to the words of the partner "That shitty nerd!"

Outside the building, Wanda and Peter analyzed the building plan while trying to formulate some kind of strategy

— It is too much work to memorize the building plan ...- says Wanda to his partner - Although Iron Man is just like he is on TV, and apparently we will not have punishments so we can be more relaxed and ...You're shaking all over! - the girl is frightened by her partner who was shaking like a green stick; his mask was lifted to his nose, leaving his mouth free to speak better

— No, it's just ... we're against Flash, in addition to Azari, so I feel like I need to be alert - the boy responds without taking his eyes off the plant

— I see, Flash is that Thompson who makes fun of you, right?

—...- Peter takes a while to finally speak, until he lets out a breath, lowering the paper with the plant - He is incredible. Even though he is a complicated person, his confidence, his physical strength and his Quirk are much more incredible than mine. Only that's why now - he says lowering the rest of the mask and standing up - I don't want to lose

— A fate fight between rivals then? - the brunette asks with bright eyes due to the determination of the partner

— Oh, I'm sorry, this is not your problem, Wanda! Do not worry! - the boy says not wanting to drag his friend into the middle of his personal conflicts

— Yes it is! We are a pair! Here we go! - she says taking a leap with her fist raised and raised, showing her excitement and taking a simple smile from Peter, even though she couldn't see it because of the mask

"Okay, let's start the hand-to-hand combat training between Teams A and D!" The voice of Iron Man can be heard through the speakers present in the simulation area, starting combat training

Inside the monitors' room, Iron Man addresses the rest of the class, who spread out across the dark room and watched the video screens present, each showing a different location in the building the Teams would use

— Alright guys, keep thinking together ...- he says to his students and then goes into his own thoughts; "Parker, here you are no longer an ordinary student. I will be strict, without showing preferences "he says activating the radio to be able to communicate with the headphones of the four participants individually, in case you need to pass any instructions

Jumping into the building through an open window, Peter enters the scene by climbing the wall using his arrows and having Wanda on his back; since her impulses were not strong enough for the required height, and she was light enough to be easily carried, even though Peter had sweated buckets of embarrassment at feeling the girl's curves on his back ... but it wasn't time to think about it, not that there was a good time to think about it, but he needed to focus

— Successful infiltration ...- says Wanda softly as she descended Peter's back and watched the corner of corridors they had encountered

— There are many blind spots, be careful - says Peter choosing one of the corridors and following him, being quickly followed by Wanda

The two walk for a few seconds in the dark and silent corridor, watching for any movement or noise. Wanda used a little of her Quirk to create a red sphere to serve as extra light, since on that floor they didn't have many windows, while Peter was thinking about some kind of strategy.

"I already know Flash's Quirk, and it is something very physical and melee, I can try to restrict it ... but what about Azari? I saw something related to electricity in the entrance exam, but I don't know how much he controls his power and ... "Peter suddenly feels his Spider Sense go off and soon he sees Flash jumping off one of the corner corridors, with his arm extended and targeting opponents. Using his superior agility, Peter throws himself in the direction of Wanda, causing them to move away from the impact point of Flash's fist, which makes a big hole in the wall, in the place that were only seconds ago

— Wanda, are you okay? – Peter asks his partner as he gets up off the floor quickly, he didn't have time for slack

— I'm fine, thanks - she says also getting up and facing the companion, seeing her mask torn in the middle - Ah Peter! - she says worried that the friend could have already been hurt

— I'm fine, it was just a scratch ...- he says and quickly rips off the rest of the mask and throws it on the floor, it wouldn't make sense to use just one functioning eye

— Come on, Wall-Crawler - Flash says as he pulls himself together and stands up - Don't dodge.

—I figured you would come after me first. - says the brunette not being shaken

— A surprise attack right off the bat? - asks one of the students in the monitor room

— A surprise attack certainly does not look like the most noble action - says Danny, the same wearing a dark green glued clothing that went from the feet to the neck and with long sleeves but left his fists uncovered, with a moss green leather chest with a kind of a black dragon drawn, in addition to a yellow ribbon belt and a mask of the same color, which at the moment was raised and only covering his forehead

— A surprise attack is also a strategy - says Iron Man when computing the actions of his students - Mr. Thompson is personifying a villain well in a real battle

— And apparently he doesn't seem to have to work hard to play the villain ...- says Gwen also without her mask

— At least Peter dodged! - another girl was excited among the students; she was the owner of brown hair that went up to the shoulders of messy, had a dark skin and brown eyes, wore a red T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, on top, a kind of blue zipper skirt with a very large yellow lightning emblem, and to complement it, a red scarf, blue boots, a mask that surrounded her blue eyes and a gold bracelet on her left wrist

— And there goes the Flash again! - alerts Pietro when watching the screens with the fight, the same worried about his sister

— Don't worry, Parker, I'm not going to hurt you enough to interrupt the fight, but I'll get there almost! - the boy says with his right arm flexed, ready to give another blow and grow bulges in the joints between the fingers and the palm to get more damage, while running towards the pair, but when he was preparing for the punch ...

... Peter dodged at the exact moment, stepping out of his trajectory and grabbing Flash's fist with his left hand. He then grabs the collar of his attacker's suit with his other arm and uses the momentum of Flash's movement to throw him over his shoulder, throwing him directly with his back on the floor. Making Flash impress and lose air on impact. But even so, he gets up after a short time, being astonished and much more angry

— Flash, you always start with a big push with your right arm - says Peter putting himself in a fighting position, both to protect himself and to protect Wanda who was behind him - what do you think I did when I watched you? I learned your strategies ... You kept calling me Wall-Crawler because you thought it was funny how I tried to reach the top without a Quirk. You laughed at how I tried to become a hero ... a wall too high that you thought I wouldn't be able to climb!

If Flash was already irritated, that speech only made him even more nervous, but Peter didn't stop anyway;

— A friend told me that Wall-Crawler is like a spider, small and insignificant in the eyes of many, but that it reaches great heights and does incredible things! I won't be your punching bag forever Flash! - the boy ends up nervous, putting out everything he has kept since meeting Flash - I am an incredible type of Wall-Crawler! I'm Spider-Man !!!

At that moment Flash starts to rise, his Quirk pulsing frantically, copying the owner's emotions, the goo spreads over his neck and almost covers his eyes when it spreads over his face, accompanied by a killer look

— Wanda, go and find the weapon - he says turning to his friend

— A-ah? But what about you? - she asks worried and a little afraid of what Flash could do

— I'll come up with a plan! For now I hold him! - he replies and sees his companion confirm with her head, even if shaking and running away from the duo, who was preparing for the fight of their lives

"Flash, tell me your position! What happened?" The brunette hears his teammate shout at him over the headset, but he had more important things to do than answer Azari

— Do not bother me and keep on the defense ... - answers the brunette without a hint of patience and then hanging up so he won't be bothered anymore

— What is Flash talking about? - asks a boy from the group; one of those who had been loudly impressed at the entrance of Iron Man in the class that morning, he was tall, muscular, light skinned, Asian features and black hair with gel put in a kind of tuft. He wore nothing but gray shorts with purple and yellow details and an electronic bracelet on his left wrist, he was shirtless and barefoot - You can't tell by seeing cameras without sound

— He is communicating with his partner through the wireless transmitter he received - the teacher replies - it is the only thing that can be taken, plus the building plan

— The time limit is 15 minutes - says the brunette girl with the colorful costume, noting that the marker was now in 13 minutes - and the superheroes don't know where the right weapon is?

— Correct! – answer the pro hero

— So the heroes are in clearly disadvantage

— And that's how it is in real life - replies Iron Man - Superheroes have to turn the tables under any situation. Besides, did Professor Murdock teach you something? That motto there! Come on, everyone with me, one, two, three and ...!

— Excelsior!!! – the teacher yells with his students, some obviously more excited than others

— Hey professor, look at Flash! - Sam comments while watching the screen

Flash then makes black tentacles extend from his back and propels himself forward, flying like a missile towards Peter and trying to deliver a powerful kick with his left leg; but the boy's Spider Sense was faster. With Wanda out of reach, Peter could focus 100% on Flash, luckily he had reacted in time and stopped Flash's shot with his right arm and reinforced with his left.

— Are you smart now, Parker? - Flash is still irritated in the air, but notices the boy quickly firing the white substance in Flash's leg near the wall, he wanted to restrict it.

"' Analysis of superheroes for the future No. 10 'page 18; some heroes like Daredevil, because they have less offensive Quirks, use the restriction of the opponents' movements when attaching them with ropes and chains, so good that I saw his movements in the last training session "Peter thinks when he sees the world in slow motion while thought carefully about his strategy "But now what? Being him, he will be impatient and ... again with his right arm! " the boy throws himself to his right, narrowly escaping Flash's devastating punch, which opens another hole in the building's wall, leaving the attacker even more ecstatic and nervous

"He kicked first this time in an attempt to prevent me from predicting the movements. He's being cautious, "Peter thinks as he watches Flash get to his feet after the brutal punch and his Quirk" swallows "the webs, which were too liquid and hadn't pinned his foot to the wall. The brunette sees Flash preparing for another onslaught with his tentacles, but he is faster; throwing a web at Flash's face, blinding him for a while, which gave him the necessary breach to jump on the walls and climb out of there. The nervous brunette quickly gets rid of that sticky substance, but Peter was already out of sight.

— Parker! You can run, but you can't hide forever! - Shouts Flash as he enters the nearest corridor, but seeing that the rival was no longer there, he grunts and keeps turning corridors and more corridors in search of his rival

Tired of climbing the walls and running, Peter crouches down and leans against one of the walls to catch his breath and think of a strategy; coming to the conclusion that he would have to help Wanda against Azari without Flash interfering, since the two boys were certainly much more powerful; which led to an inevitable result, he would have to defeat Flash or help Wanda from a distance, which seemed impossible. But he needed to act soon; if his internal clock was correct, it must have been nearly ten minutes out of the fifteen totals, so he needed to act now. Then he hears Wanda calling him over the radio;

"—Peter do you copy?"

— Wanda !? Yes, I am! Are you alright? - the brunette asks without noticing how worried he seemed

"—I am fine. I found Azari and the weapon, on the east side of the fourth floor "

— It is just above mine ... - Peter responds by remembering the building plan and the paths he had taken

"— But I'll need some help if... Agh!"

— Wanda!? – Peter asks worried


The girl hears her partner's voice of concern on her radio; probably because she was hit by an electrical current from Azari who had discovered her. But even so she stands up, it was not a discomfort that would make a future heroine fall

— You can be quite powerful, Maximoff - says Azari putting himself in a fighting position, and Wanda could see some details in the boy when he activated his powers; his suit was part of the breastplate with a light blue glow, as was his head. His shoulders also contained tribal tattoos and his belt stood out from the black suit - but I took all the objects out of here, there's nothing for you to levitate and throw at me

"Azari T'Challa, Quirk: Electro Panther. Along with his increased physical capacity, he is also able to generate and control very high electrical charges through his body "

— So thankfully, I've been training a new thing - the brunette says concentrating the red energy in her hands, forming spheres of energy and making her eyes shine the same color, until in a quick movement, she launches the two bursts of red energy in the direction of Azari, who hit the boy in his chest, driving him away from the girl

She then tries to run towards the weapon; if she managed to touch it they would win ... but Azari managed to recover, and with that she pulled on her belt that turned into a stick covered with electricity, and with it giving a side blow to the opponent. Wanda tries to create a shield to defend herself, but she is not yet very advanced in this ability and with that takes the blow that hits her along with the electric charge, causing her to hit one of the columns and move away from the weapon

— You are not the only one with tricks ...- says the boy now facing his opponent more seriously, as he puts himself in a fighting position with the stick on his back

— Good, I think that would be embarrassing if I were the only one - she says getting up and covering her fists again with the red energy

Peter tries to hear more than what happened with Wanda, but a sign from the Spider Sense took him out of his daydreams and he can see Flash approaching with heavy strides; he wore an expression of mockery and an evil smile, as if he found grace in something he would soon do

— I hope you're ready for the beating of your life Wall-Crawler ... - he says putting himself upright and compartments of his shoulders being revealed

— I'm not afraid of you anymore Flash! - the boy says putting himself in a combat position with his fists raised

— You know, at the end of the day I don't know if the one who makes the costumes is great or is an idiot - says Flash, seeming not to care about his rival's words - but I know I got what I asked for; guided missiles - he says maniacally and from the compartments of his shoulders appear the tips of six black missiles, three on each shoulder, and ignoring the orders of the professor he received on the radio, he fires two of the missiles.

During the trajectory of the projectiles, they changed direction so as not to hit Peter; probably due to the fact that they were controlled in some way by Flash and if he was hit, the brunette would definitely be expelled. The missiles overturned and crashed into each other, causing an explosion with double strength. Peter tried to hold on, but the explosion was too strong and he was thrown back to the end of the corridor while the whole building was shaking from the explosion.

Standing up with a little more difficulty, Peter then watches Flash approaching calmly, probably because he wants to end his rival with his own hands. The brunette then feels to a lesser extent the sensation of the Spider Sense being fired constantly, but nothing was coming his way, if not, he would have already been hit. Then he realizes; he must be realizing the Quirk uses of Azari and Wanda; the explosion must have increased his sensitivity and now he was right under the confrontation of the other participants. It was his chance to help Wanda, but how? However, before he can do or think about anything, he watches Flash's black fist coming towards him.

By firing a web institutionally at the wall to his left, he manages to deflect in time; but now Flash seemed more nervous than ever, he quickly recovers and leaves for another onslaught, but this time Peter was ready. He sticks to the wall with his hands and flexes his legs so that he can kick with both feet at Flash's torso, pushing him away. He needed to think of something, and fast.

—Now are you really going to fight Parker? - Flash says positioning himself to run again and that's what he does

Both run towards each other, fists ready to make an attack each. But when Flash comes close, the black tentacles on his back make him jump over Peter, and having the boy with a vulnerable back, he extends his arm with sharp claws and attacks the boy from behind, tearing his uniform and hurting his claw-shaped back.

Peter falls to the ground because of the pain he felt; the warmth of the blood slowly trickling down his back and the coldness of the air entering his wounds. But either way he gets up, and gathering his courage, or stupidity some would say, unravels Flash:

— And is this the best you can do? - he says weak, but with a smug smile

Blinded by anger, Flash activates the missile compartments again, firing two more while running towards Peter again. And straight into your trap;

Without Flash noticing, Peter shoots some webs into a concrete block, small enough to be launched, but big enough for his purpose. He gets up with the block behind him, and when the rival launches his missiles, he prepares for his plan. Guiding himself through his Spider Sense and his hearing, he reaches the right distance and fires a web at one of the missiles, trapping him at his command, preventing him from hitting and exploding the other, which deviates too much and opens a hole in the opposite wall. Peter is rotating his trunk and jumping, keeping himself in a horizontal position, with a missile stuck in the web of his right arm and the one of the block in his left. He then launches the missile at the ceiling and is soon followed by the block. He hopes that his partner will take care of the rest, because due to the approach with Flash, he was completely vulnerable, and a direct punch in the stomach that throws him towards the wall, was enough to knock him out.

Upstairs Wanda was breathing hard, while her opponent didn't seem so affected, and worse, she was far from getting close to the weapon. She was tired and Azari had probably trained hard with professional instructors while she moved toys from side to side and practiced with Pietro, the hope of victory was less and less; until she hears a very low and weak voice on her radio transmitter;

"—Wanda, be prepeared..."

Peter hadn't said anything else, so she waited patiently for what was going to happen, which fortunately was easier for her in that situation: if time ran out Azari won, so he wasn't exaggerating to defeat her for good, he was being cautious and intelligent when storing energy; pity that that would be his undoing.

And then, when no one expected it, the ground shakes and a huge crater is formed between the two heroes in training, similar to another explosion recently. Azari and Wanda fall backwards, but Wanda pays attention to what comes next, a concrete block appears through the hole and she sees the opportunity.

Using her Quirk, she stops the block in the air and launches it towards Azari, who was still standing after the explosion. Such action caused the block to fly towards the boy's abdomen, pushing him back to the ground, and that was enough for the girl to use her last energies to propel herself upwards, passing through the hole and falling directly on top of the weapon, capturing it...

— Weapon apprehended! – she screams with her last strength as she hears the teacher shout the heroes' victory on the radio of the four contestants

While Peter and Wanda had been sent to the infirmary, to be treated by the Night Nurse; Azari and Flash had joined the other students to watch the other matches. And while they were arguing about each one in the match that had been held; Flash only thought about one thing;

"How did he manage to predict what I was going to do?" wondered in disbelief at Parker's skill and quick thinking, he was in shock of being defeated

— All right guys, let's switch places and start the second match - says Iron Man ready to draw the next contestants - and for the second match ...

"Team B will be the superheroes and Team I will be the villains"

Inside the second building, in front of the weapon was Team I, formulating a strategy, and was formed by Ava Ayala and Nico Minoru.

Ava was a girl with slightly brown skin, straight brown hair, full lips and greenish eyes. Her outfit was a white jumpsuit with claws on her fingertips, a green amulet on her belt and some darker parts like stripes; she was the heir to the Ayala family of heroes.

— And what is your Quirk? - Ava asks her partner, Nico, while fixing her hair in a ponytail to pass through the hole in the back of her mask

"Ava Ayala, Quirk: White Tiger. Power passed on to the eldest child per generation, gives the user strength, agility, reflexes and refined senses "

—Well, I have this ...- Nico replies, literally pulling a staff from her chest, a purple rune appeared and it seemed to solidify from the air, he was very simplistic, the handle mostly black, and at the end one iron circle with several runes and carved hieroglyphs, Ava couldn't tell if it was metal or rock, and honestly, neither Nico - I can manipulate cosmic energy with him and do some spells

"Nico Minoru, Quirk: Staff of The One. She has the ability to cast a staff that manipulates cosmic energy and casts it on different spells, but she cannot repeat the same spell twice"

If the girls met, they would see how different they were; Ava the perfect and athletic student, and Nico, the goth without a talent for sports. She was slightly tanned, but the makeup she wore made her look a lot whiter, contrasting with the black lipstick and eyeshadow. She was shorter than Ava, and had a less slender body, being a little more curved, but not so much. She had messy black hair that reached her chin and almond-shaped eyes. Her costume was similar to Wanda's dress, but while Wanda was cuter, Nico was more Gothic. She had a black sash on her neck, the black and purple lace part of the dress in the art of the bust and her shoulders, the leotard was tighter, the skirt was also black and went to the middle of her thighs; and it matched her high boots and pantyhose with purple and black stripes.

— Ah ... ok - Ava had seen a lot of crazy things in her life, but that was certainly something else - beauty, can you make some form of shield around the weapon? - she asks then puts on the mask, which was also all white and only the yellow eyes stood out, leaving the ponytail out

— I can do that - she responds and closes her eyes, concentrating for a moment, until she and the weapon are covered by a transparent dome-shaped energy - how about that?

— It seems good enough - even with the mask on, her voice doesn't drown out so that Nico can't understand - I'll keep an eye on the corridor, if you can keep the shield, we win by time - she says and leaves the room towards the hall, leaving Nico to imagine things when he saw the low parts of the brunette who were so privileged by the uniform

Outside, the two other teenagers; Tandy Bowen and Robbie Reyes, Team B, waited for the signal while they waited as they stretched to enter the building, well, at least one of them stretched;

— What's up? Any strategy in mind? - the blonde Tandy asks her partner while stretching, as the dancer routine demanded, she had picked up the habit, the same was a girl who called attention for her appearance, her wavy blond hair combined with her light and velvety skin and celestial blue eyes, together with the curvy, spotted body, even with years in ballet. She wore a very simple outfit, a white jumpsuit with long sleeves and stopped at a collar around her neck, the same had the image of a kind of sword in the front in a darker shade of white, with the hilt in her bust, the hand guard over her breasts and the blade down her torso. Her face also had a drawing of a white crescent moon around her right eye - I saw movement on the fourth floor, they are probably there - she says and uses her Quirk to conjure up a kind of bright fragment of pure air in her left hand.

"Tandy Bowen, Quirk: Light. She is able to conjure light in her hand and shape it into the shape of solid fragments that work like launching knives "

— In fact I have ...- her teammate; Robbie tells her upon hearing on the radio that Iron Man had released them to enter. The same was a boy of medium height, he had tanned skin, a slender body, his hair was black with a completely white piece at the front, he had smooth expressions and a thin face, but something about him was intimidating. He didn't wear anything too much; boots, black pants and a leather jacket with white bands that sometimes connected, as well as leather gloves too - you stay here, I'll fix this quickly - he says starting to head for the building, completely ignoring his partner

— Hey, can't I say anything? - his partner asks in awe, but when touching the boy's shoulder, he turns quickly and their eyes meet; Tandy can swear that she saw fire deep in the boy's black eyes, along with her biggest fears. Then he shakes his head and continues on his way, leaving the stunned girl behind.

Nico was not prepared to see her partner being thrown on the wall of the room she was in, and unable to do anything when she was tied to iron chains. The same struggled, having to get rid of the chains, until a tanned boy with black hair with a white tuft in front, enters the place, bearing no expression, as he heads towards Nico and the weapon.

The girl focuses on maintaining the portal; the boy seems to notice it when he stops just before hitting him in the face, until, quickly, he punches with all his strength in the magic barrier, which makes the whole room shake with the impact and making Nico almost fall. Not looking satisfied, he summons a knife out of nowhere, which appeared to have been formed by a fire that also appeared out of nowhere, and he stabs the shield, managing, to Nico's total surprise, to pierce it, and with a downward motion, damage enough to break the girl's concentration.

The girl has no time to think how impressive the boy's strength had been to break the force field, she needed to act now; she then casts an offensive spell, it would move it far enough away that she could think of something, a fireball. Focusing on the image of the flaming sphere, the orange ball of elemental energy appears in the middle of the staff circle, and it throws it towards the boy, he would probably deflect or be thrown back, but he doesn't even move.

He receives the full force of the spell, and all he does is raise his arm, the ball explodes with his contact, spreading fire and smoke around his surroundings, but before everything dissipates, he comes out of the smoke without any singed or brand.

Before Nico could think of; how? He snaps his fingers and quickly an iron chain appears behind the girl as it slides across the floor like a snake, jumping and wrapping itself around her arms, making her drop the staff on the ground and rendering her useless for the fight. And with his opponents neutralized, Robbie walks calmly towards the weapon, touching it and winning the challenge without any effort, all again listening to Iron Man give the victory to the superheroes.

— Forgiveness - the boy says to the girls as he makes the chains release them - is that we are at different levels

"Robbie Reyes, one of four students admitted via recommendation. Quirk: Spirit of Vengeance. Passed for generations, it includes the ability to create and control iron and fire chains and daggers. It also presents the look of penance, fatal for most "

"Third match; Team J as villains ... "

On one of the floors of Building C, Danny and Amadeus Cho prepare for their opponents; the blonde meditates in front of the weapon, becoming aware that being a villain was only part of the exercise, and also focusing his chi on what could happen.

"Daniel Rand, Quirk; Chi Manipulation. He is able to concentrate chi, his vital energy, in certain parts of his body, enhancing the strength of the place, usually his fist "

While his partner Amadeus, the muscular, shirtless Asian, activates his Quirk; as he grows, increase the size of his muscles, thus explaining the suit that is just a pair of shorts and turning green like another well-known retired hero. It crackles the fingers and the neck, preparing for anything.

"Amadeus Cho, Quirk; Gamma Strength. Wich gives him the ability to manipulate the gamma radiation contained within, giving him the ability to transform into a green monster, thereby increasing his strength, endurance and speed"

"... and Team H as the heroes"

In the middle of one of the dark corridors near the building's entrance, a young man appears emerging from the shadows; Tyrone Johnson, an African American boy, with curly hair and an athletic body, all hidden by his suit, a huge black cloak that covered everything from feet to neck, along with a hood that hid his eyes up and leaving from the nose down to the exposed.

"Tyrone Johnson, Quirk: Darkness. It presents a connection with the dark dimension, which gives him access to powers such as travel between shadows, intangibility and fields of force "

And, cutting through Tyrone's gloomy mood a little, Gwen appears bouncing beside him, after leaving a kind of portal, which looked more like a vertical hole in the air with different lighting coming out of it. The girl does not seem to notice her companion as she skips down the dark corridor while murmuring the melody of some music.

"Gwendolyn Poole..."

"Hey, just Gwen, please"

"How did you get here !?"

"I have my ways, but then, my Quirk allows me to create cracks in the air that take me to another dimension, through it I can overcome obstacles here in our reality, I can even shorten distances, but it takes a lot of energy, and look that I already have to know exactly the necessary distances, my psychologist said ... "

"Ok, we understand, thanks Gwen"

"The pleasure is mine! Bye mysterious voice, bye beautiful readers! "

"Fourth battle, Team C as the villains ..."

In building D, the pair of Laura Kinney and Kei Kawade were preparing to defend the weapon.

Laura patrolled the exits, looking for smells or sounds that would indicate the presence of her opponents. She herself could be described as having an exotic beauty. Her beautiful, slightly wavy black hair that went just below her shoulders, had uneven ends and appeared to have been cut with blind scissors. Her fair skin was almost flawless, except for the two small scars on her left cheek. She had thick, beautiful eyebrows, but frightening, black eyes. She had a very athletic and curvy body. Her outfit consisted of an orange and black sleeveless top that went to the bottom of her breasts with a zipper in the front, gloves in the same colors with two holes in each cuff, a black mini shorts and black high boots next to light orange kneepads. She sniffed and tried to hear anything as she moved around the room that contained the weapon.

"Laura Kinney, Quirk: Feral. She has the capabilities of a savage being; refined senses, reflexes, speed, regeneration and sharp retractable claws in the hands and even the feet "

Of course, Laura's outfit was very flashy, let's say, and without much difficulty, it would pollute the minds of several boys and girls with forbidden dreams, but Kei was a step beyond those people, and not in a good way. The short boy, who nobody believed could be in high school, with his messy dark hair, his slightly tanned skin, and his fluffy appearance as a twelve-year-old boy, did not give credit to the very adult thoughts that went on in his head. His outfit was very simple, an orange jacket, goggles, very wide and baggy jeans and sneakers, in addition to his two-finger gloves, used by designers. Of course, the drawing was essential for his Quirk, but at the moment its pages were full of Laura's poses, which were never made, with a nudity nonexistent at the time and faces that she had never expressed; I hope she never sees the boy's notebook.

"Kei Kawade, Quirk: Monster Summoning. Six specific monsters that he draws in his notebook create life and obey his mental commands "

"... and Team G as the heroes"

In one of the building's hallways, Seol Hee was waiting for her partner to collect information. The girl herself was one of the few, if not the only one, who was famous for herself, being a successful k-pop singer. The same, Korean by birth, had very clear skin, almost pale, a face with a more rounded shape, thin lips, small nose and presenting eyes with heterochromia; the right was light blue and the left brown, for those who saw it. Her hair was also bi-colored, short, reaching to the height of her cheeks, straight and black at the root, but the side of her blue eye was whitish. She was also dressed in simpler clothes; a dark blue and white banded top, under a black leather jacket, with only the right sleeve, which covered her entire arm, and having her hand in a black leather glove. Her left arm had a short sleeve and she wore a kind of glove on her forearm, but with nothing in her hand. She also wore white and black micro shorts and a white belt, each with an emblem; a white snowflake and a black crescent moon, respectively. She also wore black high boots and a kind of pantyhose with thicker fabric on her thighs.

Soon the brunette / albino sees the blue and silvery blur from her peripheral vision and when she turns around, the silver-haired boy Pietro is beside her, taking a deep breath from running. He wore a more original uniform among heroes; a light blue leotard with white lines in the shape of rays, highlighted his slender body and gave him more agility. He silently points upwards indicating the location where his opponents kept the weapon.

Seol then gives the boy a wink as he passes by, following in the direction the boy had come. The girl walks by running her hand over the wall and leaving a freeze trail that increases and consumes more and more the wall and then the building.

"Seol Hee, one of the four students who entered on a recommendation. Quirk: Cryokinesis. She has the ability to decrease the energy of water molecules present in the air, joining them and forming ice 'out of nowhere' "

"And last but not least, Team F as villains ..."

In the last building that would be used for that exercise, the Team in charge of protecting the weapon was already preparing. One of, or rather the only, boy was stretching and cracking his neck. The boy was very tall and muscular, he had dark skin, his face was square, he had very short curly hair, and he wore dark glasses that hid the color of his eyes. He wore a black and yellow leotard suit, with iron protections on his forearms and ankles. But even if the suit didn't protect him that much, he would have no problems;

"Luke Cage, Quirk: Unbreakable. His skin is almost impossible to penetrate or perforate, and together with his strength, he makes him an almost unstoppable opponent"

— I am Groot –the alien teenager says to his companion, even though the boy probably doesn't understand everything he said to him with those three words

Groot was the first alien in the school, mainly because the Earth was not a very popular travel route. It was literally a piece of the Groot hero who had grown up, a humanoid made entirely of wood, the only thing that differentiated him from the original hero were the branches that formed a kind of ponytail on the back of his neck. He was treated like his son, and his age was equivalent to 15 earth years so that he could be enrolled in M.A. He grew vines to close the weapon in a kind of wooden cocoon.

"Groot, Quirk: Flora colossus. His species was defined as his Quirk, he has the same abilities as the hero with the same name, strength, size increase, endurance, everything related to his arborous body "

"... and Team E as the heroes"

Sam used his Quirk to float through the building's corridors, keeping an eye on his surroundings as he used the energy around his body as a flashlight.

His partner in the case walked beside him, the energetic brunette who had made several comments during the other battles, especially the first. Her costume, which looked more like pajamas, had the scarf behind as she walked, until she heard something coming from the corridor, and when she reached out to indicate to her partner, she unwittingly activates her Quirk, making her hand increase , until it was bigger than the boy, and she pushes him, squeezing him against the opposite wall

— Ah ... oops! Sorry ...- she says smiling and scratching the back of her neck, and deactivating her power, while her companion recovered from the crush on the floor

"Kamala Khan, Quirk: Embiggening. She has the ability to increase the size of her body parts, as if it stretched or inflated "

After all the pairs had acted in their respective battles, as heroes or villains, Iron Man found himself again in front of all the students (except two in this case) at the exit of the training area, with everyone ready to end the day and hibernate for a week, if they didn't have a pile of homework to do.

— Very well done, great job! Apart from Parker and Maximoff in the infirmary, nobody got hurt too much ...

— Not yet ... - Laura mumbles, looking at little Kei, for having discovered his notebook, and he was shivering and sweating cold

— You all took the exercise seriously, and acted like professionals in your first workout - Iron Man continues, hoping the students wouldn't know the lines he read inside his helmet - well, you're all excused! I need to report the results to your colleagues on the ward. Change and go back to the classroom! - he says and then flew off down the exit corridor when he realized that in a few seconds, his armor would close and he would be skinny and pathetic in front of his first class.
