So, he died. Exploding was not the way to go, he gives it a 1/10. From a plane crash out of all things, it could have been more glorious, but no, the moment he was about to enjoy his stay in Switzerland, the plane engines go boom. Took a few hundred years for his soul to get judged, that was a boring endeavour. The Afterlife was so void of entertainment that souls just turned off their consciousness until they were in front of the Judgement Table. And now he was reincarnated by his new best friend into a world of superheroes with the powers of a Kamen Rider. Seems legit. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?" "Me? I'm just a passing-by Kamen Rider. Remember that well." BNHA X Kamen Rider
Exploding was, surprisingly, not the way to go. More like an embarrassing way to go, honestly. He definitely will never ride a plane ever again.
Hey, he's Keith. Well, was Keith. Yeah, reincarnation. It was, however, not like fiction where you meet a Random Omnipotent Being (ROB) and get a chance at redemption.
The process was fucking long, as in years long. Imagine Dragon Ball's afterlife, but the line could round Earth's circumference 50 times over. It took forever to get to the reaper responsible to send us dead souls to whatever pantheon we were in to, when he got lucky and struck gold.
Lady Luck was shining on him, he was the 777,777,777,777th soul, meaning he had another shot in reincarnation.
But then, another few more hundred years of travelling through some void space in a cabby car to a ROB responsible for his new world. By the time he could make his wish, most of his memories of the stuff that he wanted to wish for had already been forgotten.
Back and forth here, back and forth there, and soon he made his wish after binging a Tokusatsu show that the ROB liked. Spent a few centuries watching shows and gaming with the being. He made his wish random and told the ROB to go crazy with the power, before he suddenly woke up as Tsukasa, a 7-month-old Japanese boy. No last name.
Like was… Nice. After years of being dead, the few years that passed had been an enjoyable experience, especially since this world was much different than his old one. Superpowers! Definitely had no superheroes back in his old one.
Quirks, they called them. The topic is interesting, with genetic inheritance and Quirk-Factors, but he had limited information since he was only 3-years-old, he couldn't access any other information other than the basics that the government gate keeps in the library.
His new parents had Quirks. Energy Shifter for Mother, and Transmutation for Father.
Energy Shifter allows her to convert and store fat and carbs into energy and store it somewhere, that can be used whenever she wants. Using the energy, she could shape her body with the excessive energy into anything.
Transmutation however was cool as hell, it allows Father to transmute two objects that are less than a kilo in both hands into something of equivalent value based on the current market price. He watched him transmute before, it was very sparkly.
They were assholes though.
Mother was a hooker that changes her body to fit her client's wants, and the amount of stamina she has with her Quirk caused her to be well-known in brothels. Hell, I just heard a few guys banging her last week, she had built her body to be perfect, and I heard with my limited Japanese that they were paying tens of thousands just to get her.
Father was a gambling addict that uses his Quirk to transmute stuff into more expensive stuff, just to burn it all away. Honestly, the only reason why people weren't kidnapping his was because Father was already burning so much money into their business, that they don't think that they can make him cough up more money.
Why did they even have me in the first place? An accident. Father paid hundreds of thousands of Yen to have a few nights with her without protection, and somehow, I was born even with birth control on. They were not shy about it too, with all the screaming they had about the topic.
The only reason why they were still together was because of Father's money and Mother's hotness. They have hate sex every day, it's kind of weird. Fucking dysfunctional.
But hey, at least he was still in contact with that ROB that sent him here. Jeff was a good guy, visits every few months in his dreams for a binging session or an all out 8-hour-long gaming session, whatever Jeff brings to the void.
Anyways, life was nice if you'd ignore the excessive guys walking around like it was their house, the constant moaning of his mother and the creaking of the bed every night, the number of gangsters hanging out with his dad in the garage, and the Cinderella-like abuse of him needing to clean and cooking everything in the house lest they kick him out.
What an origin story, ey? At least they gave him an allowance every month, otherwise they just usually ignore him unless they had some anger spikes. School was a must due to Japan's system, too.
Moving on, he turned four a couple of years ago. It wasn't celebrated by my family of course, but Jeff did. He was a bro. We binged the latest Kamen Rider shows that he summons, since he was a ROB he gets the whole series even when it's still in production.
Halfway through Kamen Rider Geats, Jeff abruptly pauses the TV before looking at him. Jeff was… Well, Jeff. He looked like a normal teenager, brown short hair, regular build, but with silver eyes.
"Irtsg, ulitlg zylfg blfi yrigswzb trug!"
The language he speaks comes out as a blank static noise, but after decades of being together, he learnt the language. Jeff was giving him a birthday gift!
"Oh, Jeff, you didn't have to!"
"Mlmhvmhv, nb yil! R tlg blf!"
What a bro, indeed. Jeff raised an arm before snapping it. Suddenly, Tsukasa (Jeff calls him Keith still though), felt something "click" inside of him.
"Z klxpvg-hkzxv kldvi."
From what Jeff explained, it was a pocket-dimension kind of Quirk. He could only keep inanimate objects and hold up to 1x1 meter cube of space, but the more he uses the ability the bigger space it gets. He could even create sections to separate the items for sorting, that was cool.
"Hvzixs rmhrwv! Blf'oo urmw blfi drhs gsviv!"
With Jeff urging him to look inside, Keith nodded before focusing on the feeling that he felt earlier, and a 1x1 cube flashed in his head.
"… You didn't!"
He gasped as Jeff chuckled.
"Blf zodzbh dviv z Decade uzm, Pvrgs!"
Focusing on the objects, he used his imagination and imagined a hand taking them out of the cube, as a black whirlpool of mist appeared and dropped said items onto his hand.
A DecaDriver. A real one, an honest to god metallic version. He trailed his finger over the black Rider Driver. Instead of the usual white, this one's colour was inverted, with black as its primary colour. And this version was the Neo DecaDriver version with all 20 Heisei Rider symbols.
Before he could even say a thank you or a goodbye, Jeff clapped both hands as he suddenly woke up on his mattress with the DecaDriver still on his hand, the cold steel waking him up immediately.
A Few Years Later…
"Now, now, no need to be so scared, we're just trying to have some fun."
"N-No, please don't — "
"Shin, use your Quirk and grab her arms, Yeso, shut her up."
"Don't gotta tell me that, Ame, I ain't no amateur."
"Wait — "
Her voice suddenly doesn't come out, no matter how hard she screamed. The three men, chuckling, started to pull her deeper into the alleyway when suddenly a voice rang out behind them.
"Hey, be a little bit less conspicuous, would you? 3 men bringing a woman deeper into a scary alley at night, especially near the red-light district of all places, you guys seriously chose a bad location."
Their heads jerked to see him staring at them with a hand on his hip, looking bored. Seriously, even after reincarnating into a new world, the tale of rapists was so damn often that he gets bored. It's kind of a miracle that he encountered one every few months, for over a decade now?
"Who the fuck are you?"
The boss of the group growled at him.
"I'm just a passing-by Kamen Rider… Well, not in costume though."
"… Fuck around and find out, kid, if you know what's best for you."
The man was twice his size with muscles bulging everywhere. People would get intimidated by him. Tsukasa was not regular people though. He instead, snorted at the menacing line.
"Dude, that's such a common villain quote, at least be a little bit more original."
He wasn't one to randomly go out to help people, but this would weigh on his conscious, especially after a good day of night-classes, getting an 87% in his Japanese Literature mock test felt really good. He ignored the snarls and glares of the man in front of him as Tsukasa said his piece, summoning his driver.
"Listen, I only have a few minutes till my curfew, so I'll make this quick. Henshin."
Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.
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