

Zenaida Carnell has a very special admiration towards Carl Solveig because of an incident happened back then in the middle school. Coincidentally, they would become the classmates since the beginning of the high school but Carl wouldn't identify Zenaida at all at the high school. With the time passes by, Zenaida would understand that she is having romantic kind of feelings towards him instead of her admiration towards him. She would try to approach Carl little by little and Carl would also get along with her well despite his usual personality. Zenaida would confess her love to him Before the end of the high school but Carl would refuse her in a very cold hearted manner without a second thought. Carl is from a powerful family and he was raised to be emotionless with everyone around him by his parents. After the refusal, Zenaida would try to avoid Carl at all cost but Carl would take the initiative to approach her. After the high school ends, Zenaida would disappear without a trace and Carl would go crazy because of her missing. He would become a more cold hearted person and his relationship life would become a very messy one. After a six years later, Zenaida would appear again in front of him again with a completely new identity and she would have a fake husband and a fake child too. ********* "Zenaida, you should never reveal your identity as Zenaida Carnell in front of Carl " Zenaida's best friend warned her with a concern filled voice. Zenaida asked her back "Why are you saying that?" "I can't say this for sure but I think that Carl is hating you so deeply. I feel like that the every girl who he is dating, are similar to you in atleast a one way. The first girl who he dated, has the same name as you. Her name was Zenaida Carnell too." Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and all the credit goes to the creator of it.

Athanasia_Managold · สมัยใหม่
48 Chs

Is Carl precious to Zenaida?

When Zenaida was having all kind of thoughts in her mind, Carl who is in the other end of the phone, though that Zenaida has fallen asleep again.

He asked again to check that if Zenaida was sleeping in the middle of a phone call " Zenaida, Are you sleeping? "

Zenaida was able to confirm her previous guess this time by hearing Carl's voice again.

This person is indeed Carl.

How did he know the phone number of her?

Even more to that why is he calling her now?

According to her knowledge, there is nothing to talk between them. Eventhough she and Carl would talk with each other when they met with each other face to face, they have never talked with each other through a phone call ever.

They never had any special reason to call with each other in this way.

It has already passed 12'o clock in the night and Carl is calling her despite his usual nature.

Is he in any kind of trouble?

Zenaida hurriedly asked in an anxious voice" Carl, Are you in any kind of trouble?"

Carl who was going to hang up his call, was taken aback by the sudden questioning of Zenaida.

Did Zenaida recognize him just by his voice?

How much does she know about him?

Also, she sounds so anxious. She must be worried that he is calling her so late at night because he was in some kind of trouble.

Why is she always worried about him in this way?

Zenaida is worried about every single thing about him.

Even his parents don't worry about him in this way, eventhough they say to him that they love him.

So, what is with this silly girl?

Is he so precious to Zenaida?

Is that why she is caring about him and worrying about him in this way.

Carl lowered his gaze while thinking about Zenaida's caring attitude towards him. At this moment, Carl felt the rising tightness in his heart.

What is really wrong with him today?

He felt very lonely all of a sudden awhile ago and he felt the urge to call Zenaida suddenly too. Now, he is feeling very strange kind of feelings inside of him.

"Carl, why aren't you talking? Is something wrong?" Zenaida asked Carl again with her anxious voice.

She didn't receive a reply from Carl and she called out for him again " Carl!!! Why are you being silent in this way? "

Carl clearly heard the Zenaida's words yet he deliberately didn't answer for her few seconds. For whatever reason, he wanted to keep his silence and listen to the Zenaida's anxious voice.

Ava who was sleeping, heard the name which was Zenaida calling out for the person who is in the other end of the phone call.


Ava immediately woke up from her sleep and asked Zenaida loudly " Is that Carl Solveig?"

Zenaida nodded her head with an anxious look on his face.

Ava again asked her " Is something wrong with him?"

Carl heard a girl's voice beside Zenaida and that girl seems to have recognize him too. This time, Carl decided to talk to Zenaida without making her more worried.

" Who is in your room at a time like this? Weren't you sleeping before I called you? "

After hearing the Carl's voice again, Zenaida was able to relive. She asked him " Why were you being silent before?"

"Oh!! That, I was doing some other work. " Carl shamelessly lied to Zenaida.

Zenaida just hummed to his reply and answered Carl's previous questioning " Ava is sleeping with me today. Me and her were sleeping before. "

"Is she sleeping in your room with you?" Carl asked.

" Yeah. " Zenaida answered.

Carl doesn't seem to be in any kind of trouble.

So, why is he calling her now?

Is there some other thing which he wanted to talk with me?

Zenaida waited for Carl to talk to her first but Carl also remained silent without saying anything.

So, Zenaida took the initiative to ask him " Carl, do you have something to say to me?"

Carl was little bit troubled by this question of Zenaida because he couldn't possibly say that he had the urge to call her in the late at night like this. Zenaida would definitely feel strange about it. Even he couldn't understand about his own current situation.

So, he couldn't possibly say that to her at all.

What should he say?

Suddenly, Carl reminded of what Zenaida messaged to Roy at the school.

Carl hurriedly said to Zenaida " Didn't you leave the school because of some matters at your home? Roy said to me about that. Is everything alright?"

Zenaida was surprised by the Carl's words and her mouth was also opened slightly because of the surprising words of Carl.

Is Carl call her just to ask about this?

Is he worried about her family situation?

Even more to that ,at a time like this?

Zenaida felt very happy in her heart about this discovery and her lip corners raised involuntarily.

She happily answered to Carl" Oh!! It's nothing at all. It's just a small matter. "

Carl hummed at her reply.

He felt the sudden excitement in her voice.

Is she happy about something?

Carl really couldn't understand the Zenaida's sudden changes of her behaviour but his mood was also lifted by her excitement filled attitude.

Zenaida asked " What were you doing until you called me?"

" I was studying. "

" Until this late? "

" Yeah. I usually study until this late. "

"How did you get my number?"

" From Roy. He sent me."

" I was really surprised by your call at first. I never expected that you will call me like this." Because of the excitement , Zenaida blurted out without a that much thought. But once she said it out, she started to regret it.


Chapter 33- Discussion about the engagement between Anna and Carl

What excites you? Have a nice day!!!

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