

Ren had now been a five year old child for a few months, he had been living in the child dump for a whole five years now and hadn't killed a human yet, that was a true feat to behold. As he grew older he realised he looked very similar to his old life, with the slight difference of having a cross between Japanese ancestry and his humanoid wolf form. Clearly his old life's genes had merged with his new mothers and created what he was today. His hair was still the odd black and white but it seemed it had slowly changed so that his short hair was mostly black with only small white tips. In the entire orphanage Ren definitely looked the most unique whether it was his strange hair, dual ancestry or heterochromatic eyes no matter what he stood out.

The children avoided Ren since he was just a little toddler, he was quite and cold and people really didn't like being in his company. Ren was pleased that he didn't have to pretend to like these humans otherwise his will power would have been tested to the extremes.

Ren never wasted a second though in his solitary state, he could train his body or at least strengthen it without causing major damage to his muscles. He was still young after all he had to truly grow before he could think about his physique. Ren's Spiritual Power on the other hand was increasing at a steady pace nothing to boast about but it was making progress. If you were to compare his spiritual power when he gained it to now then it would be like a small puddle against a mediocre sized pond. It was just a shame that his Spiritual Power needed to at least be like a large lake before he could gain real benefits from it. This is how Ren had progressed over the last five years, his intelligence had been slowly allowed to be set free and was deemed an incredibly gifted child.

That didn't mean he was going to suddenly show off all his intelligence because the more an idiotic human underestimates you the easier it is to take their life, before they even realised you were a threat.

"Ren your reading and writing is getting along splendidly your so cute as well, how is it possible that a family hasn't adopted you Yet?" A new carer had recently joined the orphanage, she had been kind to all the children even increasing food portions and play time during the day. Her name was Hana and she was constantly floating around Ren as she was interested how such a young child was so clever, although he wasn't displaying heavenly level talent he still stood out.

As for not being adopted the Mistress would always find a reason for Ren to not be seen or to convince potential adopters that he was a problem child. With his looks it didn't take much convincing.

"Miss Hana you are the only person in this orphanage who thinks I'm cute." Although Ren was trying to be cold and distant from this human to her it was just a sulking child.

"Aww Ren you don't have to be self conscious, I know you haven't made friends with the others but I'm always here for you" Hana had a bright smile on her face, her youth was only highlighted by it.

"Why are you being so kind to me? No one is nice to me always discriminating against me because of my looks." Ren looked at Hana who gave him a gentle hug to soothe him.

"Why don't we go play with the toys in your room, I'll be your friend any day Ren." Hana picked up Ren and carried him to his room, he now had his own which was much better than the loud baby room. The other children were also scared of him so getting his own room was pretty simple.

Hana put Ren down and grabbed some toy cars off a shelf, she soon placed then down and gave one to Ren.

"Alright let's have a race, who evers car is faster gets a wish from the other, deal?" Hana tied her curly blonde hair back and extended her hand towards Ren. In return Ren shook and they began crawling around the room pushing cars along.

Hana and Ren were each laughing whilst tumbling across the room, Ren was a bit faster and ran the laps a bit quicker making him win.

"Ahh that was so exhausting, well you win your wish is my command." Hana giggled as she sat down next to Ren again, he didn't say anything and just embraced her in a tight hug.

"Hey I'll give you a hug anytime you are sad, you can make another wish if you want." Hana had a satisfied look on her face, she felt she finally broke the icy barrier of Ren.

Ren also had a satisfied smile on his face, but for a completely different reason. Ren's expression twisted soon after and Hana who had felt she was doing her job perfectly almost crying then began to.

Yet the tears that fell were definitely not one's of happiness, no they were from an extreme pain she suddenly felt in her shoulder. Falling backwards so we was stunned and looked if Ren was alright but what met her eyes were not Ren's, no they were instead the eyes of the Devil.

Hana instinctively pushed her self back and threw the toy car in her hand at that demon, the car was launched with a surprising amount of force and scratched the eyebrow of the demon. What shocked Hana was to see the minimal damage she had caused completely disappear, to top it off her adrenaline rush had faded and she slowly felt increasing pain from her shoulder. What was once a normal shoulder though was now a bloody mess with tooth marks in it. She could only try and scream at the sight but before she had the chance a hand had struck her jaw, breaking it.

"I have been feeling quite restless lately, the Mistress is feeding me less and less and I have been needing more and more. Hana you can only curse your bad luck, I was originally going to eat one of the elderly carers but they have a tight knit group so it would be obvious if one just disappears. You though Hana have not been making friends with your co-workers you should hear what they say about you behind your back. Anyway you will be the easiest to dispose of, not at all easy but the easiest nonetheless." Ren had blood dripping from his grinning mouth as his piercing black and red eyes looked down at Hana.

Her broken jaw mumbled for God, but he wasn't concerned, he knew that she was still mobile so he had incapacitate her before she escaped.

Eyes of disbelief and shock stared into the soul of Ren what looked back at her though was a demon that easily tricked its victims, that easily captured her and would now shred her with a sadistic smile of joy. Trembling in terror, the panic stricken Hana felt spit and blood leak across her disjointed face and could only piss herself as she struggled to even move.

However she suddenly pulled a pen out of her pocket and aimed to stab it right into Ren's cheek, he didn't even bother to block it as the pen snapped on contact. Ren simply followed up by kicking her in the ribs, he guessed he had at least broken a few of them. Although be was five the power and strength of the weakest ghoul was not something to scoff at.

Hana made a muffled noise and then stopped moving, blood trailed across the floor leading up to her erratically breathing body. Ren had just finished swallowing the shoulder meat when he felt his insides explode with joy, he wasn't sure what made Hana taste so mouth watering but compared to what he ate before it was like Dirt to Fried Chicken.

Without his realisation a blood red substance was congealing towards his lower back. It began to expand and soon after formed a thin but long tentacle of sorts, it had barbs that pointed in the direction of the tip and made it look like a long string of a collection of swords. It's colour was dark red with parts ranging from bright crimson to jet black. It was about the same length as Ren was tall which was about 3.7ft and although it was thin it looked like there was at least 5 swords combined in width.

Ren now noticed his Kagune, under the intense excitement from hunting he had managed to materialise it. By the looks of it and the position it came from he has a Rinkaku Kagune, which meant his attack power and healing factor were superior to others. Ren felt like it was a muscle he could easily control like his others, making it impale Hana right through the waist.

Lifting her up with his Kagune acting as a fork Ren began eating her alive, although she couldn't make a loud sound she could still strain her insides trying. Ren began ripping her up until her throat burned, tears staining her face she could only pass on without any semblance of peace.

Ren was trying to not spill blood earlier as it would be a bother to clean up later but right now he was enjoying his meal to much. Pieces of flesh and bone were scattering across the room with blood steadily soaking the floor.

Ren still had a stable mind but he wasn't going to let this delicious course be found by the Mistress, so although clean up would be bothersome it would have been worth it.

Ghouls could usually satisfy their hunger for a month with a single body, most ghouls did this as well because the more you feed the easier the CCG will find and kill you. Ren actually was in awe of how people could hold back so much, a single week without food weakened Ren he couldn't imagine a month. Ghouls that did this were the weaker ones, incapable of standing against Ghoul Investigators but surely by rationing like that you would be even weaker? Then it wouldn't be a stretch to say that ghouls only survive and never truly live.

Ren had finally come to a halt, he had ripped off all the meat, drank all the blood and had broken all the bones down till all that remained of Hana was a bag filled with parts Ren couldn't digest.

Ren looked at the room and then at his Kagune and displayed a rare smile, one he truly meant anyway. With the ingestion of that human he could bare the Mistress' meal plan and he could finally advance as a Ghoul.

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"And the benefits just keep on coming, I spent five years eating that desolate flesh with no sign of meeting the blood requirement but right after eating you Hana it's seems my luck has changed." Ren spoke out loud with an icy voice looking coldly at Hana's remains he felt annoyed that he would have to dig a hole somewhere to get rid of It, such a shame bones weren't very edible.
