

Ladi bring the new foodflask we bought earlier today, I'm preparing Sameer's favourite today, we need to finish everything on time before he come's back. Hopefully it matches the table cloth Hasha chose for me two months ago in Lagos when we went shopping for my new home to be.

Oh Hasha! I haven't called her since the last time she visited, what sort of sister am I ?

Really, we need to check the universe to see the exact type!

I left Ladi to tidy up the kitchen and put all the utensils she already washed in their places while I went to the dinning area to round up.

Everything looked perfect as I laid them on the table, I was impressed even the table cloth turned out to be a match and I'm glad . I looked again to be sure everything that's needed is available.

I checked the time to see I still have an hour fifteen minutes left before Meer comes home so I went upstairs to my room to take a quick shower.

I wore a simple blue butterfly gown and a white scarf, looking at myself in the mirror, I begin contemplating whether to tie the belt or just act as if It isn't part of the clothing.

I just left it lying on the mirror stool and checked my phone for any news from Hannah's place. There was none, I heaved a sigh of relief and dropped the phone, then I remembered Meer hasn't called or texted me since that morning, strange.

I didn't think much of it anyway I checked to see that there was still about twenty five minutes before Meer comes back.

Speaking about Meer coming back! He went to Lagos for a business trip and it's been a week! I miss him so much! He's the only guy to ever look at me with so much love, he's the best thing that ever happened to me, can't wait to see him smile at me again....




"I don't want to do this anymore, I divorce you!".

Those words brought me out of my trance, what happened to him? I quickly went out of my room through the stairs and down, there he was, he was staring at me with so much rage I didn't recognize the man in front of me, that definitely wasn't my Meer, he will never do that to me, he's never even called my full name in ages, he only calls me Hannah where necessary I don't even remember what my name sounds like coming from him.

I collected the piece of paper that he was wavering in my face and read the contents, my heart sank. I couldn't believe what my eyes were showing me, my heart was so heavy no word was willing to leave my lips.

He stormed out of the room leaving me utterly devastated.

The walls around me and ceiling above started coming for me, my feet couldn't hold my weight anymore I tried to be stable but my body gave me away, I was on the floor in no time, before I can register what was happening to me, I blacked out...…..