1 Caviar

"More wine?" the butler asked.

Taehyung shook his head. The wine might be high end and aged for fifty years, but he wasn't interested. The butler nodded subversively and moved down the table onto his stepbrother and then his stepsister. As usual the butler avoided meeting the eyes of anyone sitting at the table. His low ranked blood type prevented him from being able to make eye contact with anyone of the high ranking blood types at the table.

Type AB were the world's superior blood type and Taehyung was lucky enough to be part of it. Type A was a rung below that, Type B was even lower and Type O which was most of the population, was the worst thing to be.

Taehyung pushed away his mostly finished plate of gold dusted caviar which caught his stepfather's attention.

"How is school treating you?" he asked. "It's the best school for our class in the country. You're lucky we live in the capital."

Taehyung's mind briefly flashed back to his day at school. People with Type AB blood tended to be callous and think they were above everyone of a different blood type. This meant his school days were full of listening to other students boasting about their family's wealth and material possessions.

"It's going all right," was the neutral answer he settled for.

"That's not much of an answer," his stepmother commented. "You need to articulate your words better. We're not paying for you to go to an expensive school for nothing."

The desire to roll his eyes was almost too strong to bear. His stepmother wasn't exactly an articulated lady either. She had just been born with a fortunate blood type and had been matched with a very rich man.

"Yes mother," he replied with the appropriate tone. "I have lots of homework to do after dinner."

She flashed her pearlescent teeth in a tight smile.

"That's better."

Taehyung caught the sympathetic look his stepbrother sent him. They both knew their stepmother was a bitch.

None of the people around the table were actually related. All newborns were tested for their blood type at birth and put up for adoption to parents of the same blood type. Even if a baby was born with the same blood type as their parents, it didn't matter. The government didn't want any relations together. Apparently it was the fairest thing to do.

There was no danger of relations reproducing with each other as all couples were subject to DNA tests and everyone had to have their match chosen for them by a government algorithm.

Taehyung had been lucky enough to be born with the blood type that was considered superior to all the others.

The idea behind all the separation and control was to create a superior race that could live on better than the others. According to research Type AB blood led to a longer and more fruitful life.

The leader of the government and the person behind all the segregation was a man called Bang Si Hyuk.

He wasn't much to look at, but he was a highly charismatic public speaker and Taehyung could understand how his ideas had caught on. Bang Si Hyuk had been in power for the last 62 years and was still in perfect health and looked much younger than he really was which was supposedly because of his superior blood type.

Naturally there was resistance against all the separation and control. The three lower classes especially Type O did not appreciate being told they could only live in poor areas of the country and attend school until the age of 12. Type AB liked to be the most educated.

Most Type ABs went on to become professors, doctors, politicians and leaders. The ones that didn't just spent money buying designer goods and lazed around all day. Taehyung counted his step-mother in that category.

"Taehyung, your school report is due to be sent to me this week. I hope your grades are doing well," his stepfather said warningly. "I do want all three of you to get into university. The best paid jobs require a university education."

Taehyung's stepsister spoke for the first time since the meal had started. Taeyeon was very studious and rarely spoke so he always felt like he didn't really know her.

"Do I have to get into the SKY castle university?"

"Taeyeon, if any of you three can get into that university, it's going to be you," his stepfather assured her. "You're my best hope."

Families with the best educated children received monetary incentives from the government for encouraging high level education in their children. Taehyung ignored the jab at his intelligence and his step-brother didn't react either. They were both used to this behaviour. He was sure his adoptive parents didn't love him and were only raising him out of obligation to the government and for money.

The next three courses were served over the next hour and Taehyung felt uncomfortably full by the end of it. Sometimes he didn't enjoy feeling well fed on luxurious food when he knew most people in the country were much worse off.

He excused himself from the table and went to his bedroom where he saw the pile of homework waiting on his desk. It was all due for the next day so he knew he had to do it now or get in trouble the next day. It had been a long day and it wasn't even over for him yet. He did his best with his homework until 11pm. Then he acted like he was going to bed and brushed his teeth and turned his light off.

Instead of going to sleep and waking up for school the next day like a good Type AB, he waited until midnight and put his hoodie on. He crept noiselessly through the palatial apartment with a practised ease. He silenced the electronic lock on the front door and silently closed the door behind him. Then he walked down seven flights of stairs to exit the building. Although his stepparents were affluent, they weren't rich enough to have an actual house.

Only the super-rich Type ABs had actual houses. Type As lived in high rises with much smaller apartments, Type Bs lived in even smaller apartments in squalid buildings and Type Os lived wherever. Their area of the city was the darkest, mainly because all the lighting resources in the city went to the Type AB district.

Taehyung hailed a taxi at the end of his street and used a fake ID card to start the ride. Public transport was driven by artificial intelligence not humans and everything was observed by cameras. He kept his hood up and listed his destination at the club part of the district to camouflage his true destination.

The club area was right on the border between the Type AB and Type A districts of the city. The border was unpatrolled and was simply a line between the two areas. No Type AB would cross the line out of disgust and Type As were too scared to do it. Taehyung alighted from the taxi and walked across the border. The cameras nearby would be too distracted observing the club goers to notice a black figure in the darkness sneaking across.

The streets of the Type A district were deserted due to the curfew implemented at midnight. Taehyung kept to the dark side of the roads and stopped outside a high rise building. Jimin was waiting on the other side of the door and let him in and they walked up five flights of stairs together.

"You're late and you stink of caviar," was how he was greeted by someone else on the sixth floor.

Suga had never been his biggest fan and was still openly suspicious of him.

"Leave him alone," Jimin said defensively on his behalf.

Taehyung's personal opinion regarding Jimin's angelicness was greatly increased by that reaction. He grinned at Suga who gave him a sour glare.

"…Hurry up and get in," he said and unlocked the door of one of the apartments.

Taehyung lived in a fancy apartment that smelled of vanilla and had everything material that he desired, this one stunk a little of mouldy and cabbage and was uncomfortably cramped, but it more of a home to Taehyung.

It was mainly because his true family met there. They were made up different classes and were different ages, but they had a close bond. They had come together to fight the government and the class system.

Together they were the Bulletproof Boy Scouts.
