

The Human Race is faced with a dilemma after an unknown race attacks and abducts humans. With their intentions unknown, the humans fight dearly for their lives, even though they make little to no progress. While humanity struggles to survive, one particular characters gets chosen to become a walking weapon for the Alien Race, The Granians. Ace Underwood, who was one of the unlucky thousands that got abducted,wakes up to find himself inside a green tube. With no idea what's going on, he manages to escape only to learn of his new changed form. [Congratulations: Your DNA is a match with the Blood Mutant Gene.] [You must consume blood in order to survive.] Left to roam on the Earth, Ace must now survive from the Granians who wish to use him as biological weapon and learn to cope in a world of humans, and higher, intelligent life forms. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. ------------------

joshua_jt3 · แฟนตาซี
354 Chs






Ace hastily raced against the clock with a huge chunk of meat in his bruised, dirty hands. Luckily, the suit from the military base offered some form of protection to his body as he run through thick bushes, thistles, and thorns.

Sweat trickled down his worn out face as he run much faster with each second that past. In just five seconds, he ran away so fast that he couldn't see the beast he fought and killed earlier. His muscles ached ad trembled with each step but he tirelessly pressed on to get to her before it was too late.

In a few seconds, he saw the place he left her and he saw her boots sticking out of the small, makeshift tent he made. Ace quickly slid over to Sky, lifted her cold, almost lifeless body and held the meat to her face.

"Eat, Sky," He pleaded. "Please, wake up and eat." As he was still talking, a few droplets of the first creature's blood fell on her lips and dissolved inside her lips.

A quick gush of energy coursed through Sky's body as she pounced on Ace and ripped the meat from his hands. She chomped down on it like a hungry beast as she consumed huge chunks without even chewing.

Ace stood back in amazement and wondered where she got all that strength from but at the moment, he was just glad she was doing okay and not dead.

"You were really hungry, weren't you?" He smirked as he tried to get closer. However, he no longer heard sounds of a hungry person eating, but instead he heard snarls, gnarls and hisses coming from the girl. Ace slowly made his way closer and noticed how Sky' body started to change.

Her body grew larger as her front hands turned into claws. Fur grew on her exposed skin as her hair grew longer. Two small antlers grew on her forehead, making her resemble the moose-bear beast Ace killed first.

"Err…Sky," He spoke. "Are you…are you alright?"

Sky gulped down the last chunk of the meat, but it wasn't enough. She could feel her stomach shouting for more and soon, her instincts were overridden by her beastly powers. Sky's now sensitive, beastly nose picked up on the closest scent of fresh, living meat…Ace.

"Sky….why are you looking at me like that?" Ace slowly backed up while making sure not to take his eyes off the girl. Her eyes were now golden while her jaws grew bigger to make more room for her terrifically sharp, curved, long teeth. Right now, her body was more beast than it was human, and Ace feared that Sky was no longer in control.

"Sky…." He shouted. "SNAP OUT OF IT."


Sky growled as she pounced on Ace. The boy luckily dodged at the last moment as he quickly sprinted for the carcasses of the beasts he killed earlier. However, Ace's already weakened body slowed him down while Sky caught up with each second.

Out of disparity, Ace used some blood from his blood bank and made a long, crimson red staff which he used to whack Sky's legs so hard that she lost balance and fell to her face flat.

Even though the staff broke, Ace still kept on running until he reached the carcasses of the plant and the beast. He then quickly remembered his system telling him something about beast cores, so he rushed to the plant and pulled out a lime green glowing glass orb that pulsated with pure raw energy.

Upon touching it, Ace's hands slowly got covered with small, little green plants that nearly seemed alive.


Ace quickly turned his attention to where the growls came from, only to lock eyes with a hungry beast of a girl named Sky. Sky slowly came closer to Ace with her body lowered, her ears facing backwards and her eyes starring him dead in the face as she snarled. Ace carefully put the crystal behind his back with his other hand while he gently showed Sky that he wasn't her enemy.

"Sky, I do not know if you can hear me but if you can, you do not have eat me. Please.' He pleaded while carefully moving to the carcass of the first beast he killed. Sky's attention turned away from the Ace as she quickly pounced over him and chowed down on its large amount of flesh.

Ace stepped back a few feet as he watched Sky's body evolve again into the beast's physique. He sat down and watched, looking all fascinated and impressed while she ate like a hungry pig. After a few minutes passed, Sky's belly began to swell with all the meat she ate while she slowly turned back into her human form.

Once she gained all her consciousness back, she began looking around the dark forest and noticed all the loud sounds, roars, gnarls, snarls, chatters, chirps, whistles and all the other sounds coming from the creatures that inhabited forest. She looked at her palms and saw how they were covered in blood, making her wonder how she got there in the first place.

Whilst still looking at the blood on her body, her eyes caught a glimpse at Ace who slept by a tree a few inches away from her. She quickly run to him, knelt next to him while trying to wake him up.

"Do not worry about me, Sky." Ace said while opening his eyes with a gentle smile on his face. "I saw what you did and I think I've learned how we can go much further into improving your powers."

"Oh really," She asked while still trying to figure everything that happened in the last few moments. However, her memory could only remember one thing and that was Ace's blood powers he showed earlier.

"Wh…what about you, Ace?" She asked while sitting next to him. "I saw you do some things that I never thought you'd be able…"

"Not now, Sky," Ace coldly responded. "Let us catch some rest. We'll continue this in the morning."