


Running through the forest at great but cautious speeds, Ace Underwood, a human forcefully turned into a Blood Mutant, was currently battling within himself to turn back from what he was about to do. Not long ago, he and the other Blood Mutants were swept off their feet by a powerfully loud scream. Neither of them knew what or who caused the screams, and at first, neither of them wanted to stick around to find out.

However, Ace's Blood Mutant System surprised him with a daring quest. According to the system, he had the option of fighting the creatures known as The Screamers to obtain five Blood Points. Blood Points, according to his system, could be used to automatically move him from the Blood Mutant Rank to the Blood Bishop rank. The Granians once spoke about the Blood Bishops, and according to them, Blood Mutants at that rank had the ability to turn others into Blood Mutants as well.