
Chapter 7: Meeting

[Mausoleum west of the church underground]

In a underground room a giant dead Cyclops lay, along with two figures standing could be seen, the blue electric torchlights flickered. Blood was all over some of the walls, and on a few of the statues at the center of the room.

Trevor "that was a little anti-climatic" saying to himself.

Eileen "hmmm" already knowing there was another person here looked over to him.

The man moves further behind the Pilar, even knowing he had been seen.

Eileen "the beast didn't put up anything that could even be...well considered a fight" moving towards the center of the room.

The stone eye Cyclops now being dead, the statues of the speaker, that was once petrified in stone, a light shined across the ends of the now stone clothes and started to turn them back to Fabric slowly.

Eileen "come out Belmont, is this not why you came here" a feminine yet altered voice came out, rubbing her mask, walking around the speaker that was turning back from stone.

Trevor "fucking hell.....I knew it was useless"stepping out.

Eileen "..." stepping back as the speaker, finally came out, of her stone prison.

Trevor "now why would a death walker....or should I say a kainhurst hunter....be here of all places" circling around, hand on his short sword.

Trevor 'relaxed but no openings' thinking to himself.

While looking at the now free speaker, covered in the Cyclops blood.

The first thing she did was throw up, and freaking out about the blood all over her.

Sypha "*bllahh...what the hell happened?!" Wiping her mouth and looking at the blood on her cloak.

Trevor "oh grand daughter?" Looking her over.

Sypha "huh?..tell me how this happened?!" Giving a serious gaze.

Trevor "ask her" pointing to Eileen, she somehow failed to see.

Sypha "tell.....uhh? mersul morții?!..here why?" Backing away.

Trevor "so you know of them... strange your elder said only elders know of death walkers" Rubbing his chin.

Eileen "interesting name you gave us" looking at the two.

Sypha "my grandfather only told me that they were real and to hope i never meet one" still backing away.

As they see a flicker of weird light, small black Particles floating as a tall white haired women appeared, with the same mask but a simple black cloak that covered her neck and over her clothes.

Trevor " hell another one.." rubbing his forehead.

Sypha "we must go..." looking at Trevor.

Another flash and black particles, and a very tall mad stood, a strange hat like the other women, a ripped black cloak that had black loose fur, around the shoulder and neck and gold mask.

Kain "there is nothing to fear..." walking to the Cyclops.


Coming to the underground with Maria, I see the dead Cyclops and two of the main characters in this world.

"There is nothing to fear.." walking past them to the dead monster.

"Was it a Challenge?" Looking back at Eileen.

Eileen "no lord as you said" walking to me.

Lady Maria "master, what do we do with them" moving to me.

"Nothing, you are a speaker are you not". Looking at sypha.

Sypha "yes, you have yet to answer my question, why are you here in this place" in a slightly annoyed tone.

Hearing this Eileen moved towards her, and Trevor stepped forward.

"I had heard stories of this place, it is told by many" looking at Eileen, who stopped.

Trevor "this is nice and all but if you don't mind I'll be taking the girl" coming beside sypha.

Eileen "we have no interest in her Belmont" walking back to me.

Sypha "Belmont?! Taking me what for?" Looking at Trevor with a questioning look.

"Then take her and go that is not of our concern" turning around, my sword moved in a blur as blood sprayed, and the Cyclops eye fell into my hand.

Sypha "why are you here Belmont?!"

Trevor "your grandfather sent me to retrieve your body, turns out your alright, just a run in with a Cyclops" Rubbing the back of his head.

Sypha "I knew he would be concerned for me but the sleeping warrior is still down here" still dead set on her mission.

Trevor "it's a lie, just a story to lore people to this Cyclops, especially gullible speakers, let's go,your people are worried, the most you could do is put that old mans worries to rest" turning away.

Sypha "very well" following.

"There is a elder in this city, I would like to ask him some questions". Walking to them.

Sypha "you and your kind only bring death" stoping.

"I guess we are profession at such things" coming to her side.

Trevor "she's right, don't you have a job to do"

"You have no room to speak Belmont, being the last yet, you waste your mediocre talent, believing just because the church abandon your family you can act like a child" turning my head towards him.

Trevor "your words do nothing but annoy me, it was the church to exiled my family, I won't help them finish something they started!" Getting angry.

"Yet you do not raise your sword for the church but for these people, excuses no matter how you put it" turning to sypha.

Trevor "tch, let's go, leave the speakers at peace, I will not sit back...." before he could see anything, a blade was at his throat.

Eileen "what will you do?" Without any emotion in her voice.

Sypha "enough!, I'm sure my grandfather would like to ask you many things" trying to calm things do.

"Come" looking at Eileen, who comes to me.

Trevor "close, too close" rubbing his neck.

Maria "master they will be here soon" walking to me.

"I know and we will deal with it, as for now let's see about these speakers" walking to the entrance, as Maria/Eileen following.

Trevor "*sigh well come on" walking after them.

Walking through the city, the sun was setting and we moved so no one could see us, the city was no lively in this area, coming to the door of the speakers run down residence.

Following behind the two as Trevor opened the door, stepping to the side revealing sypha, running to her grandfather hugging him.

Elder "Thank you" as he hugged her.

Trevor "don't thank me yet" going to sit.

Elder "what do you mean?"

Sypha "yes grandfather we met..." looking up at him.

"A pleasure to meet you, elder as well as the other speakers" I walk in the door looking down at the speakers.

Arn "th...the...they are" stuttering.

Elder "I see, yes arn, mersul morții" taking a step back from me.

Other speakers "*gasp"

"There is no need too fear us" waving my hand.

Elder "what Is it that brings you here mersul morții" putting sypha behind him.

"*sigh enough of that, allow me to introduced myself, I am kain" nodding my head.

"Kain Aldrich....."
