
Blood Cries

19 year old, Silver Ride (This is about my Oc) who lives in Seattle, Washington, has been sexually abused most of her whole life. Starting from the age of 5 with sexual harassment from teachers which ultimately turned into rape at the age of 13. Shunned from her parents and almost everyone around her, she has to face that she is alone in life and can't trust anyone, especially guys. Her sister, Nikki (Nik), is her lifeline and person she leans towards. One day her life will turn for the worst, or the better, when she is saved from being raped once more by a mysterious boy. Will it end in suffering? Or will Silver find the happy ending she finally deserves?

Silver_Ride707 · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

Chapter 8: Hope

Silver's POV  

*timeskip to a few nights later* 

I was on the phone with Nik talking about my possible vacation back to Arizona. She was excited to see me again, but I was very hesitant because of my parents. I know Nik wants me to get along with them again, but I know she truly just wants me to move back to Arizona.  

"Come on Silv. You are there all by yourself all the time. Doesn't it get lonely?" Nik asked me with a worried tone to her voice. 

I was worried about telling her about Vole, but I decided to anyway. "I'm not completely alone Nik. I made a friend the other day." 

I heard her sigh and could hear the harshness in her voice at her next words. "Is it a guy? Please do not tell me you made friends with a guy." 

I sighed because I knew how protective she was of me. "Yes Nik. But he is different than all those other guys. He saved me from another incident at the store a few days ago. And he was so kind and considerate of me. I think this will work Nik." 

She took a moment to answer so I said, "Your mad at me, aren't you?" 

"A little bit. You know what I told you about not making friends with guys because they could end up like your ex. You promised me." I heard the worry and hurt in her voice. 

"I know your worried about me but I'm still an adult now. If I feel he can be my friend, then he will be. I am not gonna have anyone let alone my sister tell me I cannot make friends. I know you want me back home, but I am not a little kid anymore. I wanted my own life for a reason and that life is right here. I'll come visit but I'm not moving back." I was so angry with her it surprised me. I never got mad at her but this time I felt like a child again being told what I could or could not do. I am fucking 19 for God's sake! 

I felt her anger before I heard it in her voice, "Fine. But do not come crawling to me when he decides to hurt you. I am only trying to protect you. I must go now so good luck. Bye." She hung up on me without even letting me say bye back to her.  

I felt the tears fall before I even realized I was crying, and it took me a minute to process what happened. Me and Nik hardly fought but when we did it was hard. How could she not understand? I'm capable of making my own choices in life so why should she have to try to rule me? I sighed and crawled into bed to curl up into the covers. 

I laid there for a while in deep thought when I heard my phone go off. I looked at it and it was a text from Vole. It was a picture of a litter of kittens and there was a beautiful dark grey one that instantly caught my eye. "Awee" I said out loud. 

"Found a liter of kittens outside my house. Mother must have abandoned them because I haven't seen her around for hours." 

"What are you gonna do?" 

"Well I was thinking about taking them to you. Your all alone in that house and I remembered you told me you took care of kittens before." 

"Bring them over then." 

"I'll buy everything for you. Do you want me to bring them over right now?" 

"Sure, I don't think I can sleep tonight anyway." 

"Why not?" 

"Family issues." 

"We can talk about it when I get there. No ifs, ands, or buts. I know you need it." 

"Fine if you really think so." 

"I do. I'll be over in 10." 

"See you then." 

I got up and changed into shorts and an old t-shirt then headed to the living room to wait for him to show up. Ten minutes later, I heard the knocking at my door and got up to open it to a smiling Vole and the carrier full of kittens. I took the kittens from him and started making crooning noises and saying sweet things to them. Vole stood there smiling as I took them to the couch to inspect and play with them. 

"They are so cute." I said adoringly and looked up to Vole who was sitting next to me on the couch with a smile. 

"They are and I see you have your heart set on that grey one." He chuckled and played with a pure black one.  

"I do. When I was little, I had a cat that looked just like this little guy. His name was Churchy, and he passed away at 18 years old when I was 13. He was my best friend. We named him after the cat from Pet Cemetery." I was kissing and cuddling the grey baby. 

Vole smiled and put the kitten down to look at me. "So, what happened?" 

We spent 2 hours talking about Nik and my family. When I cried, he rubbed my back silently then held me when I went for a hug. "Your right you know? You are an adult and you can make your own choices. If she cannot agree with that then she is gonna have to get over it because she can't control you anymore. She may be 12 years older than you but that doesn't mean she understands the shit you have been through." He said to me as my crying calmed. 

"I know Vole, but I wish she could approve of you. You're my only friend that I have had in a long time and just because you're a guy she automatically hates you." I leaned back more into his arms feeling the warmth calm me.  

"You don't need anyone's approval anymore. You can do what you want now. And I know one thing is that a damn when promise I will not hurt you. If I do I give you full permission to beat my ass." He laughed a little. 

"You can count on that." I smiled and we stayed like with him holding me and me playing with the kittens till he said he needed to get home. 

"Can you sleep tonight?" He asked me as he went to leave. 

"I think I can now. Thank you, Vole." I smiled at him and leaned up to gently kiss his cheek. "I mean it, thank you." 

I saw a faint blush on his cheek, and he smiled at me. "Of course. You are my friend after all. I will be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on." 

After he left, I took the kittens in my room with me to put them to bed then I went to bed myself. I had one dream that night, of me and Vole becoming closer to something more. I must say that scares me but at the same time it is a bit intriguing. I did not wake up once that night and it was almost the best sleep I ever had. 

Bold is Vole's Messages

Silver_Ride707creators' thoughts