
Blood Cries

19 year old, Silver Ride (This is about my Oc) who lives in Seattle, Washington, has been sexually abused most of her whole life. Starting from the age of 5 with sexual harassment from teachers which ultimately turned into rape at the age of 13. Shunned from her parents and almost everyone around her, she has to face that she is alone in life and can't trust anyone, especially guys. Her sister, Nikki (Nik), is her lifeline and person she leans towards. One day her life will turn for the worst, or the better, when she is saved from being raped once more by a mysterious boy. Will it end in suffering? Or will Silver find the happy ending she finally deserves?

Silver_Ride707 · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

Chapter 2: Choice

I sat there in silence, thinking about how my life would end. I wouldn't do anything he asked so I knew death was the only option. I tried thinking of how long I would last in a fight.

I have a lot of fighting skills, but I didn't think I could beat a guy that is much taller and broader than I can handle. If it came down to a fight, I sure as hell will try. I'm not going down without a fight, no way in hell I'm just going to sit there and let myself die when I still may have a better future.

I continued planning which is something I'm good at. This was not my first rodeo with death, and I know it won't be my last. Strategic planning has always gotten me out of these situations, hence why I'm surprisingly still a virgin.

I knew my plan from the start. Get the guy to leave me alone long enough to get out of these chains. Since the guy was stupid enough to chain my hands together instead of apart, I easily had reach to the bobby-pin I had under my sleeve.

I pulled it out with skilled practice and easily undid the lock to the chains around my hands.

"Beat that Asshole" I thought to myself. "Who's the dumb bitch now?" I kept silently smiling to myself.

I undid the ones holding my legs and when I was free, I took the time to look around the room for something, anything, I could use in a fight. I luckily found a lead pipe that wasn't too heavy for me to lift. I undid the lock to the door and quietly snuck out to find the bastard.

I found him in an office with many computers. He was talking on the phone to who I'm guessing was a friend of his.

"Oh, I got her alright. She's not getting away from me." He said and laughed.

Then he laughed more at what his buddy was saying to him. "Oh damn. I wonder if she's still a virgin. I can't wait to leave her in ruins. So sweet. God Dude I'm getting hard just thinking about her."

I grit my teeth and controlled the anger pulsing through my body. I kept still and kept listening, waiting for him to get off the phone to strike.

"Hmm. Well dude I got to go. Some more stuff I got to do before a bang that chick." He got off the phone and started working on something on the computer in front of him, his back towards me.

I gathered up adrenaline and stealthy moved, so I was behind him. He didn't even notice so I slammed the lead pipe at his shoulder as hard as I could.

He yelled and whipped around. "You bitch! How the fuck did you get out?!" He yelled.

I smirked and dodged his failed attempt at lunging for me, I could tell he was in a lot of pain, so it made his movements slower.

"You underestimate me. This isn't my first time with this. And those locks on those chains were so weak by the way." I said smugly.

He lunged again just barely clipping a punch to my cheek as I dodged.

"Oh, you're going to get it now bitch." He growled as he missed me again.

"Oh, am I? I'm afraid you're still underestimating me." I dodged him again and slammed a punch to his stomach. He coughed and looked at me with death in his eyes.

"You're going to pay for that." He leered, trying to threaten me.

"Oh, I will. When I kill you." I said with an evil smile on my face.

His eyes went wide, but he swept my legs out from under me, so I landed on my back. He quickly got on me and held me down.

"There we go. What are you going to do now bitch?" He smirked.

"Oh this." I said and kneed him in the balls causing him to roll off me.

I grabbed a knife from his desk drawer and edged closer to him. His eyes widened with fear as I stepped closer.

"Please. I'll let you go. The key is behind the computer. Just don't kill me. Please I'm begging you" He begged pathetically.

I kneeled and held the knife to his throat. "Beg. Like you would have made me. Beg more. Your pathetic excuse of a human." I growled.

"He looked at me with fright. "Please. I'm sorry. Just don't kill me and go. I just wanted some fun. Life is hard when you can't have fun right?"

I smirked. "Like you'll have fun in hell." I cut his throat and walked away.

I decided to get a shower just to get the blood off. I called the police and said there was a suicide in the apartment. Then burned all the evidence of me killing him. Then I left and went back home. I locked the door and fell on my bed with a sad sigh.