
BLOOD CITY: Vampires' Dwelling

Claire was KCPD homicide detective at Kibich central precinct. She was engaged to Adams, a mythology professor at Kibich University. Their life together was perfect until one fateful morning. Detective Claire woke to a phone call that notified her of her father’s mysterious death. She called her mother; they had separated with the father, to let her know of the news. In the confusion of her father’s death, across the street from the scene, she saw a man watching. She went to confront him but he was long gone when she got there. Before she could go back to the crime scene, she received a call from her mother with a question of whether ‘Vivienda de Vampiros’ meant anything to her. Without a clue, her mother apologized to her and promised to let her know more about her family history, who she really was and, BLOOD CITY. Later, her mother explained to her that she was born in a vampire hunter’s family. She was meant to be a vampire hunter. From that moment on, her life took a much-unexpected turn to the worst. She took her time to study more about vampires. As she was busy hunting her father’s killer, she crossed paths with Daniel, a vampire that, against all odds was protecting her and her family. The unfolding of events led to her having feelings for the Vampire. This became a wedge between her and Adams. Later Adams was manipulated by Catherine in the name of love to get close to Claire but was finally turned which led to his death. Later, she was able to defeat and kill Thomas and Catherine with the help of her mother and Daniel. In the end, Claire and Daniel married and lived happily ever after.

Mutuma_J_Karuntimi · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter 5

Thomas was home at the lair. In his left hand was a glass of fresh blood. In the other hand, he held the T.V. remote. He was busy scanning from one channel to another. He seemed like one searching for something specific or, nothing at all. After several scans, he tossed the remote onto the couch across his position adjusting his sitting posture to a more comfortable one.

At that moment, Catherine was returning to the lair. Thomas stood from the couch and walked to the dining area. On the table was a number of blood bags. He quickly poured some in another glass and handed it to Catherine.

As he passed her the glass of blood, “honestly, I don’t get what these humans spend so much time watching. I have never found anything worth my time. I think we should sell the bloody…idiot box…that is what it is,” Thomas lamented.

Catherine looked angry with him, “what the hell is wrong with you! How many times do we have to talk about this?” she questioned Thomas as she took off her sunglasses.

Still handing her the glass of blood, “temper, temper, temper. I know how you can be when you are thirsty. Here… it is fresh and from a special breed.”

Catherine drew her fangs and blazed towards him, “who tells you what I need right now is human blood, uh,” she held him up and flung him to one end of the room. The two glasses of blood he was holding shattered into pieces as he hit the wall on his back.

By the time he put himself together, she flashed again to his position tossing him across the room again.

He drew his fangs as well and decided to fight back. As she came towards him again, he held and propelled her onto the ceiling. After several rounds, Thomas pinned her against the wall. He grabbed her coat and threw it to the floor. Next, he tore her dress apart leaving her with her inner wears.

Returning the favor, she turned him around onto the wall. She picked his clothes and tore them apart as well. At that moment, they were both in their inner wears. Both retracted their fangs and locked their lips and tongues together while intensely cuddling each other. Thomas picked her up and down onto the couch.

She picked his inner wears and tore them leaving him in the buff. She then flipped him down and did the same with hers. Soon, they were both enjoying each other’s warmth and having a very rough vampire-style copulation. After several minutes, they both lay on the living room carpet catching their breaths.

Catherine turned to face him, “I think I can use that glass of blood now… as you tell me what you were thinking. You could have been killed,” she whispered to him.

As he stood to get the blood, “Do you have to be this rough every time? Can’t you be like normal people,” he said as he walked to the dining table in the altogether.

She stood up as well, put on her long coat and picked a sheet on the couch. She walked towards Thomas as he came with two blood bags in his hands.

She placed the sheet around him to cover his nudity, “I am undead…we, are undead. Vampires can never be normal. You should have gotten used to it by now,” she said as she picked one blood bag. She walked around and sat on the couch.

Thomas followed her and sat next to her, “just accept you are impressed. I did us all a favor. We have waited long enough,” he explained as he squeezed the blood from the bag into his mouth.

As she drunk hers as well, “It was not yet time. We had talked about this. We agreed no doing things independently. That is how our sires ended up dead. Working alone without unity.”

“Tell that to Varcolac and honestly, I am tired of feeding on cold blood from a bag. Tell me you don’t miss digging fangs into the human neck and feeling the warmth as you drain them dry…tell me.”

“We have been searching for his location for years now. What makes you think we will find him now? The man you killed, did he have information about him?”

He crossed his legs together leaning backwards onto the couch, “no…that was for our sires and to spook them. We just need to watch and see who makes a mistake.”

She threw the empty blood bag on the table, “honestly, I do miss sucking warm blood. This is no way for a vampire to live.”

He stabbed his finger towards her, “see…that is what I was talking about. Now you are talking. It’s time these humans paid for what they did to us.”

“What about Daniel? Is he not going to be a problem for us?” she asked.

Shaking his head sideways, “veto…I do not think so. Since you wounded him the last time we fought, I have never seen or heard about him. He may be dead. After all, we are stronger. We just need to find Varcolac.”

“Not that I am negative but, what do you know about Varcolac that I don’t. The last time we tried looking for him, it was a dead end. What’s different this time?”

He stood up pointing a finger in a manner to suggest wait-a-minute and walked to the bookshelf. He picked one very old weird-looking book. Besides being old, it had a unique cover design on it. He brought it and handed to her.

On the covers, there was nothing written on it. It was just a funny looking maze. As usual, she tried to open for a pick inside. To her disappointment, the book could not open. Upon asking him why he thought a locked book would help them find Varcolac, he still picked another book from the shelf for her.

This time, this one had a name on it and it was not locked unlike the big ancient one. The book had ‘Lunar de sangre’ as the title, meaning ‘Blood moon’. He opened the last pages of the book. In one of the pages was a snapshot of the maze on the big book’s covers.

The following page was written ‘Varcolac y la lunar de sangre’ in huge bold numbers meaning ‘Varcolac and the Blood moon’. Too bad for them, the pages after this were torn off. Nothing they could get beyond the names and the maze.

She gave him a weird look, “what do you expect me to do with two useless old books?” she asked sarcastically.

He moved closer to her, “these are not old useless books and I don’t expect you to do anything with them. We just need to figure out how to open the big one from the information on the small one.”

She placed the small book on the table, “thank you for saying the obvious… which is nothing, once more.”

“You are thinking like a vampire.”

“Tell me where you got that blood again please. What am I supposed to think like…you or what?” she asked pointing at the blood bags on the table.

“A vampire hunter. Use this to connect the dots.” He said running his fingers through the torn pages of the small book.

She picked the small book again and looked closer, “I think I can use some more dose of that special blood,” she said stretching her hand to receive.

Thomas walked towards the table, “coming right away. Special breed, I told you,” he replied.