

There was a big fight between King Arthur and Agatha, which made his wife leave the kingdom of Aqua, along with the child in her womb. Not long after that hundreds of thousands of Shiners, tried to attack the Aqua Clan, blindly the entire population there without being left. King Arthur tried to stop the attack with all his might. However, that alone could not turn things around and instead, the Shiners Clan succeeded in occupying the entire Aqua kingdom. King Arthur and some of his loyal Servants, managed to escape to the Miracle Nation, in order to recover his seriously injured condition, and rebuild strength. Meanwhile on Earth, Alika Hester has grown into a beautiful teenager, liked by many men. At the age of eighteen, his existence on Earth had been known for a long time by the Shiners, who came from the planet Airraksa. A place that is far from Earth's area. They tried to kill Alika since she was seventeen years old to get Immortality, which was embedded in Alika's body. Evander Fire is one of the Clan Shiners, tasked with eliminating Alika. However, Blood managed to thwart each of these plans. Blood is a knight entrusted by King Arthur, to protect Alika and Agatha from the pursuit of the Shiners. Before Immortality is controlled by King Orion, then during that time Alika's life will continue to be in danger. Right at the age of eighteen, Alika felt her body possess a great power which, she could not control. Immortality had reached the peak of its power, leading to King Orion of the Shiners Clan ordering Evander to immediately kill Alika, seizing Immortality from the descendants of the Aqua Nation, just as they had previously planned. War between the Aqua Nation and the Shiners was no longer inevitable. Alika is unable to control the power of Immortality, this opportunity is used by the King of Orion to sneakily seize Immortality. However, the attempt was thwarted by Evander who was none other than his confidant. In the end, Evander was killed and made Blood angry. The two are known as Zeus and Venus, which makes Zeus (Blood) have to be injured, while reclaiming Immortality from the hands of King Orion. Alika's anger peaked. He couldn't see any more of his loved ones gone. Alika's great concern successfully activated Immortality. Immortality has chosen Alika as its new Master. The power generated was incredible, until finally King Orion was killed How's the full story?

Ariezs11 · ย้อนยุค
26 Chs

Chapter 3

"You lost, Arthur!"

Agatha no longer continued the fight. The sword that was drawn at Arthur's neck, instantly disappeared, along with the loss of the strength that had enveloped his body.

He turned around, stepped away from Arthur, "Wait!" Arthur called. He quickly got up and chased Agatha. However, before he could take his wife's hand, suddenly the orange light appeared again.

Agatha waved a hand, and at that moment an orange light swept over Arthur, hurling the man to the other side, hitting the wall and rolling on the floor.

"I already told you. From today onwards there is no longer any relationship between us! You, you, have no right to touch me!"

Arthur was silent for a moment, looking at Agatha from a distance, clutching his aching chest. He tried to get up, then walked even though he was limping.

The orange glow was still visible in the left hand and could attack Arthur at any time if Agatha wanted it. However, Arthur did not give up so easily. He tried hard to get closer to Agatha.

"I beg you, don't go. I know sorry can't get rid of your disappointment in me, but I beg you to stay in this Palace. The people of Aqua really need you. At least think about their fate if Orion comes to attack. Who will help them if the water forces came to attack because Agatha was going to leave him?"

Arthur pleaded, his steps were very heavy. The orange light that attacked his body caused some of his inner strength to be lost. Things that take a long time to recover.

"Right now my powers are not in prime condition. It will take time to recover. I only hope that you will stay in this Kingdom. You are their only hope. Should I beg at your feet, that you will forgive everything that happened earlier?"

Arthur fell at his wife's feet, Agatha hastily stepped back. "What are you doing? It's useless for you to kneel at my feet because honestly, I will never be able to forgive him. The decisions I made are irrevocable. I will not live under the same sky, with someone who intends to harm his own child. "

Agatha lowered her head. Her gazes with Arthur met each other, "I no longer have the confidence to stay here. Especially now that you know, you are more concerned with self-respect than happiness."

Agatha closed her words, then she turned around, back away from Arthur.

The man was silent for a few moments. Realizing that all this time he was not a good father or husband. Indeed, he was known as a just and wise King. However, just because of sheer selfishness, in the end he had to lose his wife and child.

Before Arthur could finally say sorry, at that moment a black light accompanied by a strong wind, suddenly came. Arthur closed his eyes because of the dust, which blew very difficult for his vision. Agatha was invisible as far as the eye could see, forcing Arthur to immediately get up and look for his wife's whereabouts.


Arthur shouted, making Agatha turn her head. He didn't say much. His smile had also completely disappeared.

The black light had a large hole in the center. It's called a 'Black Hole' which can suck everything in there.

Agatha deliberately made the Black Hole. Arthur had said before, that all over the Planet of Mercury had been installed Lunar Power Walls. Anyone who touches it and intends to get out of Planet Mercury, then Orion will know it. That's why Agatha made a Black Hole, so that Orion wouldn't know of her whereabouts.

Arthur kept on screaming. In fact it did not make Agatha turn around at all. The rarity is becoming more and more certain, no matter the gust of strong wind, as well as flying objects, one after another enter the Black Hole.

"Stop!" Arthur tried to run, but the Wind element he controlled was unstable, forcing him difficult to penetrate the strong gusts of wind created from the Black Hole.

Orion could have been swept in there if he hadn't used the power of Gravity, which keeps his body stable on the floor.

"You won't be able to catch up to me. Goodbye Arthur. I hope you can lead this Kingdom better. Until here our meeting, Arthur. Thank you for everything you have given me."

Agatha looked at Arthur for a long time from a distance, "I will go far away, to a place you will never know. In that new place I will take care of this child with great care."

Agatha stroked the belly that began to look distended. Arthur couldn't hold back his tears. If only her strength had not been lost, then she could have restrained Agatha from leaving. Now he was too weak to do that.

"If, you leave, then what about me who still needs you, as my supervisor? Then, what should I say if the Aqua people, ask where the queen is? What should I answer?"

Agatha did not immediately answer it. Pause for a few moments, while closing his eyes. Before finally he took a deep breath.

"From the beginning, you have started, Arthur. My heart has been very disappointed. I can no longer return to you. That is impossible for me to do Arthur. Believe me, I do not hate the Aqua people, the love for them will remain at any time."

He had stood right on the lips of the black hole, "There is no word I can say. Only a little hope, hopefully you can live happily. Goodbye, Arthur."

Agatha merged herself into there, after that the black hole disappeared, along with Agatha in it. Objects that were originally spin-rounded fell. Arthur also fell down. He spent too much energy, until his feet could no longer support his body.


He shouted at the sky. There was no cry, what appeared now was a regret that was very torturing him.

Arthur did not expect, starting with a casual conversation, then continued seriously and finally ended with regret.

Not long after, a man wearing a silver iron identity, with a spear in his right hand, came to Arthur.


He is one of the soldiers in the Kingdom of Aqua. Arthur raised his face, wiping his eyes that began to get wet.

"What is it?"

The soldier was silent, before finally starting to tell a story, "King Orion's troops have come, His Majesty. Their distance is only one kilometer from the main gate of the palace," he reported finished.

Arthur raised his eyebrows. At the same time he installed high vigilance. Instantly his body rose, puffed up his chest and shrugged his shoulders.

"Then immediately prepare the troops. Order elite soldiers to stand guard in front of the Palace's main gate, I will lead them directly!" said Arthur, with his tone that had been drained by inner energy.

The soldier nodded slowly, in a hurry he got up, then left Arthur and prepared, the troops as Arthur had ordered.