

There was a big fight between King Arthur and Agatha, which made his wife leave the kingdom of Aqua, along with the child in her womb. Not long after that hundreds of thousands of Shiners, tried to attack the Aqua Clan, blindly the entire population there without being left. King Arthur tried to stop the attack with all his might. However, that alone could not turn things around and instead, the Shiners Clan succeeded in occupying the entire Aqua kingdom. King Arthur and some of his loyal Servants, managed to escape to the Miracle Nation, in order to recover his seriously injured condition, and rebuild strength. Meanwhile on Earth, Alika Hester has grown into a beautiful teenager, liked by many men. At the age of eighteen, his existence on Earth had been known for a long time by the Shiners, who came from the planet Airraksa. A place that is far from Earth's area. They tried to kill Alika since she was seventeen years old to get Immortality, which was embedded in Alika's body. Evander Fire is one of the Clan Shiners, tasked with eliminating Alika. However, Blood managed to thwart each of these plans. Blood is a knight entrusted by King Arthur, to protect Alika and Agatha from the pursuit of the Shiners. Before Immortality is controlled by King Orion, then during that time Alika's life will continue to be in danger. Right at the age of eighteen, Alika felt her body possess a great power which, she could not control. Immortality had reached the peak of its power, leading to King Orion of the Shiners Clan ordering Evander to immediately kill Alika, seizing Immortality from the descendants of the Aqua Nation, just as they had previously planned. War between the Aqua Nation and the Shiners was no longer inevitable. Alika is unable to control the power of Immortality, this opportunity is used by the King of Orion to sneakily seize Immortality. However, the attempt was thwarted by Evander who was none other than his confidant. In the end, Evander was killed and made Blood angry. The two are known as Zeus and Venus, which makes Zeus (Blood) have to be injured, while reclaiming Immortality from the hands of King Orion. Alika's anger peaked. He couldn't see any more of his loved ones gone. Alika's great concern successfully activated Immortality. Immortality has chosen Alika as its new Master. The power generated was incredible, until finally King Orion was killed How's the full story?

Ariezs11 · ย้อนยุค
26 Chs

Chapter 26

When Agatha daydreamed like that. There was a man who was watching Agatha's daughter from a distance. He was looking closely at the very princess's face.


Whether it really was Agatha's daughter or not, he matched what he called princess and the picture on his cell phone. The man got the item while he was wandering in search of the very princess of the Miracle Kingdom.


Just relying on his strength alone, he would not be able to detect the whereabouts of the princess.


Because of the princess's elemental strength, which had reached the nirvana stage, only a few of the high-ranking commanders were able to detect the princess's presence easily.


He couldn't bear to see the princess sad like that, but he couldn't do much because His Majesty the King assigned himself to spy on the princess only.


Don't show yourself in front of the princess. Thus making the princess suspect that he is the messenger of the father, who is none other than the king of the Miracle Kingdom.


The princess's face was limp and there was puffiness in the area of ​​her eyes. Which proves that the princess had been crying before she came here.


He was still observing the condition of Princess Agatha from up there. Because only in this way, he could avoid this princess's detection radius.


Suddenly the pink flowers fell, began to fly down towards Princess Agatha, which made Agatha increase her vigilance. Because he knows that with the fall of the flower, it means that there is danger that is lurking at close range.


Without much more to say. Agatha who has known the existence of her enemy, she launched an attack that is "Root of darkness" to the enemy.


"Sret... Sret..." The enemy disappeared and dodged the roots heading towards him with lightning speed.


"It's great that Princess Agatha can find out where I am," said the young man who had been spying on Agatha who was dreaming.


"Who the hell are you? And why are you stalking me?" Agatha was nervous about talking to this mysterious man.


"Calm down, Princess Agatha, I won't harm you. I'm only here to take care of Princess Agatha," replied the mysterious man as he bowed his body respectfully in front of Agatha.


"I don't believe what you say. Don't try to approach me or you will die by your own hands," threatened Agatha to the mysterious man who was still saluting her.


"Don't come any closer," Agatha continued threateningly, increasing the aura within her.


"C-calm down... Calm-calm... Princess. I won't hurt you, Princess Agatha" stammered in speaking because a very terrifying aura had surrounded Agatha's entire body.


Suddenly all the winds that were passing around Agatha's body formed a shield to protect her and she also prepared an attack using the winds.


"Wow, Princess Agatha seriously wants to attack me. Even though I'm here because of His Majesty the King, he wants me to keep Princess Agatha away from Devan," thought the mysterious man on Princess Agatha's reaction like that.


"Wush… Wush… Wush…" A strong wind was blowing towards the mysterious man.


With the mysterious man's footsteps as light as cotton to dodge all the sword wind attacks that Princess Agatha had created.


"Are you sure you can attack me with a small attack like that?" sneered the mysterious man chuckled.


"Damn, he can dodge all the wind sword attacks like that. How strong is he really? Why can't my wind sword speed injure him at all?" muttered Agatha thinking about all the possibilities that would happen later.


"Huft... Luckily, Princess Agatha is in a weak state, if at her best. I'm not sure I can dodge all the wind blades that flew around like that," said the mysterious man breathing a sigh of relief after successfully dodging all the attacks launched by the Princess. Agatha.


At the same time


Devan heard Agatha's voice as he drove his sports car. Finally he followed the source of the voice which turned out to be Agatha's voice. She is being attacked by a mysterious man.


Even Devan had never seen this mysterious man before, but he felt something strange about the man. He felt that this mysterious man was hiding his true strength.


Devan thinks why this mysterious man actually attacked a princess from the Miracle Kingdom and here too there was a strange incident because there were no guards or commanders who approached to help Agatha who was attacked.


"Who are you really? Why do you always attack Agatha like this?" asked Devan surprised because he was confused by the power possessed by this mysterious man.


"At first I didn't want to attack Princess Agatha because I only had the task of guarding Princess Agatha from you, O Lord Devan," said the mysterious man frankly to Agatha and Devan.


"Father...!" shouted Agatha loudly. Because he knows who sent this mysterious man to protect him from Devan.


"I will never leave you, Agatha. Because I really love you and I can't be separated from you, Agatha," said Devan on his knees by taking Agatha's right hand to kiss the back of her hand.


"I will never let anyone separate us again like before, Agatha," he said loudly in front of the mysterious man.


"Wow... Wow... I want to see what your abilities are like? And how can you want to protect Princess Agatha," challenged the mysterious man.


"Don't be arrogant like that in front of Agatha, because you are not my opponent, O strange man," Devan taunted the man he called the strange man.


"Let's just try it. You? Or me? The strongest one here. And the one who will be in charge of guarding him from the attacks of Orion's troops," challenged the man again to Devan who was still beside Agatha.


Devan begins to show his true power which is a sword that has a reddish aura, which comes from the fire element.


The mysterious man who saw the reddish aura emanating from the sword held by Devan, just smiled. Because he already understands very well about the fire element which is the strongest element of this Devan.


The man finally took out a bow and arrows with a very dense and strong dark aura.


Just by feeling it, Devan got goosebumps, because he had never felt this much power at all.


He had only ever felt an aura of power this great in His Majesty the King of the Miracle Kingdom. No wonder he was used as a guard for Princess Agatha, it turned out that her strength was the same as the king.