
Blind Luna

When two faiths are sealed, they're bound to meet. Meet Autumn Mildred, daughter of the wealthiest politician in New York. But she is born blind and not the only child. Austin Newton the future Alpha of the Atlantas White Moon Pack and the mate of Autumn. If she finds out the only person who cares about her and the only one she feels safe around is a werewolf, will she accept him? And if Austin finds out his mate is blind from birth, will he accept her the way she is after begun close to her or will he reject her instantly?

Emmanuelle_Bojoh · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter - 1

Autumn's POV:

I walked downstairs with my stuck in my hands, I was blind.

Let's get you started with my story from the beginning

FAST FORWARD: Eighteen Years Ago.


That's was me crying when I was a baby, I thought I was alone.

All I could see was pitch black and all I wanted was to be with my mom. I felt at ease when I was dropped down into my mom's hands, you may ask how I known since I couldn't see?

I could smell people, and not just that the warmth and love emerging from my mom was enough to tell me that she was my mom. But I still didn't felt safe enough so I continued to cry more louder this time.

I felt alone, I thought they left me in darkness.

I was pronounced blind the moment my mom gave birth to me, I mean I couldn't understand why she was crying but I grew up to know.

Because of this I had special teachers and techniques they use to teach me and I also have three sisters.

I was the youngest and the eldest is called Winter. She had deep blue eyes that reminds me of the sea and sharp blonde hair.

The second to eldest is Summer who has light blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. And the third one is Spring, who has blueish green eyes like our dad but light blonde hair like our mom. And for me, am the last who has icy-blue eyes and white like blonde hair. We were all fair skinned.

People would go awe when they saw me and they would comment on my ice blue eyes and white like blonde hair, I could get anything I wanted with just a blink of this eyes.

My dad was the wealthiest politician in New York and we have everything we ever wanted.

Everyone enjoyed the colours they could see, the actions they could see. But all I see is darkness, endless and endless void of darkness and it scares me.

I was taken to the hospital and there they found out of my new phobias because of my blindness, I was scared of the dark, I was scared of being alone, I was scared of felling empty and I was scared I would die like this, alone.

Those were my phobias, while my sisters started normal private elite expensive schools I was given special teachers and techniques to read, write and learn.

I don't write instead when the teachers explain things they note it down in audio through my phone, and my maids would help me turn on those audios If I want to recite it.

It was tiring but I got used to it, at first when I was four and my mom broke the news of why I only see darkness I cried.

I cried more than anyone could ever cry and I felt alone, that was when I had all my phobias.

But I got used to it when I was five to six years old, I would always tell myself that I wasn't alone but that doesn't mean all my phobias just disappeared. I have the most supportive sisters anyone could ask for and the most loving mom, but as for my dad I couldn't tell how he felt about me.

He was always distant, not with my sisters though.

He would come home every day when I was three and would always hand my sisters precious gifts like a china doll or dresses or jewelries. Different things he won't give me, he would make up excuses like 'Am sorry darling, it was all gone when I arrived' or 'I thought you wouldn't like it. '

Like come on dude, I was three. What on earth would a three year old not like!? Except from adult stuff.

He was distant and I grew up to think he loved my sisters more, but there was something about me that was special.

Not my shiny ice eyes or my white like blonde, No. It was my IQ, I was the smarty pants of our house and my mom would always brag about me to her friends and I felt proud of for once.

I have an IQ of 160 when the doctors checked and my mom was astonished, she wouldn't stop giving my five year old brain equations to solve which I would get right all the time.

But despite this my sisters didn't feel hatred towards me, maybe because our dad already showered them with the necessary love they needed.

I was gifted even when I was blind, beautiful and smart.

Whenever the teachers would say something, I won't let them finish and I would answer the questions correctly. I even corrected a teacher who was wrong and mom was proud.

She decided she would enroll me into a gifted child school who also do special teachings for the special students, but I have to wait till I was old enough.

I was also five when our old neighbor who would always gosh over me and always say her son would marry me packed away from their house.

But her son Josh hated me, he thought that I took his mom away from him and nevertheless he didn't want to be married with a blind girl.

The new neighbors packed in the house the next two crazy weeks and were unpacking to settle down.

My mom made her famous fudge cookies and decided she would give it to them as a welcome gift and wanted all of us to join her.

I didn't want to go but she said I could hold on to her if I don't want to hold on to my stick and when we get back she would give me some fudge cookies.

I had to accept it, it was so great deal.

When we arrived I heard footsteps, but too bad I couldn't see.

Then Winter said "It seems they have three kids mom. " and my mom said she knows.

It turns out the neighbors have three kids, one being a boy having brown hair, brown eyes and olive skin like Winter said and the other two being twins also being boys who had both brown hair, dull brown eyes and tanned skin like Summer also said.

"Winter do you know who's the first born? " I asked tugging her jeans, she wasn't far away from mom's side so I could feel her even if I couldn't see.

Winter was only four years older than me, she was nine years old. Summer was seven and Spring was six.

"It seems like the one who doesn't have a twin. " she replied.

I heard soft footsteps coming our way.

"Good morning, we saw you all pack in here and we decided to bring gifts and help. " my mom said.

"Good morning, am Mrs Smith and thank you for the fudge cookies am sure my boys would love them. " Umm, she is a sweet soul. "You guys should come greet the neighbors! " she added maybe telling her kids to come say hello.

"Am Mrs Mildred. " my mom replied.

Winter hold my hands and whispered to my ears "Don't open your eyes, you know how they would immediately fall in love with it and won't let you rest. " she was right I closed my eyes not really knowing what the use was since I couldn't see.

"Good morning Mrs Mildred. " it sounds like two voices talking at once, it must be the twins.

I wish I could we them.

"Good morning, this is Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn. " my mom said.

"Why is Autumn not opening her eyes? "

the lady asked needing down to my level as I can feel her breath close to my face.

"Autumn dear, open your eyes. " my mom said.

I hesitated because I don't know these people but I opened my eyes and she gasped.

"Those are the most prettiest eyes I've ever seen. " here we go again. "Thanks." was the only the that I could mouth.

"I think the oldest is also four years older than you, he smiled when he heard your voice. " What is she saying!? "Can she see me? " she added.

"No sadly she was born blind but she has a great IQ of 160." my mom said.

"Wow that's good, but she's blind. " Mrs Smith added.

"Yes, I was planning to send her to gifted school for kids when she's 13." My mom said.


"Oh, where are my manners? come on in. " Mrs Smith said.

Winter hold my hands and walked with me gently into the house where she sat me down on one of the couch close to her.

I could differentiate my sisters and people I know with my incredible smell, since I can't see my smell increased.

Winter scented like her usual cupcakes and sugar, Summer scented like daisies my favourite flowers (maybe that's why she's my favorite sister?) and chocolate. Spring scented like chocolate and grapes, she loves grapes and my mom scented like brownies and sweet frosting.

My first story on web novel, please tell me your thoughts, and please check my other stories on Wattpad, user name 'Georgia_Tales.'

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