

I saw the humans continue on with thier slaughter and i just told tor to follow me and sneak back to the town quietly and we managed to avoid getting noticed when we got back to the town we slammed the gate behind us and locked it tor didn't go up in the watchtower by my orders and stood there peeking through a small gap in the wall sword in hand i myself was in the workshop trying to calm my nerves

after about an hour of shaping stone to add studs to my bone club i drilled the holes and glued them in with pine tar the studs made my club so much heavier and so much more deadly if those humans wanted a war than a war they would get tor was sharpening his sword with a smooth stone he had found it seems my son has caught on to what is about to happen well i guess i couldn't hide it from him forever so i may as well talk to him

"hey son what's wrong"

"dad i don't know what those monsters are but you were scared of them"

"oh was it that obvious that your old man was worried"

"yeah when you saw those weird monsters killing everything they could see"

"well im not going to let them kill us if it comes to it and i die i want you to run and hide do you understand me son"


"Don't raise your voice at me son i just don't want the only one i care about in this world to die because of me"

"Ok dad i love you"

"I love you too tor"

After that sombre exchange the mood had darkened significantly and we both sat in silence tor was still sharpening his sword and i was making stone tipped spears for me to throw from a second watch tower we are going to build on the other side of the gate later today after that we started to build the tower once it was done i climbed up and set up two racks of the stone tipped spears and as a last ditch set of weapons i put a bag of fist sized stones just in case i needed them

while i was in the watch tower loking out to the horizon i saw them the warband of humans i was scared but im not anymore i watched them for a while they just ran around killing monsters they even looked at our town a few times before walking to the gate and pounding on it before they yelled for us to open the gate and face our doom i didn't understand they knew we were intellegent otherwise why talk to us at all so as a warning shot i threw a spear right at thier feet

that for some reason scared them and they ran away shouting about how they'll be back i guessed they must be some rich people who take pleasure in killing things until they fight back it was strange they felt weak but if they are than why do i feel such a deep feeling of dread and then it hit me

They were just the scouts

They were only a scout group for a larger group of humans we needed to be ready for them when they came back i went down to my workshop and started to build things like a ballista to fire the spars from my tower i spent all my biomass to make more bullets a total of four more sets and i also made a ballista slingshot hybrid for bellators tower so he could sling the boulders at a longer range

I had done all the prep work but i wasn't sure it was enough to keep us safe but it would have to work or we'd die and i wouldn't let that happen i am going to keep us safe from those humans of i will die trying

it wasn't long till the humans were back and the amount of them had doubled and the ones here now were wearing heavier armour and had warhammers and battle axes they knew what they were doing as none of them had a peircing weapon i didn't wait for them to et closeenough to attack the gate before tor and i opened fire with out ballistae i speared a man upfront in crimson red armour straight through the chest killing him instantly he was level 46 too it got me up to level 6 tors shot tore throuh the middle of the crowd and ripped them apart killing a few and wounding many others

the humans were freaked out but still determined to break into our stronghold to kill us how mistaken they are straining against the draw cranks i pull the string back into place and load another spear i take aim at an ox of a woman larger than bellator and with a battle axe in each hand i take a shot at her chest aiming for her heart

*THUNK* a spear flies like a bat out of hell straight through the woman and sticking out of the ground i then heard the voice in my head

[You have slain a human raging berserker level 42]

[You have leveled up to level 10 at this point you may evolve and become stronger]

Wow they really brought out the big guns for this fight but they aren't strong enough to withstand even one bolt tor has just been rapid firing the ballista i gave him he's strong enough to just grab the string and yank it back to reload i have to use the built in crank speaking of witch i draw the string back load a spear and sence no other notable targets are around i just aim at a random peon and fire ripping a hole through his chest and killing him instantly not only did i kill him i also ripped the guy behind him's leg off
