
Transition (1)

Inside a sleek and white room that only had a transparent glass pod in the center, a sound suddenly rang out.

Beep! Beep!

[Transmigrator No. 886 has returned, preparing transfer...]


[Transfer successfully completed.]

The cover on the glass pod whooshed open, revealing a sleeping girl inside it. She was wearing a sleek headgear that perfectly wrapped around her oval-shaped face, following the gentle curve of her chin. There were various electrode pads on her body, regulating her EEG and ECG. Slowly, the girl's eyes opened and she blinked.

Song Jia put a hand on her mouth and yawned. Stretching her arms wide while sitting up, she smilingly said, "I'm back~"

Song Jia peeled the pads from her skin and removed the headgear, which slightly tousled her short brown hair. She looked like a kitten that had gotten a good nap, her eyes curved in satisfaction.

She lightly hopped out of the transmigration pod, examining her body and patting it down in search for anything missing. As this was her first transmigration, it was easy for anything to go wrong during the soul transfer process. Thankfully, everything seemed to have worked out fine.

"I, me, my, mine, myself." Song Jia repeated these words to herself, trying to banish the term 'qie' from her mind. Having gotten used to referring herself in the third person for almost a year, she had to make sure she could speak normally after being back to the modern world. "I, me, my, mine, myself."

Song Jia walked towards the exit, and held still as a red laser beam scanned her whole body. Not a second later, the door slid open and greeted her in a monotone female voice.

"Welcome back, Transmigrator No. 886. Congratulations on returning from your mission safely."

Song Jia puckered her forehead. Even until now, she could not accept that she had been given such a lousy cryptonym. Why did she have to be No. 886? Every time she heard it, she would feel like they were personally telling her to go away [1].

"Transmigrator 886, you are told to proceed to the head's office. Estimated time of his waiting has been twenty-six minutes, ten seconds, and fifty-eight milliseconds. Reply 'yes' to confirm."

"Yes." Song Jia waved her hand impatiently. She had forgotten how demanding her boss was. "Tell him I'll be there in a sec."

"Voice recorded and sent. Transmigrator 886, the message has been successfully delivered. Countdown of one second will commence in three, two..."

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Song Jia slapped a hand on her forehead. This was not Ruolan or Minglan that she was ordering, who could understand what she meant without being direct about it. This was an AI, and a low-level one at that. If she did not explain, it would interpret her words by its literal meaning.

Sometimes, Song Jia thought, the modern world was a very annoying place to live in.

"Retract my previous ETA. I'll go there now."

As Song Jia towards the head's office, she heard laughter and voices coming from a nearby room in the hallway. Curious, she peeked inside and saw other senior transmigrators chatting with each other.

"Hey, 886!" One of the women waved her over.

They were all wearing the standard uniform for transmigrators, a black full bodysuit that made it easier for them to perform astral projection.

Tugging her fringe over her face to cover her embarrassment of being called by a stupid nickname, Song Jia threw her boss' orders to the back of her mind as she went inside the room.

The girls gathered around her, firing questions one after another.

"How was your first transmigration?"

"I bet it was very fun~"

"250, your leering face looks stupid. No wonder that's your code number, hahaha!"

"Is the male savior in that world very handsome?"

The oldest transmigrator there shook her head at their teasing.

"Hush, can't you see that the poor girl is feeling overwhelmed?"

She reached out and warmly held Song Jia's hand. "It's your first time transmigrating, so don't worry if you have a hard time with your mission."

Wanting to appear humble, Song Jia meekly said, "I think I did an okay job."

Aside from killing the original host, Song Jia felt that everything had been a solid success. She was confident that Zhao Cheng and Bai Mei Lien would live happily ever after, taking care of their child and governing the world she left behind.

"Ugh, now you just reminded me of my first mission. If you think that transmigrating to an ancient era was hard enough, wait until you transmigrate into an ancient era with a cultivation setting!"

Another transmigrator nodded her head fervently. "And we always have to occupy useless hosts for the mission. If it's not the good-for-nothing fourth miss, it would be the useless seventh miss of a noble household!"

"Crippled, unable to cultivate, mentally retarded, or ugly!"

"Engaged to a lusty crown prince!"

"Heartless father!"

Song Jia listened to them venting out their frustration, feeling lucky that she didn't experience any of it. Prime Minister Li loved his daughter very much, and Li Jia had slightly above average stats. Song Jia was not a godly doctor, so if Li Jia had some horrible disease, she would be unable to cure it.

"Hey, that's not the worst case scenario! The worst case scenario for a transmigrator is if she transmigrates to an ancient world with fairytale-like story!"

"Ahhh...now that you mention it..."

"Do you remember what happened to Transmigrator 555? Her mission was to break apart Cinderella and her prince because she was going to bring disaster to the whole kingdom, but when 555 succeeded in her mission to break the two of them apart, Cinderella ordered the rats to rip apart and eat 555!"

[1] A Chinese internet slang. 886 roughly translates to bā bā liù (爸爸六) which sounds close to the english words 'bye bye le', with the le being a Chinese grammar particle. So 886 basically means 'bye-bye then!' in English.
